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It’s not just hunger, being cold, wet, and abandoned. Dogs can’t live long without water and in 2019’s record-breaking floods, the flood water is poisonous!


March 25, 2019 | Staff


In addition to bacteria from so many dead and decaying animals, Aheinz 57 Pet Rescue {Ref #1} workers report "You get closer to the house and in the water, you can see fuel on top of the water and the dogs are drinking it."


It is up to Animal Rescue groups to save pet animals. KFAB {Ref #2} reported local “volunteers risked their lives to save dozens of scared, wet, cold dogs…” Federal resources are strained by this massive disaster. In just one Iowa county more than a million bushels of corn and nearly half a million bushels of soybeans were destroyed when flood waters overwhelmed grain storage bins.


We know you are dog lovers but over 2,500 hogs drowned in one Illinois location. Horses and cattle were stranded for days and those that survived will suffer weight loss, infections, and hoof rot. You may live a thousand miles from the Midwest floods but the tragedy will impact your shopping.


Feeding a nation is of critical importance. Officials in all three states are working overtime to save food crops that feed not only Americans but other nations. Vice President Mike Pence flew in to survey the incomprehensible damage from Nebraska’s raging Elkhorn River, promising expedited action on Presidential Disaster Declarations. There is not yet much federal-level help for the livestock but valuable food animals will receive priority. Pet animals will be last on the national rescue list…


One group that went into immediate and effective action is Lusco Farms Rescue from Iowa. The resourcefulness of that Rescue Group is amazing. They used airboats to ferry small animals to dry land. A pony was floated to safety on a giant piece of Styrofoam! They are working to get hay to the large animals.


We suggest a “thank you” donation to Lusco Farms Rescue {Ref #3} on behalf of all animals large and small. Also there’s Midwest Animal Rescue {Ref #4} a non-profit serving a wide area. Or donate to your local Animal Rescue if indeed, that is what they do…


It would also be wise to stock up now on beef, pork, and grains. The results of this tragic Midwest flood not only affects thousands of families, it will adversely impact your grocery budget!


Let this tragedy be a lesson. If you don’t have an emergency exit plan for you and your animals, make one and if you don't have emergency supplies get them!


Reference Information: #1 Aheinz 57 Pet Rescue   ~  #2 KFAB  ~  #3 Lusco Farms Rescue  ~  #4 Midwest Animal Rescue

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