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Will AKC or HSUS inspect your home and financial records under contract to enforce USDA-APHIS Proposed Regulations?


July 2012 | TheDogPress Staff | AKC announced that APHIS had extended the comments period until August 15th.  Enter your comments directly to APHIS here:!documentDetail;D=APHIS-2011-0003-0001


Dec 2012 UPDATE: You stopped USDA from seizing control of your dog breeding hobby by a flood of comments, many of which were cc'd or forwarded to APHIS and equally important, this form was picked up by the media and other sites.


Read (below) what was prevented in 2012 and realize we are still under threat in 2016.


Instead of signing the AKC petition (which APHIS counts as one letter) you can comment multiple times and each one counts seperately at the APHIS link above.


Whether the show/hobby breeder bill was conspired by HSUS or AKC (as some have said) or it’s just a government snafu prompted by intent to regulate the new breed of internet puppy millers, it must be stopped. Declare your Independence this 4th of July! Read the introduction by The California Federation of Dog Clubs and then tell USDA what you think - APHIS LINK BELOW!


Highlight and COPY your comment to the USDA. Then when you “red x” (close) the USDA site, you’ll be right back here.  Your comment will be on your clipboard so PASTE it into the USDA-APHIS COMMENT section at the end of this page to help motivate others to do likewise.


The Humane Society of the US asked the Federal government to crack down on "puppy mills". USDA/APHIS is considering revising their rules to include show and hobby breeders. The new rule, if not stopped by July 16th 2012 will apply to you if you:


Have MORE THAN FOUR intact female animals (including co-owned females with others) and


ADVERTISE over the internet, in the newspaper or over the telephone, and


Fail to have EACH BUYER VISIT to see the pet before or immediately after the purchase.


You would be licensed AND INSPECTED by USDA. Is this the first move for something TheDogPress postulated years ago - HSUS or AKC AS USDA Inspectors?{1}


Go directly to the USDA "submit comments" page:!documentDetail;D=APHIS-2011-0003-0001

The top of the page says “Animal Welfare; Retail Pet Stores and Licensing Exemptions” and the “comment now” button is on the right


The California Federation of Dog Clubs advises that form letters or multiple signature letters are counted as only one comment. You can however, comment as many times as you want to so it is better to make 10 short comments.


There’s a 20 minute time limit so you might want to compose your multiple comments in a word program and then cut and paste them into the comments section. You may wish to use some of the following talking points:


v It would be cost-prohibitive for me to have to build a USDA-compliant kennel. I would be unable to continue breeding.

v I prefer to raise pets in my home for optimal socialization. I do not wish to keep them in a kennel.

v This proposal would be harmful to my rare breed. Buyers are usually distant and rarely visit the premises during a sales transaction.

v I am selective in the homes I approve for my puppies; I sell few pets locally, and must advertise and ship. This proposal would hinder my ability to find the best homes for my pets.

v This new rule would be financially devastating to me. I cannot afford thousands of dollars to build a kennel facility to come into USDA compliance.

v Requiring me to allow strangers into my home exposes my animals to contagious diseases. These can be fatal, particularly for young puppies and kittens.

v Strangers entering my home makes me vulnerable to criminals who could target me for robbery or other crimes.

v Strangers entering my home can include animal rights activists who are philosophically opposed to any pet breeding. These extremists may likely file unsubstantiated complaints against me, claiming authority by having entered my home.

v Rescue groups often rely on use of a foster home network. They could not comply with USDA requirements and would be forced to cease operations. Crippling rescue groups would cause shelter intakes and deaths to rise.

v This proposal is government overreach.

v This proposal is a violation of my right to privacy.

v As a pet owner, I am concerned about my future ability to purchase a well-bred, well-socialized pet for a reasonable price.

v I am concerned about the future availability of service dogs, such as guide dogs for the blind. These dogs must be exposed to a variety of social situations and external stimuli. If serious hobby breeders are forced to keep their dogs and puppies in kennels, those dogs will not be suitable for service work.

v As a hobby breeder who works away from my home, I cannot comply with the APHIS requirement to be available for unannounced inspections. I would be forced to quit breeding or face thousands of dollars in fines for noncompliance with this rule.



{1} Who Will Inspect? HSUS or AKC as USDA Inspectors? EST 2002 © 1302155164



AKC form asks for your Assets & Income information!1


What is AKC’s position on the end to hobby breeding?1

APHIS responds to anonymous complaints, prompting otherwise unwarranted inspection

Who'll Inspect You?

USDA inspector shortage may lead to AKC inspection deal.1


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