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AKC'S "PRIME" For Pet Shops

(Puppy Registration & Inventory Management Extranet)

 * first published for Insider Subscribers Jan. 2010


AKC's software program developed for point-of-sale full Puppy Registration and Inventory Management system for pet shops.



I. About PRIME



I. Managing the Inventory

A. Changing the Inventory Display

B. Viewing and Printing a Puppy Registration Form

C. Returning a Puppy

D. Searching for a Puppy

E. Viewing Puppy Information

F. Editing/Selling a Puppy


ADDING A DOG TO THE STORE.........................................4

I. Adding a Dog

A. Adding the Puppy to the Inventory

B. Adding the Puppy to Inventory and Transferring the Puppy


SELLING PUPPIES...........................................................5

I. Selling a Puppy


Puppy Registration & Inventory Management Extranet (PRIME)

Copyright © 2009 American Kennel Club All rights reserved.

Page 2



I. About PRIME

The PRIME application is designed to add puppies to your inventory, view puppy information, view store information, and sell and return puppies.


The home page displays quick links to the main features and a left navigation panel with all the features to which you have access.


Staff is granted a user name and password and their permissions are based on the dogs available at that location; however, certain authorized personal may have access to multiple stores, as shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3.


If a user needs help with the system, please email



 Figure 1. The Home Page


Figure 2. The Choose A Store Page

Figure 2. The Choose A Store Page



 Figure 3. The Choose Store Option Is Available



Puppy Registration & Inventory Management Extranet (PRIME)

Copyright © 2009 American Kennel Club All rights reserved.

Page 3



I. Managing the Inventory

The inventory enables you to view information about current and past puppies. The inventory page allows you to:

  • Change the view/display/sort of the current puppy inventory.

  • View and print puppy forms.

  • Return a puppy.

  • Search for a puppy.

  • View puppy information.

  • Edit and/or Sell a puppy.

A. Changing the Inventory Display

The display of the inventory enables you to narrow down the number of puppies you view on the page by the puppy status.


NOTE: Click on the column headers to change the ascending or descending order of the column.


The status definitions include:

  • Staged: AKC puppy information saved into PRIME; Puppy not sold.

  • Sold, No Registration: Puppy sold without AKC registration package.

  • Sold, Wait, Pend Name: Puppy sold with in-store AKC registration package, registration waiting on 21-day hold period, pended for dog unnamed.

  • Sold, Wait: Puppy sold with in-store AKC registration package, registration waiting on 21-day hold period.

  • Sold, Pend Name: Puppy sold, 21-day hold period is complete, pended for dog unnamed.

  • Returned: Puppy returned. All scenarios.

  • Registered: Puppy sold. The 21-day hold period is complete and the customer provided all necessary info to AKC, no pendings.

NOTE: Once a display has been changed, the system “remembers” the display even when you go to other pages in the application.


To change the puppy display:


1. Click Manage Inventory, which displays the current puppy view.


2. Click the Display down-arrow and then click a view type, as shown in Figure 4.


NOTE: The default is Entire Inventory; however, when you go to sell a puppy the default is Staged.



Figure 4. The New Display Selection


B. Viewing and Printing a Puppy Registration Form

After a puppy has been sold, you can view/print the puppy form, which provides information about the puppy.


If AKC registration is purchased at the store, customers will receive a Registration Completion Form to complete dog name and ownership information. Both versions of the Registration Completion Form (1 – In-store AKC Registration Package; 2 – In-store AKC Plus Registration Package) include the standard language that appears on AKC dog registration applications, including litter information, puppy’s registration information, and a signature line for the customer to complete. The Registration Completion Form will lack only the puppy’s name, owner’s name, owner’s contact information and owner’s signature. The Registration Completion Forms may be completed online or submitted via mail.


If the AKC registration is not purchased at the time of sale, the customer will receive a Simplified AKC Dog Registration Application for a flat registration rate of $29.95. The simplified AKC Dog Registration Application includes the standard language that appears on AKC dog registration applications, litter information, puppy’s registration information, and a signature line for the customer. The simplified AKC Dog Registration Application may be submitted online or via mail. Customers who decline the registration at the time of sale do not have the option to purchase the Plus or Basic Registration package at a later time.


After a sale is complete, the system shows the puppy in the inventory as a pending registration. This means that the transfer is complete and the Puppy is pending the AKC registration by the customer. All AKC registrations coming from PRIME are subject to a 21-day wait period. Statuses will define the state of the registration both before and after a customer has completed the registration process.


NOTE: The PRIME staff can only see and reprint AKC forms for PRIME dogs sold (pending registrations, sold w/o reg, or pending regs).


To view/print the puppy form:


1. Click Manage Inventory, which displays the current puppy view.


2. Click the checkbox under Select next to the puppy whose form you wish to print.


3. Click the Actions down-arrow and then click View/Print Form.


4. Click the Go button, which displays a PDF with information about the puppy and the PIN needed to name the puppy.


C. Returning a Puppy

Once a puppy has been sold, they have 21 days to return the puppy.


The AKC registration system bases the 21 day hold period on the Date Received, which is the date the transaction is completed in the PRIME inventory web application. Returning a puppy in the database helps maintain accurate records on AKC registration database. Once a puppy’s status is returned, it can be resold to a new customer.


To return a puppy:


1. Click Manage Inventory, which displays the current puppy view.


2. Click the checkbox under Select next to the puppy that you wish to return.


3. Click the Actions down-arrow and then click Return Puppy.


4. Click the Go button, which displays a message box asking for confirmation that you wish to return a puppy.


5. Click the OK button, which says the puppy was successfully returned, as shown in Figure 5.



Figure 5. The Puppy Was Returned


D. Searching for a Puppy

To search for a puppy you will need the puppies store or registration number.


To search for a puppy:

1. Click Manage Inventory, which displays the current puppy view.


2. Click in the Puppy Identifier text box and then type a number.


3. Click the Go button, which displays the requested puppy.


E. Viewing Puppy Information

The information for a puppy can be viewed for those puppies that are in a sold/pend/wait status.


To view the puppy information:

1. Click Manage Inventory, which displays the current puppy view.


2. Click the View hyperlink next to a puppy, which displays the Puppy Information form.


3. Click View to view the owner information.


F. Editing/Selling a Puppy

To sell a puppy using manage inventory, click Manage Inventory in the left navigation and then go to Step 2 of the Selling the Puppy section.


To edit a puppy:

1. Click Manage Inventory in the left navigation.


2. Click the Display down-arrow and then click Entire Inventory. TIP: You can also click Staged or Returned to view puppies to which you can make edits.


3. Click the Sell/Edit link next to the puppy to which you wish to make edits.


4. Change the desired information, and then click the Add/Update Inventory button, which saves the changes.



Puppy Registration & Inventory Management Extranet (PRIME)

Copyright © 2009 American Kennel Club All rights reserved.

Page 4



I. Adding a Dog

A puppy must be added to the store’s inventory before the dog’s information can be viewed and before the dog can be sold.


Dogs can also be added to the general inventory by the AKC based on the AKC’s assessment of the dog’s pedigree. The store will fax pedigrees for non-AKC dogs to the AKC and the AKC staff determines if the dog is eligible for AKC registration within two business days. Eligible dogs are automatically uploaded to the inventory.


Before a puppy can be added to the store’s inventory, you must know:


Puppy Whelp Date – The date on which the puppy was born. The date must be entered in the mm/dd/yyyy form.

Dam Registration Number – The number the dam was given when it was registered with the AKC.

Puppy Registration Number – The number the puppy was given when it was registered with the AKC.


If a puppy has already been added by another store, an error message displays asking for confirmation that you entered the correct information. If the information entered is correct, you can continue to add it to your store and it will be removed from the store to which it was already added.


While you are adding a dog, you can just add the puppy to the inventory (go to the Adding the Puppy to the Inventory section) or you can add the puppy to the inventory and then transfer the puppy (go to the Adding the Puppy to Inventory and Transferring the Puppy section).


A. Adding the Puppy to the Inventory


You must add the dog to the inventory web application using the provided AKC registration paperwork. After the dog has been added to the system, it can be transferred to a new owner.


To add a puppy:


1. Type the date in the Puppy Whelp Date text box. NOTE: You can also click the calendar icon and select the date on which the puppy was whelped.


2. Click in the Dam Registration Number text box and then type the number.


3. Click in the Puppy Registration Number and then type the number, as shown in Figure 6.


4. Click the Continue button, which displays the Puppy Information page.


5. Optional Step: Click the down-arrows and then select the Sex, Color, and/or Markings. NOTE: If you do not select a sex and color you will not be able to transfer the puppy. This information will be required to transfer the puppy.


6. Optional Step: Click in the text boxes and then type the Microchip Number and/or the Store’s Puppy Number.


7. Click the Add/Update Inventory button, which says the puppy was successfully saved and enables the transfer puppy button. (See the Selling the Puppy section Step 5.)


Figure 6. The Add Puppy Page

Figure 6. The Add Puppy Page


B. Adding the Puppy to Inventory and Transferring the Puppy

A puppy can be added to the inventory and then transferred or both actions can be performed at once. When you transfer a puppy you need to know:

  • Puppy’s sex – If there are only two puppies in the litter (one male/one female) and you enter a sex that is incorrect, an error message appears.

  • Puppy’s color

  • Puppy Owner – The information for the owner must be entered before a transfer can be completed.

There are three main transfer options:

  • Transfer Puppy with AKC Registration – Transfer the puppy and pay for the AKC registration in store. The puppy will need to be named (they can mail in form or login to AKC website and name puppy.)

  • Transfer Puppy with the AKC Plus Registration – Transfer the puppy and pay for the AKC registration in store. The puppy will need to be named (they can mail in form or login to AKC website and name puppy.)

  • Transfer Puppy without Registration – Puppy needs to be registered at another point.

To add and transfer the puppy:


1. Type the date in the Puppy Whelp Date text box. NOTE: You can also click the calendar icon and select the date on which the puppy was whelped.


2. Click in the Dam Registration Number text box and then type the number.


3. Click in the Puppy Registration Number and then type the number, as shown in Figure 6.


4. Click the Continue button, which displays the Puppy Information page.


5. Click the down-arrows and then select the Sex, Color, and/or Markings. NOTE: If you do not select a sex and color you will not be able to transfer the puppy. This information will be required to transfer the puppy.


6. Optional Step: Click in the text boxes and then type the Microchip Number and/or the Store’s Puppy Number.


7. Click the Add/Update Inventory and Transfer Puppy button, which displays the Complete the Puppy Transfer below the Puppy Information Form.


8. Optional Step: Click the Add New Owner button, type the contact information, as shown in Figure 7, and then click the Add Owner Contact Information button, which displays the owner under puppy owner. NOTE: The information on the owner form can be modified by clicking the Edit button, deleted by clicking the Remove button, or if there are multiple owners, the owner type can be changed by clicking Set Primary, as shown in Figure 8.

NOTE: If the owners are a couple, please add them as separate owners.


9. Click one of the What Am I doing with this puppy? options.


10. Verify the Date of Transfer is correct.


11. Click the Complete the Transfer button, which displays the Sale Complete page and the status of the puppy and the registration form can be viewed and printed on the Manage Inventory page, as described in the Viewing and Printing a Puppy Registration Form section. TIP: They have 21 days to return the puppy. To return a puppy, go to the Returning a Puppy section.


Figure 7. The Owner Information Form

Figure 7. The Owner Information Form


Figure 8. The Ability to Change Owner Information

Figure 8. The Ability to Change Owner Information



Puppy Registration & Inventory Management Extranet (PRIME)

Copyright © 2009 American Kennel Club All rights reserved.

Page 5



I. Selling a Puppy

A puppy can be sold three different ways in the application, using Add/Update/Transfer (see the Adding the Puppy to Inventory and Transferring the Puppy section), using Manage Inventory/Sell Puppy, or using the Sell a Puppy hyperlink.


When you sell a puppy you may need to know:


Puppy’s sex – If there are only two puppies in the litter (one male/one female) and you enter a sex that is incorrect, an error message appears.

Puppy’s color

Puppy Owner – The information for the owner must be entered before a transfer can be completed.


If the information was entered at the time the puppy was added to the inventory it may not be needed.


There are three registration transfer options (as shown in Figure 10):

  • Transfer Puppy with AKC Registration – Transfer the puppy and pay for the AKC registration in store. The puppy will need to be named (they can mail in form or login to AKC website and name puppy.)

  • Transfer Puppy with the AKC Plus Registration – Transfer the puppy and pay for the AKC registration in store. The puppy will need to be named (they can mail in form or login to AKC website and name puppy.)

  • Transfer Puppy without Registration – Puppy needs to be registered at another point.

A. Selling the Puppy

To sell a puppy:


1. Click the Sell a Puppy hyperlink in the left navigation pane, which displays the Mange Inventory page with the Staged display (which means puppies that are available to be sold), as shown in Figure 9.


2. Click the Sell/Edit link next to the puppy you wish to sell, which displays the Puppy Information Form.


3. Click the down-arrows and then select the Sex and Color, and/or Markings. NOTE: If you do not select a sex and color you will not be able to transfer the puppy. This information will be required to transfer the puppy.


4. Optional Step: Click in the text boxes and then type the Microchip Number and/or the Store’s Puppy Number.


5. Click the Transfer Puppy button, which displays the Complete the Puppy Transfer below the Puppy Information Form.


6. Optional Step: Click the Add New Owner button, type the contact information, as shown in Figure 7, and then click the Add Owner Contact Information button, which displays the owner under puppy owner.

NOTE: The information on the owner form can be modified by clicking the Edit button, deleted by clicking the Remove button, or if there are multiple owners, the owner type can be changed by clicking Set Primary, as shown in Figure 8.


WARNING: Sometimes when you add a new owner it removes your Inventory Update information (sex, color, markings), please double-check that information is selected before moving to the next step. If it has been removed, please select the information again and then proceed to step 7.


7. Click one of the What Am I doing with this puppy? options, as shown in Figure 10.


8. Verify the Date of Transfer is correct.


9. Click the Complete the Transfer button, which displays the Sale Complete page and the status of the puppy and the registration form can be viewed and printed on the Manage Inventory page, as described in the Viewing and Printing a Puppy Registration Form section. TIP: They have 21 days to return the puppy. To return a puppy, go to the Returning a Puppy section.


Figure 9. The Staged Display of Puppies to Sell

Figure 9. The Staged Display of Puppies to Sell


Figure 10. The What Am I Doing With Puppy Options

Figure 10. The What Am I Doing With Puppy Options



Puppy Registration & Inventory Management Extranet (PRIME)

Copyright © 2009 American Kennel Club All rights reserved. EST 2002 © Jan 2001 rev17031804



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