We ask you to
respond to the following questions:
#1 Does your
association wish to present a united front, a cohesive
representation of the verifiable (by poll or other means)
position of your member judges on any issue of importance?
SCJA: Yes. We
frequently poll our membership on important issues.
#2 If so, would
you be willing to meet with, seek, or accept input from the
other judges groups?
SCJA: Yes.
SCJA has sent them a letter regarding a meeting to discuss
presenting a unified front for all in the judging community.
#3 Do the
majority of your members support the following “Conflict Of
Interest Policy”?
“No AKC judge may have a significant interest in a dog
registry or dog event-giving organization deemed by the AKC
Board to be in competition with the American Kennel Club.
Significant interest would include, but not be limited to
ownership of, employment by, a directorship in, and holding
office in.
“Any AKC-approved judge, who shall judge a purebred dog
event in the U.S. not in accordance with the rules of AKC, which
apply to such purebred dog events without the express permission
of the AKC, may be disciplined even to the extent of
having his or her AKC judging approval revoked.”
#4 Do the
majority of your members support the so-called “Breed Take-away
#5 Do you have
a Legal Defense Fund to assist individual judges and if so, when
SCJA: No, we
are working to establish a fund to defend the judge’s
constitutional rights.
Request sent to both other Associations:
From: Barbara "BJ" Andrews [mailto:Editor@TheDogPlace.org] Sent: Sunday,
July 23, 2006 12:00 PM
To: Jeffrey Pepper Cc: phnrh@earthlink.net;
gkarengary@aol.com; jpurk@satx.rr.com
Subject: 2nd Request: JUDGES ASSOC. QUERY
At least one of you must have received the previous invitation to
speak to issues confronting judges. Our staff is confused
because we assumed your group would appreciate an opportunity to
address these questions. I personally apologize if, by
referencing published material from SCJA, we in any way
discouraged your participation. It never occurred to me that
officers are in fact just “dog people” and as such, suffer from
the same paranoia and territorial protectiveness as the rest of
J But c’mon,
I’m just doing my job. If I have neglected contacting your
group in the past, it means I have not done it well. If you
have not contacted the largest news and information outlet for
dog people in America, you have not been doing your job either.
We receive a lot of communication from judges, some of which we are
authorized to publish, some is only background information and
whether you like me or trust me should not be an issue here.
For the record, I have never violated a professional
confidence. I don’t keep track of which associations a judge
belongs to when we converse. It simply doesn’t matter.
As officers of a judges’ group, we just assumed you would be willing
to speak on behalf of the members you represent. I trust we
were not being presumptuous. This is for TheJudgesPlace, a
prominent part of TheDogPlace.org. Because it is important to
all exhibitors and judges, it will be cited in TheDogPress.com
with a link to TheJudgesPlace. If that bothers you on an
individual basis, I suggest you consult a shrink. If you are
reluctant to participate, perhaps you should poll your
membership and ask why so many are subscribers to
For whatever I may have done to offend or annoy you, I sincerely
apologize. For taking AKC to task on various issues brought to
our attention by judges, breeders, and exhibitors, I do not
Please, if you have any questions or comments, call my private
number (828) 286-9944 or reach me at the office after 9:30 EST
(800) 776-0749 or (888) 515-DOGS. I am on your side and trust
you are on the JUDGES’ side.
Barbara (BJ) Andrews
Jeffrey G. Pepper [mailto:jg.pepper@sbcglobal.net]
Sent: Tuesday, July 25, 2006 9:42 PM
To: 'Barbara "BJ" Andrews' Cc: phnrh@earthlink.net;
gkarengary@aol.com; jpurk@satx.rr.com
Subject: RE: 2nd Request: JUDGES ASSOC. QUERY
Ms. Andrews,
Board of Directors of DJAA chooses not to respond.
Jeffrey Pepper
DJAA President
from DJAA (Dog Judges Association of America) to TheDogPress and the
No Response from the
American Dog
Show Judges
President Dr. Gerard Penta or any member of the ADSJ Board.
Editorial to follow in next edition.

Senior Judges Assoc. Predicts Policy
Letter to AKC Board which points out AKC bylaws, not
appropriate. April 2006
AKC Conflict Of Interest Policy
Policy That Launched A Rebellion May 2006
Senior Conf. Judges Assoc. Letter To Members
Judges' Associations Were Contacted, SCJA Reacts, Seeks Input
May 2006
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into a REGULAR
email message, then from your own contacts list, select as
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this puppy can
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