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American Kennel Club Executive Sessions

The American Kennel Club

EXECUTIVE SESSIONS as listed in the AKC Board Minutes and Secretary's Page - Compiled by TheDogPress Staff

Nothing to Report - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - December 12, 2012 - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION with nothing reported out at this time.


Nothing to Report - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - OCTOBER 22, 2012 - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION with nothing reported out at this time.  OCTOBER 23, 2012

  • The Board unanimously agreed to pursue the hiring of Daryl G. Hendricks as the new Chief Operating Officer, based on the retirement of John Lyons, on January 4, 2013

  • There is to be a Special Board Meeting on Monday, January 7, 2013 to discuss Registration as well as new and alternative revenue.

  • After a thorough discussion, there was a motion by Dr. Garvin, seconded by Mr. Amen, and it was VOTED (unanimously) that in 2014, the AKC Board will begin investigating the best response to the property leases expiring in 2018 and 2020, and the advisability of office consolidation.

Personnel Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - JULY 9, 2012 - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss Personnel matters. Nothing was reported out of Executive Session.


Sensitive Business Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - May 7 - 8, 2012

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss sensitive business matters. Nothing was reported out of Executive Session.


Sensitive Business Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - April 9 -10, 2012

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss sensitive business matters. Nothing was reported out of Executive Session.


Personnel Matters & Protocol - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - OCTOBER 10, 2011 - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss Personnel matters and and the protocol for Board discussion.


Personnel Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - AUGUST 8, 2011 - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss Personnel matters.


Legal Issues & Personnel Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - JULY 12, 2011 - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss legal and Personnel matters.


Personnel Matters & Discipline - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - MAY 9, 2011

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss personnel matters and discipline.


Sensitive Business Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - April 11-12, 2011

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss sensitive business matters on the 11th and to discuss disciplinary matters on the 12th. Per Secretary's Page May 2011; upon return to regular session, it was reported that the following Executive officers were elected: Dennis B. Sprung President and  Chief Executive Officer John J. Lyons Chief Operating Officer James T. Stevens Chief Financial Officer James P. Crowley Executive Secretary


Judging Approval - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - January 10, 2011 - There was an Executive Session to discuss judging approval.


Explanation of Executive Session - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - October 18 -19, 2010.  There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss those instances where the Board discussed sensitive business matters, personnel issues, and certain legal or disciplinary matters, it went into Executive Session.


Sensitive Business Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - August 9 -10, 2010

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss sensitive business matters. Nothing was reported
out of Executive Session.


Disciplinary Matters - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss disciplinary matters.


Sensitive Business Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - July 12 -13, 2010

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss sensitive business matters. Nothing was reported
out of Executive Session.


Possible Event-Related Disciplinary Action - There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss possible event-related disciplinary action. Nothing was reported out of Executive Session.


Sensitive Business Matters - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - May 10 -11, 2010

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss sensitive business matters. Nothing was reported
out of Executive Session.


Executive Officers Re-Elected - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - April 12 -13, 2010

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss personnel matters. It was reported that the Executive Officers were re-elected: Dennis B. Sprung, President & Chief Executive Officer; John J. Lyons, Chief Operating Officer; James T. Stevens, Chief Financial Officer; James P. Crowley, Executive Secretary


AKC Staff Compensation - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - February 11 -12, 2010

There was an Executive Session regarding AKC staff compensation. Mr. Stevens, CFO, and Mrs. Rees, AVP, Human Resources, were present for this portion of the meeting. Representatives of Mercer, AKC’s compensation consulting firm, gave their annual report to the Board. They reviewed their annual survey of salary market data, with an emphasis on not-for-profit companies. They reaffirmed the appropriateness of the AKC compensation plan in place, as well as the overall salary guidelines for 2010, which they found in line with not-for-profit companies of similar size and scope, and competitive while still on the conservative side.


2010 annual budget - AKC BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - NOVEMBER 9 -10, 2009

The 2010 Budget - The Board reviewed and discussed the 2010 annual budget. There was an Executive Session during the review, with nothing reported out of that session. Following a motion by Mr. Kalter, seconded by Dr. Davies, it was VOTED (unanimously) to approve the 2010 budget, with the exception of the annual grant to the AKC Canine Health Foundation. That grant was to be considered later in the meeting.


IRS Form 990 - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - OCTOBER 19 -20, 2009

EXECUTIVE SESSION - There was an Executive Session to discuss the new IRS Form 990 reporting rules for not-for-profit corporations. Representatives of KPMG, AKC’s auditors, were present for this session.


Orange Empire KC - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - AUGUST 10 -11, 2009

EXECUTIVE SECRETARY’S REPORT - David Roberts and Mari-Beth O’Neill, AKC Staff, participated in this portion of the meeting via video conference. Proposed Amendment to Article X, a New Section 17 There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss the Orange Empire Kennel Club proposal amendment. The Board then returned to regular session.


Personnel Matters - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - APRIL 13 -14, 2009

There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss personnel matters. It was reported that the Executive Officers were re-elected: Dennis B. Sprung President and Chief Executive Officer John J. Lyons Chief Operating Officer James T. Stevens Chief Financial Officer James P. Crowley Executive Secretary


The Chairman has appointed the following Board Committees and Delegate Committee Liaisons for 2009-2010 .There are four Standing Board Committees as indicated. The Chair and Vice Chair are ex-officio members of all Board Committees. In the case of Delegate Committees, two Directors have been assigned as liaisons to each. This is to facilitate coverage in case of absence and with overlapping committee meetings.

BOARD COMMITTEES APPEALS: Nina Schaefer, Chair Dr. William R. Newman Lee Arnold AUDIT Dr. Robert D. Smith, Chair Dr. Patricia H. Haines Alan Kalter

PENSION: Kenneth A. Marden, Chair Dr. Carmen Battaglia Carl C. Ashby III

COMPENSATION: Ronald H. Menaker, Chair Dr. Thomas M. Davies, Vice Chair Kenneth A. Marden


Coordinating- Dr. Thomas Davies and Dennis B. Sprung

Delegate Advocacy and Advancement - Alan Kalter and Dr. Robert D. Smith

All-Breed Clubs - Patti L. Strand and Carl C. Ashby III

Bylaws- Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia and Nina Schaefer

Canine Health- Dr. William R. Newman and Lee Arnold

Dog Show Rules- Walter F. Goodman and Dr. Robert D. Smith

Field Trial and Hunting Tests- Kenneth A. Marden and Patricia H. Haines

Herding, Earthdog, and Coursing Events - Kenneth A. Marden and Dr. Carmen L. Battaglia

Obedience, Tracking, and Agility- Dr. William Newman and Carl C. Ashby III

Parent Clubs- Dr. Patricia H. Haines and Alan Kalter

The AKC Board Chairman and Vice Chairman are ex-officio members of all Board Committees There was an EXECUTIVE SESSION to discuss disciplinary matters with nothing reported out at the meeting.


Compensation Committee - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - FEBRUARY 6, 2009

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT - There was an Executive Session to discuss a business matter. It was reported out of this session that the Board unanimously reaffirmed the process currently in place concerning the Compensation Committee.


Business Matter - BOARD OF DIRECTORS Executive Session - JANUARY 12-13, 2009

CHAIRMAN’S REPORT - There was an Executive Session to discuss a business matter. Nothing was reported out of this session.




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