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Dogs have a right not to be born handicapped but many dog breeds have become canine caricatures which gives the Animal Rights whackos credibility.


November 02, 2021 update

Col. Sam Harper, Dogsport Reconnaissance


Back in 2011, watching TV with my kid, I made that "handicapped" observation about purebred dogs which compelled someone half my age to "educate" me. My daughter lost the war of words but it was probably the most bloodless battle I ever won.


Ten years later I think about her response... “Daddy, you can’t say those dogs are ugly, I’ll never be able to go to another show!” She wasn’t showing anyway so I let it slide. That Pacelle guy she used to think of as a "humane" hero is now a nobody and I’m banking on some level heads in “the dog fancy” today.


So in 2021, a whole decade later, let me ask you again, is there any moral justification that gives humans the right to commit dogs to a life of suffering? No? Then why do decent people condone it? fought the battle against "animal rights" whackos who made fortunes off of caring people and did nothing for dogs. Nothing has changed. People still thrive on newer, weirder stuff but to do it to animals is criminal.


In the quest for something "special" dog breeders have caused dogs to be born with such abnormalities that under most circumstances, they would be humanely destroyed. Here it is 2021 and dog show judges still look for and award extreme features that supposedly seperate the "average dog" from the "outstanding" one.


We make dogs so long they have spinal problems and faces so wrinkled they can't see but one of the worst dog deformities is the inability to breathe. No dog's nose belongs between his eyes!


Only an egotistical misfit would deliberatly sentence an animal a life of struggling for enough oxygen to sustain life! I have COPD from toxic gas we once used so I know how some dog breeds struggle for oxygen.


If you have any perspective, you will admit that living with constant eye irritation, like something in your eye you can never get out, would be pure torture.  Dogs just keep smiling but that does not mean they “get used to it.” I've had strong men with chronic pain say if it were not for hurting their family, they would check out.


What do you say as your dog struggles to do your bidding although his twisted joints or deformed spine hurts so bad he would rather just lay perfectly still?


Dogs have a right not to be tortured or born handicapped for life.My old hound looked at me with love, not condemnation, when I quit letting him run free in the woods because he always came back beat up. He worked off his frustration chasing the cat...


Why do dog breeders fight against Animal Rights ii Animal Rights Origin & History instead of fighting for their animal’s right to be healthy? That’s like sending a platoon after one rice farmer instead of launching a division against the Viet Cong.


Think! Every one of the health-structural problems dogs struggle with are genetic (man-made) and according to some Swedish panel my kid found, 47 of them are seriously painful. Seven breeds demanded “urgent attention.” They are Bassets, Bulldogs, Chows, French Bulldogs, Neapolitan Mastiffs, Pekingese and Shar Pei.


I don’t claim to be a dog expert but if I was a chow dog I’d want to see what might be coming at me from the side and to think that some Chinese emperor deliberately crippled those little Pekingese so they couldn’t wander off and do what dogs do is downright sick.


My daughter said Shar Pei breeders are working on the skin problems but I put the exxageration of dog breeds in the same category as sticking a tiny kitten in a bottle and letting it grow up in there to amuse a kid. OK, this photo was staged but you get the point.


Most dog breeders are easy targets. Can't you see the enemy forces just ahead as you clump and crash your way to professional suicide?


Why do you think people go to the dog pound and adopt a real dog instead of a caracature that had to be conceived by artificial means and born by surgically cutting the mother dog open...


That's a perfect picture for those Animal Rights extremists. It took a while but when I threatened to donate to one of those animal "rights" groups my daughter finally agreed dog breeders need to stand up. We love our dogs, right...? EST 2002 © Nov 2021



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DEFORMED DOGS AND BREED STANDARDS - Before buying a purebred puppy, you should know about breed standards that don't allow a dog to walk, breathe, see, breed or whelp naturally.

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