AKC no longer furnishes "highlights" but everyone likes a
quick read so...
The Dog Press presents excerpts from the Secretary's Page and/or
Board Minutes
Executive Session - Discuss legal issues
Government Relations Update Sheila Goffe, AKC Staff,
participated in this portion of the meeting via video
conference. Staff provided an update on canine legislation and
the Government Relations Department’s (GR) activity pursuant to
the department’s mission of education and informing responsible
dog owners and breeders about legislative issues that impact
them. As of June 20, AKC GR is tracking approximately 1,100
bills at the state and federal levels and approximately 90 bills
at the local level. GR gave an update on the Federal PUPS
Legislation. Staff reported on two major new
outreach/educational initiatives for 2011, downloadable narrated
educational PowerPoint programs for AKC club meetings and other
groups seeking educational programs about canine legislation;
and the AKC Legislative Conference to be held August 27 – 28 in
Raleigh, NC.
Judging Fees - There was a discussion on providing judges
with the opportunity to list their fees on the AKC Online
Directory as a service to clubs. A poll was taken and a majority
of the Board were in favor of having judging fees included in
the directory. The August letter to judges will provide them an
opportunity to list their fee if they choose.
Good Standing” The Executive Secretary reviewed AKC’s
definition of “in good standing” with the American Kennel Club.
There are a number of AKC privileges which may be suspended
including Registration, participation in events and judging
approval. A person may be suspended from any one of these AKC
privileges while maintaining other privileges. The question is
whether “good standing” should be defined as having any AKC
privileges or as having all AKC privileges. This will be
considered further at the August 2011 meeting.
Appeals Committee - Dr. Newman gave the report of the Appeals Committee (Dr.
Newman, Chair, Mr. Arnold, and Ms. Scully). The AKC Board of
Directors, at its May 2011 meeting, suspended the judging
privileges of Ms. Kristina J. Sherling for two months and fined
her $500 for infractions of The American Kennel Club’s Rules,
Policies and Guidelines for Conformation Dog Show Judges,
specifically as they relate to exhibiting improprieties. Ms.
Sherling appealed this decision, and the Appeals Committee voted
to deny this appeal, with her suspension effective July 22,
JUDGING OPERATIONS - Darrell Hayes, and John Wade, AKC Staff,
participated in this portion of the meeting via video
Applying to Dog Shows – Chapter 7, Section 1
Board reviewed a proposal submitted by Colorado Springs Kennel
Club to amend Chapter 7, Section 1 of Rules Applying to
Dog Shows to permit anyone selling dog food – including
full time sales reps – to be eligible to apply for judge’s
approval. Following a motion by Mr. Gladstone, seconded by Dr.
Davies, it was VOTED (unanimously) to consider the matter at
this meeting, waiving prior notice requirement, and to
disapprove the proposal.
Printed Judges Directory
Staff proposed that AKC discontinue printing the annual Judges
Directory effective with the 2012 Judges Directory for
Conformation, Obedience, Rally and Tracking Judges. Due to the
frequency in changes to Judges’ status, the printed Judges
Directory is obsolete the day it is printed and delivered to
AKC. Conversely the Judges Directory on the AKC Website is
always current. The website version of the Judges Directory will
replicate the All-Breed and Variety Groups List (Grids)
currently found in the printed version as well as contain the
same grid for Judges of Companion Events. After discussion, it
was the sense of the Board that the printed Judges Directory
should be continued.
Regular Status Request & Single Entry Breeds FINAL Bd.
Pg. 7 July 11-12, 2011
presented a memo to clarify the requirements for regular status
as outlined in the Board-approved Judging Approval Process,
effective January 1, 2007. The policy statement and the
clarification appear below.
Policy Statement:
Complete five assignments in each provisional breed,
demonstrating sufficient competence in the breeds. Unlimited
assignments may be accepted. Additional provisional assignments
may be required. Must have been observed for a total of three
times by different Field Representatives. (Judging Operations
staff may reduce this requirement in breeds with consistently
small entries).
Additional provisional assignments may be required. Following a
Marginal or Does Not Meet evaluation at least two additional
evaluations on that breed will be required.
entry of one dog in a breed, not on the Low Entry Breed List,
may not count towards the required five provisional
assignments. This single entry does not provide you with an
opportunity to make a decision based on the merits of at least
two dogs for comparison to determine the quality of each
exhibit. Under our current policy, you must complete five
judging assignments with dogs present. A single entry
does not comply with this policy with the exception of those
breeds on the current Low Entry Breed List published by the
Judging Operations Department.
The issue is whether
or not a single dog judged should always or sometimes count as
one of the five required Provisional assignments. This will be
discussed further at the August meeting.
Fox Terrier – Proposed Revisions to Breed Standard - The
Board reviewed proposed revisions to Toy Fox Terrier breed
standard. There was a motion by Ms. Scully, seconded by, Dr.
Battaglia, and it was VOTED (unanimously) to permit the American
Toy Fox Terrier Club to ballot the membership, in accordance
with the parent club’s constitution and bylaws
Lhasa Apso Stud Book - The Board VOTED to approve a request
from the American Lhasa Apso Club (ALAC) to expand the Lhasa
Apso gene pool by opening the stud book to a limited number of
Lhasa Apsos from native Tibetan Stock. Staff will work with the
ALAC to develop the procedures to include the Gompa Lhasa Apso
dogs in Open Registration as well as establishing the breed in
the AKC Foundation Stock Service for dogs imported from the
country of origin lacking complete pedigrees in accordance with
the request by ALAC.
Coton de Tulear - The Board VOTED to approve a request, from
the United States of America Coton de Tulear Club, to move the
Coton de Tulear breed into the Miscellaneous Class. Effective
June 27, 2012.
Pomeranian - Proposed Breed Standard Revision - The Board
VOTED to approve breed standard changes to the Pomeranian breed
standard as proposed and voted on by the membership of the
American Pomeranian Club, with an effective date of August 31,
Russell Terrier - The Board VOTED to accept the Russell
Terrier into the AKC Stud Book effective June 1, 2012, and to
accept the Standard submitted by the American Russell Terrier
Club, Inc., as the official standard for the breed. The breed
will be eligible to compete in the Terrier Group effective June
27, 2012. An open registry will be maintained for the breed
until July 1, 2017.
Spanish Water Dog - The Board VOTED to move the Spanish
Water Dog breed into the Miscellaneous Class effective June 27,
American Water Spaniels – Eliminate Water Retrieving Certificate
- The Board VOTED to approve a request from the American
Water Spaniel Club to eliminate the Retrieving Certificate Test
(RCT) requirement for Spaniel Hunt Test titling. This request
was based on the fact that the AWS is now permitted to enter
Retriever Hunting Tests (effective August 1, 2011).
Miniature Schnauzer – Proposed Revisions to Breed Standard -
The Board reviewed proposed revisions to the Color and Tail
sections of the Miniature Schnauzer breed standard. The Board
recommended revisions, which staff was directed to discuss with
the Parent Club.
Japanese Chin– Proposed Revisions to Breed Standard - The
Board reviewed the results of a ballot, to the membership of the
Japanese Chin Club of America, on a proposed revision to the
Color section of the Japanese Chin breed standard. The
membership voted 89% in favor of this change. The proposed
standard will be published in the Secretary’s Page of the AKC
Spanish Water Dog - Group Designation - The Board reviewed a
request from the Spanish Water Dog Club, Inc. The club would
like the breed’s group designation to be changed from Sporting
to Herding. Staff was directed to get more information from the
club as to why the Herding designation was appropriate.
The Registration of Low Uric Acid Dalmatians - The Board
reviewed the results of a vote by the membership of the
Dalmatian Club of America (DCA). By a 55-45% margin, the
membership voted in favor of registering these dogs.
Following a motion by Dr. Newman, seconded by Dr. Smith it was
VOTED (unanimously) to authorize AKC Staff to develop procedures
for the registration of these dogs. The procedures will be
developed in consultation with the Board of the DCA. To ensure
that the introduction of the Low Uric Acid dogs into the
registry is an informed, voluntary decision, the registration
numbers for the Low Uric Acid Dalmatians and their descendents
will have a letter indicator as part of the registration number.
American Whippet Club – Election Related Disputes - The
Board reviewed complaints made against the American Whippet
Club’s board of directors over failure to follow its bylaws in
conducting its annual election. This will be discussed further
at the August meeting.
Board Attendance at Events - There was agreement that Board
members should be encouraged to attend AKC events in different
areas to discuss issues important to AKC with officials of the
event-giving club.
Inspections - There was a discussion on AKC’s Investigations
and Inspections Program, and how the AKC should promote these
positive educational actions. Staff was directed to prepare a
report for the Board outlining these opportunities.
Raleigh Facility Space - Mr. Sprung reported that there has
been some reallocation of space in the Raleigh, North Carolina
Operations Facility. Pet Partners, Inc., provider of the AKC’s
Pet Healthcare program, will be moving into and subletting space
in the AKC’s Raleigh offices.
Newly Approved Specialty Clubs Following a motion by Mr.
Ashby, seconded by Dr. Davies, it was VOTED (unanimously) to
lift the current hold on the licensing of Conformation Specialty
clubs provided they meet the following territorial and event
1) Local specialty clubs will not be approved within a 100 miles
of the territory of an existing specialty club of the same
2) Local specialty clubs will only be licensed to hold
specialties in conjunction with another specialty, Group or
All-Breed shows or cluster.
3) Any newly forming or club ready for licensing will only be
approved with the proviso they agree any future events must meet
the adjacency and/or integrated specialty requirement as stated
in (2).
4) Any local specialty clubs licensed or formed during this
period will be subject to any final policies that result from
the moratorium study period.
Deceased Judges;
Mr. William H. Green | Mrs. Marcia K. Keller | Mr. Lester R.
Mapes | Donna Wielert (39069) | Maggie Bobb (5184) | Frank
Nemeth (1609)
Resigned Judges;
Clay Williams