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(Editor's Note) Just as we elect House and Senate representatives to uphold our democratic system, AKC Member Clubs elect a Delegate to represent the members. Therefore, we must track how AKC Delegates serve the best interests of purebred dogs. Many are coerced into serving the monetary interests of AKC, therefore dog breeders worry that the AKC Constitution, Charter, and Bylaws are being compromised.

Most people are paying attention to how the Senate and Congress works and whether or not they really represent the people. Concerns are expressed on both sides of the aisle as to disregard for the U.S. Constitution and as a result, the world-wide standing, credit, and power of the United States. While that may seem a little distant for many, the standing and health of the American Kennel Club is NOT because how (and if) we are represented affects every person who shows or breeds dogs.

Important changes are often decided behind closed doors and it often appears that the AKC Board is ruled by Staff instead of the other way around. The American Kennel Club has implemented more new Rules and Policies in the last decade than in the previous 20 to 30 years combined. Most such changes affect every person who breeds or shows a dog.

We elect delegates to represent the will of their club's members. We must be sure they are given opportunity to vote on changes that affect the RULES under which dog shows are conducted.

The Senior Conformation Judges Assoc. (SCJA) is the oldest judge's group in America. It was formed to look out for AKC judges but in so doing, the founders, second generation all breed judge Melbourne Downing and Multi-Group judge Lt. Colonel Wallace Pede, are also looking out for the sport.

So take a minute to read the SCJA letter to the
AKC Board candidates and understand what it at stake in our doggy world. Ask that your Member Club instruct your Delegate and hold him/her accountable to vote on behalf of the club members, the future of the purebred dog, and the continued strength of the American Kennel Club.

AKC Board must comply to all Charter, Constitution & Bylaws

AKC Board must comply with all the provisions of AKC's Charter, Constitution and Bylaws (ARTICLE IX). With all the changes being made and contemplated, we included an additional major question this year; namely, we asked each nominee if they agreed that ARTICLE XIX of AKC's Charter, Constitution and Bylaws entitled "RULES" stipulates clearly that AKC Board of Directors cannot make a rule governing dog shows and field trials and the clubs and associations formed to conduct them.

Senior Conformation Judges Association, Inc.

Wallace H. Pedé Chief Executive Officer
7200 Tanager St., Springfield, VA 22150
(703) 451-5656 Fax (703) 451-5979

December 30th, 2009


Subject: Provisions of ARTICLE IX and ARTICLE XIX of AKC Charter, Constitution and Bylaws

Dear :

As you recall, you have on a previous occasion or occasions, signed off on the enclosed letter (a copy enclosed for your ease of reference) indicating as a potential AKC Board member, you were duty bound in accordance with ARTICLE IX of AKC’s own Charter, Constitution and Bylaws to comply with all other provisions of AKC’s Charter, Constitution and Bylaws. That being the case, we quote,


The Delegates to the AKC shall have sole power to make the rules governing dog shows and field trials and the clubs or associations formed to conduct them."

In view of the clarity and brevity of ARTICLE XIX above, does the AKC Board of Directors have the authority to make or change a "RULE" on their own without a vote and approval of the Delegate body?

In view of the upcoming elections, and the simplicity of the above question, we respectfully request your answer as soon as possible but no later than January 10th, 2010. To facilitate your reply, simply give us your answer below, sign and return in the self-addressed stamped envelope enclosed. We appreciate your cooperation in this important matter.


Wallace H. Pedé

Chief Executive Officer


Please initial either "NO" or "Yes" and sign below: "NO" ________ or "YES"_______

You may add any comments on other side or on additional sheet of paper.

Signature _________________________  Date ___________________________

Dedicated to serving for the good of all associated with the dog world

This letter was sent to:

Steven Gladstone

Pat Scully

Charles Garvin

Bill Newman

Carmen Battaglia

*NOTE*  Dr. Carmen Battaglia, Dr. Charles Garvin, Steven Gladstone and Patricia Scully have agreed to the fact that the AKC Board cannot make a "RULE" affecting dog shows without the approval of the AKC Delegate body. As of this date, we have not heard from 2010 AKC Board nominee Dr. William Newman.

Handy links: __________________________


SCJA Cites AKC Charter/Bylaws re Delegate Duties June 2006 - Delegates have "sole power" to make the Rules! 
Senior Conf. Judges Assoc. Letter to the AKC Board April 2006 - Individual Rights or AKC's Right to Change The Rules
AKC Conflict Of Interest Policy May 2006 - The Policy That Launched A Rebellion
Senior Conf. Judges Assoc. Letter To Members - No Judges' Associations Were Contacted, SCJA Reacts, Seeks Input
Conflict Policy Prohibits Learning New Breeds May 2006 - Where Are Judges To Learn About Plott Hounds and Icelandic Dogs?


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