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The American Kennel Club



--  Purebreds and Mixed Breeds Spring into Agility Action  --

Spring is always an exciting time for AKC Companion Events, especially Agility. Since its inception, Agility has been AKC’s fastest growing dog sport. It continued its growth in 2009 with 2,292 events (up 6.7 percent over 2008), 870,603 entries (up 3.8 percent over 2008) and saw 699 Master Agility Champion (MACH) titles earned. That’s a lot of dogs and owners having fun!

In late March, many of these MACH dogs ran at the AKC National Agility Championship, sponsored by LubriSyn, which returned to Tulsa, Oklahoma. The event was a rousing success, awarding eleven national titles to the fastest, fittest dogs in the country. In addition to the traditional titles awarded in the six jump heights ranging from 8" to 26," we also awarded five national titles in the Preferred height classes for the first time. The Preferred classes permit dogs to jump at a lower height and allow them more time to complete the course than in regular agility competition.

AKC Senior Agility Field Representative Carrie DeYoung posted real-time results live from Tulsa on the AKC’s Facebook page ( throughout the weekend, allowing people who couldn’t attend the National Agility Championship to stay on top of the action. The postings were enthusiastically received by our AKC Agility fans who cheered on and congratulated their favorites via the internet.

Another exciting development impacting Agility took place just a few days ago with the inclusion of AKC Canine Partners
SM ( enrollees in AKC companion events. On Easter weekend, 29 clubs across the country held 75 events with more than 500 mixed breed entries in AKC Rally®, Obedience and Agility. From New Jersey to California five mixed-breed dogs earned their AKC titles over the weekend and we look forward to many more over the coming months, with more than 2,000 clubs opening their companion events to mixed-breed dogs.

Congratulations go out to all the National Agility Championship winners and exhibitors as well as the new AKC title holders with mixed-breed dogs. The feedback from exhibitors, clubs and field reps following the inaugural weekend has been tremendously positive.

Every dog owner can now enjoy the thrill of Agility competition, whether with an AKC-registered purebred or an AKC Canine Partners enrollee. Agility is not only fun but helps owners bond with their dogs – which we all know creates well socialized, engaged, and happy pets. Bonds forged through competitive training also enhance adopted dogs’ chances of staying with their new families. We believe that "Lots More Dog Fun" ( is right around the corner for millions of dog lovers! Please join us.  


Ron Menaker




AKC Board Of Directors Meeting Feb. 11 -12, 2010, Highlights and Comments
AKC no longer furnishes "highlights" but we thought it was a good idea so we present the following:

  • There was an Executive Session regarding AKC staff compensation which included Representatives of Mercer, AKC’s consulting firm.  The appropriateness of AKC's compensation plan was reaffirmed, as well as the overall salary guidelines for 2010.  For more information see which also provides an Insider link to the Executive Salaries.

  • Eliminate Board Term Limits EXECUTIVE SECRETARY’S REPORT The Board reviewed and discussed a proposal from the Delegate Bylaws Committee, to amend Article VII, Section 1 of the Bylaws to eliminate Board term limits. This matter will be considered further at the April 2010 meeting.  Minds are mixed over this issue, some observe that until the delegates vote the club's wishes, it really doesn't matter.

  • FSS GUIDELINES After a motion by Mrs. Schaefer, seconded by Dr. Battaglia, it was VOTED unanimously to amend the Foundation Stock Service Guidelines to lower the number of dogs required for Miscellaneous Class status. Effective immediately, a minimum of 150—200 dogs with complete three-generation pedigrees may be eligible to move to the Miscellaneous Class and advancement to full registration contingent on growth in FSS and participation in AKC events.  This rubs clubs the wrong way who have worked so hard to build numbers whereas other groups with really rare breeds (some so rare no one is sure of country of origin) are rejoicing.

  • Stays of Suspension Following a motion by Dr. Davies, seconded by Mrs. Schaefer, it was VOTED (unanimously; absent Dr. Haines) to add the following statement to the second paragraph under the heading SUSPENSION in SECTION X, and to the first paragraph under the heading STAY in SECTION 11, “The Event Committee shall only have the authority to grant a stay if the Event Committee recommends that the mitigated penalty of a reprimand be imposed.”  Is this the result of criticism alleging special treatment of some people?

  • Bergamasco: The Board VOTED to advance the Bergamasco to the Miscellaneous Class eff. Jan 1, 2011.

  • Entlebucher Mountain Dog: The Board VOTED to accept the Entlebucher Mountain Dog into the Stud Book effective Dec 1, 2010. The breed will be eligible to compete in the Herding Group beginning Jan 1, 2011.

  • Norwegian Lundehund: The Board VOTED to accept the Norwegian Lundehund into the AKC Stud Book on Dec 1, 2010. The breed will be eligible to compete in the Non-Sporting Group beginning Jan 1, 2011.

  • Xoloitzcuintli: The Board VOTED to accept Xoloitzcuintli into the AKC Stud Book on Dec 1, 2010. The breed will be eligible to compete in the Non-Sporting Group beginning Jan 1, 2011.

  • Service-Related Revenue Opportunities:  Staff presented a report on new opportunities to provide services to external organizations. This could include things such as recording titles or maintaining a registry.  The proposal clears the way for several $million per year income from the new "China Kennel Club" which has advertised (Dog News) and lobbied AKC so successfully.

  • Deceased Judges (Secretary's Page - Apr 2010):  Mrs. Mona S. Kucker Berkowitz - Mr. Gilbert S. Kahn


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