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How would a ban on horse slaughter that triples the suffering of unwanted horses AND cripples a $billion horse meat industry affect you as a dog owner? See VIDEO below!


2022 Update | TheDogPress

Nel Liquorman, Investigative Reporter Jan 2012


The Horse Slaughter Act means the end of wild mustangs, symbol of the American west.


In 2006 the House voted to end horse slaughter but the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act failed in the Senate. Now, we know that ending the slaughter of horses was NOT the answer.


Ending cruelty and preserving our national identity is paramount.


Before you skip to the videos, look closely at the photo of wild horses eking out a living in Monument Valley. They don't have much, don't ask for much.


Preserving the open range, the only place on earth where horses still run free, is preserving the symbol of freedom that defines America. Little by little, that open range is slipping away from us. WHY that is happening leads us to the reality of horse slaughter.


Why Send A Horse To Slaughter?

What would you do with a horse you love but can no longer afford and whose suffering you can’t legally end?  Confronted with deadly disease, injury, or slow starvation from lack of tooth care, owners who can no longer afford vet bills opted for humane, regulated slaughter.


The HSUS fought to pass the bill to prevent horse slaughter and banked a lot of donations based on "protecting the wild horse." At first glance, this publication agreed with HSUS and other "animal rights" groups.


But then we looked into why the American Quarter Horse Association opposed passage of the act. AQHA is the world’s largest, registering more horses per year than all of the other associations combined. Also fighting the Horse Slaughter Prevention Act were The American Association of Equine Practitioners and the American Veterinary Medical Association. Huh?


That got our ears up and we began to look at the consequences of banning horse slaughter. Two Texas slaughter facilities were closed after locally-launched battles.  An Illinois abattoir reported to be the last horse slaughter facility in the U.S. was also closed through animal welfare/animal rights action in the state following a U.S. District Court ruling which stopped all inspection payments to USDA.


The irony is what they accomplished was destruction of an ecologically sound industry and a deadly, inhuman assault on unwanted horses:

  • Owners faced with only one legal disposal choice dumped their horses in state parks or along rural highways.

  • The $100 billion horse meat industry was decimated and a half million directly related jobs were lost.

  • Horses were trucked to Mexico where horse meat is mixed with beef and sold back to the U.S.  Yes, you read that right.

  • Crowded into cattle trailers for trips to Mexico that often took days, slaughter horses were rarely watered or walked.

  • Those that survived were inhumanely killed due to poor regulations enforcement. For instance "slaughterhouses in Mexico use a "puntilla" knife to severe the spines of horses prior to slaughter. This barbaric practice simply paralyzes the animal. The horse is still fully conscious during the slaughter process until he is bled out."

Before The Ban On Horse Slaughter,

about 10% of American horse meat was used to feed racing greyhounds, other specialty markets, and zoo animals.  Horse meat is lower in antibiotics, and hormonal growth and milk stimulation residues. 90% was air shipped to Europe and Japan where it is considered a healthy delicacy.


The Government Accountability Office (GOA), recognizing the unintended consequences of the horse slaughter ban, recommended that Congress restore federal funding for equine slaughter house inspections and regulated shipping.


But HSUS Screams WHOA On Humane Horse Slaughter!

Re-worded versions of the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act would nullify the Horse Protection Act by prohibiting “shipping, transportation, moving, delivering, receiving, possessing, purchasing, selling, or donation of equines for slaughter for human consumption and other purposes.


Thanks to PETA, HSUS and other animal rights groups unwanted horses will again be left by the wayside or forced to endure horrible transportation and foreign slaughter house cruelties.


Equating the harvest of horse meat to slaughtering Trigger, HSUS threatens protests and legal actions even though the American Veterinary Association concluded that the ban on horse slaughter should be lifted.


The Reality Of Banning Horse Slaughter:

Reuters claims that around 130,000 horses are slaughtered each year in Canada and Mexico and nearly as many in the United States.


Animal lovers must fight to enforce the new Horse Protection Act and stop the wholesale roundup and slaughter of healthy wild mustangs.


Horses have served mankind since 3600 B.C. and they are much more than a farm animal. The problem is that an estimated 92% of horses are not owned by people who have the wherewithal to humanely euthanize nor property on which to bury the horse.


Allowing aged and infirm horses continue to serve man by feeding hungry people around the world is the only thing that makes sense.


But making wild horses run until they break bones or collapse is not the way to do it. Beef cattle are treated like royalty compared to what you are about to see in the video below. The American mustang is the historical symbol of a free America.


The horrible, gut-wrenching reality of what happens during many wild horse captures primarily takes place on behalf of land management for the cattle industry. (See Wild Horse Roundup VIDEO below)


NOTE: We thank the thousands of NetPlaces Network subscribers who wrote to their Senators, Congress and the Bureau Of Land Management. Your alertness and dedication achieved passage of the 2021 Carter-Fitzpatrick Amendment to ban the transport of equines across state lines "for the purpose of slaughter".


It isn't fail-safe, sub-humans often find a way to subvert laws that impact their bottom line so please, remain vigilant.


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WILD HORSE ROUNDUP - Set Us Free! First to serve mankind was the dog. Dog came willingly. Next to serve humans, no longer kind, was the horse. Horse was free. See wild horse roundup in Video Theater.

HORSE SORING & ANIMAL FIGHTING: September 2021 the U.S. House passed two bipartisan animal protection amendments that enhance enforcement of existing laws which desperately need your support.


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