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Breed, agility, and obedience clubs depend on members helping members learn more about dogs. AKC judge offers tips and personal help on doing informative club newsletters


July 16 2018

Olivia Harvey, National Newsletter Editor


It seems like I have always been an Editor of a Newsletter. It all started when I was 12, and my friend and I put together a Neighborhood Newsletter during the boring summer months. The thing is we actually learned more about our neighbors and current events because of doing that local Newsletter.


Fast forward to 1974. I’m married, have a baby girl and two Siberian Huskies. We met other Siberian Husky owners and decided to form the Siberian Husky Club of Greater Atlanta.


Of course, we needed a Newsletter to get the word out to other Siberian owners. Guess who? Yep, and I’ve been doing Newsletters ever since.


Although I have held many offices in breed clubs and worked on various committees in all-breed clubs, I truly love working as Editor. I keep my finger on the pulse of the club and of the breed and I learn new things about animal ownership while researching and working on each issue.


I took a couple of years off from the Siberian Husky Club of America’s{1} Newsletter and I really missed it. After retiring from the business sector (I now babysit our 3 ½ year-old granddaughter), I am currently assisting two other Breed Clubs.


On the plus side, the SHCA has gone to full-color. I personally subscribe to the Adobe Creative Suite and pay $50+ per month to have access to all the Adobe products. Newsletters can be easily created in Adobe InDesign and with the subscription, I have PhotoShop and Adobe Acrobat included. It’s fun, and I am learning so much!


As my husband and I are both AKC Judges, we receive many club Newsletters, which are a wealth of new information. I have really enjoyed networking with other Editors.


One of the challenges in putting together a Newsletter is reaching out to others and have them meet the required deadlines. Another challenge is to have them submit articles, photographs, drawings, and ads in the correct format. I can use any Microsoft Word document, spreadsheet, etc. but any graphics must be submitted in either Tiff, JPG or PDF format.


If the graphic is pasted into the Word.doc or on facebook, the image resolution is reduced to the point that it is blurry when printed. Emailed photos are not usually the quality needed for good print resolution so look up how to determine or set how many pixels in your picture.


For the Siberian Club newsletter, we are fortunate to have found an excellent printer that is state of the art. I upload the completed Newsletter to their website and they take over from there. They contact me with any concerns to insure the finest print quality. Newsletters are sealed in polywrap and mailed out to everyone on our current mailing list.


I consider being the Newsletter Editor my contribution to my breed, to my sport, and to my friends. I have made many friends through the various club’s Newsletters and feel that I have been blessed to perform the duties of Editor. I get a tremendous satisfaction of putting it all together. There will always be people who will point out any errors or omissions, but you can’t take it personal.


You do the best job that you can AND LET IT GO. Have fun and Happy Editing! If I can help you in your efforts to help your club, please feel free to E-mail.


Reference Information:  {1} Siberian Husky Club of America EST 2002 © 1807



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