Mastiff Breeder MissingIf Gloria Davis, Lionhearted Mastiffs, starved and abandoned her mastiffs, why were some shot in the head? Hideous animal cruelty and a Missing Person case, a lot like the Clumber breeder found in the septic tank?
Editor's Update May 2017 First published February 2010 Catie C. Arney, Guest Columnist, Kiokee Mastiffs
It has been over six years since I and others received e-mails that set forth our search for answers. Occasionally, I get inquires about Gloria's missing person/Homicide investigation. Anderson County Sheriff's department in Anderson, SC still list Gloria's missing person case as an open homicide.
There was much confusion those first few weeks--lots of miscommunication and misinformation was spread causing confusion in the investigation. Time has calmed those troubled waters; what remains is the glaring truth that Gloria Davis remains missing and there has been no evidence of her being alive since December 2009. None of Gloria's friends or family have had any contact with her since December 2009.
All of her personal belongings including her ID, SS card, driver's license, checking account information, and car were found at her house in Anderson, SC. Since her disappearance, there's been no activity on her SS, bank account, credit cards, or any other personal information. Gloria Davis has basically fell off the face of the earth. Somewhere, someone has the information needed to bring Gloria home.
As I have done every year -- I post a blog entry to remind the Mastiff Community that "We still need answers!" On a personal note; I will never stop asking questions and looking for answers. I still have a difficult time looking back at the original posts I made. What I witnessed there on the Anderson property will always haunt me. Both Gloria and her dogs deserve justice. It is my sincere hope that Gloria can be brought home to her mother, sons and grandsons. Join me in praying that justice will be served.
There is a reward for information which leads to the apprehension and/or conviction of any person or persons responsible for the disappearance of Gloria Davis. IF you feel you have information relating to the disappearance of Gloria Davis, please contact the investigating officer in Anderson, SC-- Detective Wayne Mills. Any piece of information may be the link so needed in this investigation. This information is needed so that Gloria can be brought home to her family. He can be reached at
Davis bred mastiffs for over 30 years. Her Lionhearted dogs were behind many top mastiff kennels. Why would she abandon her dogs to die of starvation and even stranger, why shoot her treasured dark brindle mastiffs? Is it possible someone else shot the dogs?
Initial reports were of a horrific case of “mastiff breeder gone crazy” in that Gloria Davis appeared to have abandoned her dogs to starvation and gone into hiding. Rumors of “awful conditions” and “terrible dirt kennels” abound. Some mastiff breeders think that she was unable to cope after her move from Tennessee to South Carolina, and that in desperation, Davis killed her dogs and fled the scene.
Our investigation indicates a much more complex story. It is true that the dogs found alive were starving, even though there was another mastiff breeder on the premises. The question that comes immediately to mind is “why?” It was determined that the dead dogs, in an advanced state of decomposition, were well fleshed. Examination then revealed those gorgeous mastiffs had been shot in the back of the head.
Why would Gloria Davis abandon her life’s work? Why would she shoot the dark colored dogs she treasured and leave others to starve to death? The bodies were taken for cremation by another mastiff breeder, Cathy Arney. It was estimated that the dogs had been dead for several weeks. Cathy said the stench was as overwhelming as the sickening sights she confronted.
Where is Gloria Davis? No one has heard from her, not even her close friends who email or talk to her on a regular basis. Gloria was a loving daughter who talked to her elderly parents in Florida weekly. When they didn’t hear from her, they filed a missing person report. Why has Davis not been in touch with her parents?
When Animal Control went to the property with seizure warrants last Tuesday, they also found two puppies, estimated to be about 2 weeks old. They were partially burned and then apparently thrown into a trash can while still alive. What breeder could do such a thing?
Those who know Davis personally say “there is no way she abused dogs!” If Gloria Davis didn’t shoot her own dogs, then who shot the mastiffs? Who burned the puppies?
There are other circumstances which we can’t discuss at this time because Gloria’s disappearance is under police and South Carolina state investigation. Mastiff breeders and owners have turned their hearts inside out over this horrible puzzle and the gruesome deaths.
As of this re-print, May 2017, there has been no more information on this top Mastiff breeder. If you have any recent information or know anyone who might have had a murderous grudge against Gloria, please contact the Anderson SC sheriff's department. In our small dog-world, few dog fanciers can disappear for long.
One such disappearance made national news in 1987 and was featured on TV, no doubt because the missing person was a multi-millionaire who also happened to have had a sex change operation. Born as Camilla Lowell Lyman, she bred many champion Clumber Spaniels. She took canine sex hormones, grew a mustache, finally had the operation in 1985 and became Cam Lyman. She/he was found in the septic tank of his Rhode Island estate over a decade later. The murder has never been solved even though the George O'Neil was suspected and in fact, inherited handsomely from the estate. Learn more at Wikipedia
If you hear anything about the whereabouts or final resting place of our "missing Mastiff breeder" email this editor. EST 2002 © 10021705
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