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AKC Pushes Puppy Mill Contract


I've been told that the Board approved this contract by a vote of 12 to 1. What is needed is the name of the single, solitary Board Member who did not vote in favor of this new AKC deal.


May 21, 2014 | TheDogPress Club News

AKC Judge (Insider) name withheld


The rest of the Board should be shunned... the one great thing we learned from the Amish... how to shun. Turn your back -- don't acknowledge that the persons exist.... don't speak their names.


The entire structure of  the American Kennel Club organization needs to be torn apart now and reconstructed. I realize that this is a wildly impractical idea... but this is the organization that oversees everything we do in dogs. They register our animals, they approve the shows and the judges, they make the rules we must play by but it's beginning to be a bit too much like the fox in the henhouse, because it has become increasingly clear that the AKC doesn't care about us, or about the dogs.


The AKC is all about money... ethics be damned except as it pleases the AKC, which means only for some. Many of us have known for years that the AKC sees us all as equal, but of course, some are more equal than others.


Now, if AKC goes ahead with this contract with Petland, the game is to Hunte/Petland, and the rest of us can sit at home and fry ice.


It has nothing at all to do with providing enough puppies to fill the demand, which was the song the AKC sang when it was trying to get us to swallow Hunte.  Well, Hunte is a done deal.


Does anyone think that the AKC is going to back out of this Petland contract deal? I don't. The front men for the AKC may spout some sweet talk, to make us think they've thought better of it now that we know how the Board voted we won't buy it. This is another case of money talking and ethics and ideals walking......


When a friend of mine told me that a friend of hers has arranged to sell all the puppies she can breed to Petland, I thought "Now there's a great idea!" Now I just have to decide what breed is easy to breed and whelp, and maybe I can do it, too. I wonder what they pay for a litter, don't you? After all, if you can't beat 'em, you join 'em, don't you? Isn't that how it's done?


Why bother seeking perfect homes, when you can take the money and run home to breed another litter of gooberhounds?  Petland will buy all you can produce, and you probably don't have to keep them long enough to give them their first vaccines! Sounds good to me!


Of course, I'm not serious... but does anyone want to bet how many other breeders will do just what my friend's friend is doing? I can think of a whole bunch of names who are likely to do it... not necessarily in MY breeds, but dog people, nonetheless. After all, why not?


If AKC is dealing with brokers (because a pet shop is a broker, no matter how you look at it) then why shouldn't the constituents of the AKC deal with brokers?


They're only dogs, after all...


The whole thing just makes me sick.


OR see AKC's cut rate deal and Invitation To Puppy Mills letter and Breed clubs and readers' Letters About Petland EST 2002 © 0609197



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