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Columns: No Limits, No Kidding!




Your comments (below) on The 2-DAY SHOW reveal exhibitors know what it takes to keep dog shows alive in a fractured economy and falling registrations.


Comments on this The 2-Show Day Petition (in 2014 renamed Daily Double Dog Shows,) will be sent to Mari-Beth O'Neil at AKC.  We have selected a cross-section of responses by seasoned exhibitors.


June 22, 2010

Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief


There are financial, legal, and business constraints with any new concept but the AKC Board and Staff manage those details.


In the meantime, keep your hat in the ring as we share your comments with Breed and Kennel clubs and Superintendents.


Exhibitors know what is needed to keep wellbred purebred dogs in demand.  We know that local dog shows are what brings the public to our market.  Let the puppy mills have glitzy shopping mall pet shops outlets; properly promoted and presented dog shows showcase the best dogs in the best setting.  Families can browse breeds, see what puppies grow up to look like, pet the dogs, and talk to show breeders right there, on the spot.


Here’s a sampling of your comments.  If you have something to add, you have only this week to do so.  You do not have to be a subscriber to comment but becoming an Insider will give you a broader perspective, history, and background on all matters having to do with breeding, registering, and management of the sport of purebred dogs.


Caroline Hair makes a point “Florida needs to be its own division. Perhaps AKC needs a geography lesson... It takes twelve hours to drive from Tallassee to Miami!”


Bestuvall Bull Terriers “Some handlers who have BT's will not show up for the "specialty' in the evening.  Some claim the dogs are "too tired."  ( huh?. my BT's can show all day.. and all night for the right bait)”


Nancy Holmes  “I'd like to see the shows come back to their home areas. Two shows in one day would be impossible with the commutes now in place.”


Barb Hughes brought up another geographical "point"“AZ should be included with California, and California may need to be split.”


Donna Seigart presents another point “I don't want my dogs going thru the stress of preparation for two exhibitions in one day.”


Marti sums up a lengthy post thusly “I don't know about the rest of you, but in our area I have seen many people quit breeding and quit showing because of the politics.”


Lenna Hanna-O'Neill “I have been both owner and pro handler. I do not agree that prepping for the ring 'tires' the dogs out so much that two performances in a day would be hard on them, and if it does then perhaps the breed club should back away for a moment and think about just how unrealistic their 'styling' has come to be.”


Carlos R “Why doesn't AKC just look at everything UKC is doing now. AKC has started Grand-Champion titles which UKC has always had. Now the talk is 2 shows per day”


Karen Ward “What a great idea - money is tight and to have two shows in one day, what a money saver. That is why our regional dog club now does back-to-back shows in one day. More bang for the buck.”


Karen Soeder “We have found 2-shows a day works well with specialty clubs--but limit is 100 dogs. This could be changed.”


Kellie Cosby speaks for most exhibitors “Being able to use my time more efficiently would be a factor in deciding whether or not to enter a show.”


Bronia Potts tells us “The 2 shows a day system is working wonderfully for the International shows as well as UKC and Canadian shows.”


Sherri Madden "(the format) will make it easier for people to come who have busy lives. This should increase registration of purebred litters, as more people will be motivated to take part in showing."


Anne Becker "We are currently showing our dogs in the IABCA shows, where they do four shows in a two-day weekend. Going to these (provides) opportunities to win points and in judge exposure (having four different judges going over our dogs in a weekend - great opportunity to see how they measure up!). We would be extremely pleased were the AKC to decide to go this route."


Michele Peterson "This is important to all breeders of purebred dogs and the owners of same dogs. It is important to the preservation of all purebred dogs and their improvement. Please seriously consider this."


Rick Hopkins hits the nail on the head, "The price of travel and lodging is becoming more costly while income in dropping and cost of living is sky rocketing.  Anything A.K.C. can do to help secure the future of shows is a great idea."


Anonymous " I support the idea of multiple shows on one day.  Our Kennel Club with their lower entry, could have had four shows in one weekend.  There are a few problems but not insurmountable ones.


Jeanine Wright "I'm not sure how the increase in shows will encourage registrations.  That does not make sense.


These are just a sample, please sign or comment on The 2-Show Day Petition and make your voice heard.  This will be in other publications so it will be held over before being sent to Mari-Beth O'Neil, AKC Show Dept., who has a strong background in successful exhibiting and will understand the dilemma. EST 2002 © 1006173



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2 Shows Background

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AKC's 2 Day Show

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