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Datamining: AKC Invades Your Privacy
The American Kennel Club is getting to know you... Was this the beginning of data mining, harvesting and selling private information?
October 2006 | TheDogPress Jodi Eckardt, Luvsong Maltese & Yorkies
The AKC does not appear to have sent this questionnaire to everyone with AKC registered dogs, but rather a chosen few. Most likely their way of testing the waters. They have also attached a tracking number. Hmmmm
I think this latest intrusion should sink them to the bottom of the ocean. The audacity of betraying people who use the registry is unbelievable. Read on, but you may want to have a barf bag handy. This is the flattering and seemingly innocuous form:
"Dog Ownership: Which of the following best describes you:
pet non-cb cb kennel-boarding grooming show club member vet trainer
YOUR DEMOGRAPHICS... age gender marital status education own-rent"
"INCOME: less than $30,000 $30,000- $40,000 $40,000- $50,000 $50,000-$75,000 $75,000-$100,000 $100,000-$150,000 $150,000 or more REFUSED"
CAN YOU BELIEVE THEY ARE ASKING ABOUT YOUR INVESTMENTS??? JUST WHO THE H _ _ _ DO THEY THINK THEY ARE!! "What is the approximate total value of all of your investable assets---that is your assets that you have available for investing, not including the asset value of your property, retirement accounts, or other restricted assets?"
Under $50,000 $50,000 to less than $100,000 $100,000 to less than $250,000 $250,000 to less than $500,000 $500,000 to less than $1 Million $1 Million or more
Are you getting a warm and fuzzy feeling about your AKC? This is a dog registry, not the IRS! By 2013, we're getting it and readers object to AKC Peddling Privacy and here's some Instant Info on ii Protecting Your Privacy. 05161705 SSI
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