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About Cell Phones, Allergies & Chocolate...


December - I'm getting ready to head to So. America for the winter but the editor said if I didn't write before leaving, she would snatch out my tail feathers. So I dropped in on some of you and here's what I've got.


The webmaster will find what I overheard some handlers talking about - some other guy who baited a bulldog with bananas.  I was surprised to learn that dogs love bananas and like Oatmeal, they both boost your mood and are good for dogs.  I also learned (you didn't know I could read?) that oatmeal is a quick low-fat, fiber-rich breakfast, ideal when you're on the road or running late for ring call.  It's full of vitamin B6 which makes your brain hum with the "happy" hormone serotonin. Try it for yourself and give your dog a little mood boost too.


Dogs Help Suppress Allergies!

Dogs, Allergies, Asthma,  or COPDI gotta tell you though that birds in the house can be really bad for asthma or COPD suffers. When confined in cages (talk about animal cruelty!) we are messy and we flap our wings to keep in shape and that spreads stuff into the air. Sorry, had to say that. But the good news is that the Pediatrics journal found that kids who have a family history of allergies are significantly less likely to develop asthma if there's been a dog around since they were nestlings and their immune systems were developing. There are other studies that bear this out. Dirt and dander and natural stuff helps boost your babies immune function.I have picked up a little about how you people communicate. No, not Twitter. If you have a smart phone I learned that your regular cell phone can get you out of a tight spot. I also know how you people want an excuse to eat chocolate so I've found one! Me, I wouldn't touch oats on a bet but a little tip flew by the other day and I know your dogs like the stuff so I'll pass along some food tips for people. You wouldn't like what I eat.


What you can do with cell phonesDo you tweet or use cell phones?

Hey, even a basic cell phone lets you do everything from checking the weather to shopping online. You can even take a picture of notes or stuff on a piece of paper (like birth certificates, driver's license, or insurance papers) and it will always be handy. I know how the ladies like to try on new feathers (never a boa!!!!) so if want your a friend's opinion of your new outfit before you buy it just snap a photo and send it to get their instant input! Want to impress your boss or a friend? Call a research librarian at the New York Public Library it is FREE! Dial 917-ASK-NYPL (Monday through Saturday, 9 am to 6 pm EST, choose option ) and show off your skills. Need to send money fast and don't have access to a computer when you're out and about? PayPal lets you access your money with your cell phone. To set up an account, log on to Paypal's "on the go" page ( and get a PIN. Then you can call 800-4PAYPAL to send cash to your handler's account!


Weather too! Halfway there and it looks like a bad weekend? Do you need an umbrella or a heavy coat? Go to to find the phone number for your city, add it to your cell phone contacts and you can then check weather at your destination. Find the right store to buy raingear! I know how you people travel and since you can't fly, you are always needing quick help. I'm sure you already have the "ICE" (In Case of Emergency) number in your phone contact list but you might want to add contact numbers for your vet, your neighbor, a taxi or road service where you'll be, and just in case, poison control.



I know you love Chocolate and in moderation, (1 oz. - 2 oz. of dark chocolate) people who nibbled a little had a 32% lower risk of developing heart failure than those who didn't eat any chocolate. Seems the stuff is loaded with flavonoids that lower blood pressure and prevents clots and cholesterol from accumulating in your blood vessels. But be careful, if you eat more than that, you get too much sugar and pretty soon, you'll be so heavy you won't be able to lift off. EST 2002 © Dec 2011 rev2412



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