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REGISTRY, BREED KENNEL CLUB NEWS Known for emphasis on hunt and performance events, the United Kennel Club leads North American registries in rejecting unhealthy exaggerations in show dogs. Is your AKC Breed Club proposing any revisions to your Breed Standard? UKC Announces Major Revisions To Its Breed Standards
UKC feels something must be done to address this problem, and we are willing to do our part, hoping the canine world will follow suit. Toward that end, we have decided to revise all of our breed standards to reflect that goal. Breed standards are viewed as a blueprint to which dogs are to be bred. UKC believes that breed standards are more than that, and we will be including directives to breeders, judges and owners
All of our breed standards will now include the following introductory statement: “The goals and purposes of this breed standard include: to furnish guidelines for breeders who wish to maintain the quality of their breed and to improve it; to advance this breed to a state of similarity throughout the world; and to act as a guide for judges. Breeders and judges have the responsibility to avoid any conditions or exaggerations that are detrimental to the health, welfare and soundness of this breed, and must take the responsibility to see that these are not perpetuated. Any departure from the following should be considered a fault, and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its effect upon the health and welfare of the dog and on the dog’s ability to perform its traditional work.”
In addition, each breed standard will be updated to include problems specific to that breed in order to clarify the direction to be taken when they are encountered.
All of these breed standard revisions reflect the foundation of the “UKC Total Dog” philosophy. The exponential growth in “UKC Total Dog” events is living proof that dogs can have the health, temperament and conformation to be excellent representatives of their breed. We understand that breed standards are left to subjective interpretation and are not a panacea on their own; however, combined with UKC Total Dog events and our UKC Judges Education program, they are a natural extension and essential continuation of our commitment to the future of purebred dogs.
The United Kennel Club, Inc., is very serious about this project and encourages all dog breeders, judges and owners to follow suit. As each standard is updated, it will be posted on the UKC website,, with its effective date.
KALAMAZOO, MI, April 6, 2012 – The following breed standards have been finalized and are posted on the UKC website.
Barbet; Gun Dog Group; Effective March 16, 2012 Pekingese; Companion Group; Effective May 1, 2012 Basset Hound; Scenthound Group; Effective May 1, 2012 Alaskan Klee Kai; Northern Breed Group; Effective May 1, 2012 Chinese Shar-Pei; Northern Breed Group; Effective May 1, 2012 German Shepherd Dog; Herding Dog Group; Effective May 1, 2012
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