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Guest Column    

by  Doris Shields 12/05



Maybe it's time TheDogPress did an expose on professional Dog Politics? The following attachments include 2 posts from the Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada's Yahoo board & they are pretty straight forward.


(Editor's note: contact Ms. Shields directly for those posts) The posts deal with the fact of a person (or a couple really) who have been living off the fat of the dog enthusiasts for years. This person is now involved with DLCC, (Dog Legislation Council of Canada) which is an anti-BSL group. As you can see from the ACDCC Yahoo posts, this pair has financially & physically wrecked 4 dog clubs + rescues in the past. (Ditto information from the CKC hearing transcripts)

I have been approached several times to join this group (DLCC) & have replied that I will not have anything to do with them as long as Bev Lewis & her hubby continue to be a part of their organization, especially in regards to fundraising. (Once burned, twice shy!) I will post the DLCC reply below, but....

You have to ask yourself, ?Why would a group continue to defend this person??

She has been kicked out of the Canadian Kennel Club twice; if you count the appeal she lost and is now in court on another matter. (I suspect the Aus. Cattle Dog Club may be trying to recover either their club funds, or court costs, or both.)

The reply from DLCC is that This Particular court case will decide her fate with them. Why? The CKC case found her behavior less than sterling twice.  In the past, we could assume that dog organizations were operating in a vacuum about her. Not now. This was all published in Dogs in Canada, May 2005. What evidence/impact will this court decision have that the CKC decisions didn't?

They also state that she is no longer involved in their fundraising & has not been since the decision by CKC late last winter. Wrong on both counts.

She was soliciting admission for 'Herding Instincts Testing' well after that date & for fundraising for the court challenge to the Ontario Bill 132 which makes BSL legal. I and countless other have received tons of unwanted solicitations for that and various other fundraising projects from her.  Lately, it's been for a $350/per plate Ball scheduled for March 2006 in Toronto. (Only(!) $650.00 for a couple.) If that flies, I'm waiting for a squadron of Pot Bellied Pigs to buzz the Ontario Legislature.

(Re: The All Breed Herding Instincts Testing... Does anybody care that their Rotti, Mini-Poodle, or St. Bernard can herd Ducks!? More to the point, why would they care? I'd be happy if any of these dogs could still do the jobs that they were supposed to be bred for. Is it possible that Dog People are the dumbest group of people on the planet?)

Here is DLCC's reply if we need further proof:
You can state that Ms. Lewis has made full disclosure of her current situation. Conflicts with organizations outside of the DLCC are judged on an individual basis and considering her endless efforts (which in no way involve monies) she has given freely of her time and efforts to fight on the behalf of all dog owners.

DLCC Executive Board
Another comment from a DLCC member was as follows:

"I suppose that I will wait to see how the situation is resolved in a court of law. Should Ms. Lewis be unable to clear her name in court, then I am sure she will be asked to resign from the DLCC as a member. I understand that she voluntarily resigned from the executive as well as a member, but was asked to come back as a member due to her unwavering fight against BSL.

Which I must applaud.

I don't think there is anything I can add at this time. I am sure that the results of the lawsuit will be made public in some way."


If she made full disclosure, she either made it several months after the fact, or they debated for several months after the fact to take her off the exec. When they say 'her current situation', do they mean that the CKC rulings against her meant nothing? Or that they were told about this a very short time ago?

Unwavering fight against BSL- Her timing is uncanny! Just at the time she & hubby became persona non grata with Akitas, they became Aus Cattle Dog enthusiasts/owners. And no sooner was she in deep doo-doo with them; she became an unselfish champion against BSL. -?????

If there is anything or anybody that should be applauded in this situation at all, it's the fact of The Australian Cattle Dog Club of Canada going to bat for other breed clubs & rescues. Not only are they a 'Real Dog Club' in that the members communicate with each other & find this kind of problem, but they cared enough about other dog clubs to take things a step farther to the CKC level.

Those other 4 dog clubs could have done that -but they/we didn't!  We did not communicate & act as dog clubs should. When we found out there was a problem, we did nothing about it. We were still being taken in by suspicion & mis-information about each other. We just let things slide that should not have been allowed to do so!!

I am writing this with the risk of being labeled anything from 'An Old Poop' who doesn't appreciate a nice day of Duck Herding with a Dandie Dinmot, to a Pro BSL person who is playing into the bloody hands of the Ontario Liberal Government. Not so. I have written my share of letters to MPP's, The Premier, & the 'Papers. I've made calls, stood out in the snow waving a sign, driven for 2 hours to get to anti-BSL demos BUT -

I'd like to say, "Enough is Enough!" I guess groups like DLCC cannot appreciate what ACDCC tried to do for Them? They have never appreciated why they have so few( if any) Akita & Australian Cattle Dog owners in their Org., nor do they seem to care. What I have said here does not change the fact of Ontario Bill 132, & DOLA being completely contrary to the Canadian Federal Bill -The Charter of Rights & Freedoms, & common sense.


After some extensive checking with past & present Aus. Cattle Dog execs, they can find no individual member who is taking Bev Lewis to court, nor is the Club or Rescue at present although all are giving it serious consideration in future. I have also checked with former Akita Alumni members. Several people have contemplated legal action over club property not returned to original owners after the official dissolving of Akita Alumni by the CKC but these actions are on hold until the property can be located. TRIO Kennel Club may be taking Tom Lewis (Tom Lewis Web Design) to court over the stats & photos of all their past dog shows that he removed & took possession of when he removed their web site, but again that is pending but is a persistent rumor from a TRIO KC members.  So at this time, nobody has any idea who has Bev in court. !!!!

Doris Shields


See letters from DLCC and editorial comments re same - DLCC RESPONSE TO Dog Politics