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Rescue Raids Or Seizure Racket?


The FIRST thing you must do if animal control or rescue groups show up, plus examples of illegal animal seizures and dog breeder resources.


March 20, 2023 update

Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief


The first thing when you open the door is to step out outside and close the door behind you so that animal control or police officers can't SEE anything they can report as needing to be immediately checked on.



The second thing is politely, with due respect, ask to see a warrant. If a search warrant is not promptly produced, do not allow anyone to peek in windows or in any other way peruse your property. No warrant, no looking.


What if 'animal control' insists on doing a "welfare check"? If you have a smart phone, start recording as you politely ask them to leave. Yes, you have the legal right to video, voice record or make written notes of anything they do or say. If they have no warrant or provable probable cause, their only recourse is to leave to prevent you from recording their actions.


If police, animal control, or "animal rescue" people fail to leave promptly, do not engage in any further conversation other than to politely ask to see their I.D. which you will photo-copy or make written note of their name and affiliation.


This was first published in 2012 because confiscation of purebred pets and saleable livestock was discovered be extremely profitable. reports on warrantless raids and animal seizures flew through the dog community and diminished such illegal actions for a few years but in late 2022 so-called "animal rescue" was reported on the rise again.


U.S. law enforcement is too busy dealing with an out-of-control crime rate to worry about "rescue raids" but a flurry of new illegal animal seizures have been reported and we were asked to re-run this information.


We are deeply thankful for local groups that love and protect animals. We hereby grant permission to share this first-response legal defense with friends or on social media. copy including the https:// which stands for 'Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure'.


Background information you may find helpful. The ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals), founded in 1866 has no affiliation with local groups. Be aware that any rescue group or individual may become a "SPCA."


ABC News 20/20 investigated and validated claims that some SPCA groups falsely accused people of animal neglect, then confiscated their animals and sold them. In one case they took two show horses valued at $12,000.


In SPCA Steals Animals reporter John Stossell said “I thought they were heroic animal rescuers, but some animal owners say they act like petty tyrants, confiscating animals that aren't in trouble. The SPCAs are not police agencies, but they are given the authority to act like it. Animal owners tell us SPCAs abuse their power to steal people's animals.


Stossell is right, impoundment can be a lucrative business and it was "rediscovered" in 2022. Animal owners are billed for boarding and veterinary care even if the confiscated animals are adopted (read that as sold) or destroyed. Dogs that appear as purebred or "cute and cuddly" are at especially high risk.


Be proactive! Let other animal owners, especially purebred dog breeders, know about the risk of "animal rescue." And be aware that good legal advice can be difficult because attorneys know that local judges usually side with Animal Control and lawyers don't like to lose.


According to a 20/20 broadcast, many loving dog owners had their lives destroyed by thugs who care more about fines and impoundment fees than about animals. ABC News reported that many states have passed laws wherein once a Justice of the Peace approves one of the CA's confiscations, an owner can't do anything about it.


The result in 2023 is that many judges view owner-plaintiffs as “hoarders” or “bad breeders.” EST 2002 © Oct. 2012-1710180420112301


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ii SEARCH & SEIZURE: 4th Amendment Case Law  ~  Animal Enterprise Terrorism



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