(September 16, 2016) Dorothy La said: I've been giving my Chinook raisins for the last few months. She absolutely loves them. I just gave her a small handful a few minutes ago. I don't know what to think or do at this point. Never a problem before... I'll keep an eye on her. :(
(July 30, 2016) Minta Roper-Heminger said: I can see where raisins would be a problem because of the way they are processed and the chemicals used. Grapes? No way. I have had dogs all my life eat grapes and there has never been a problem. I think it is a fear mongering thing. I also think if I knew about a dog that supposedly ate them and died then I would have to know a lot more about the dog and the health genetics behind it.
(July 27, 2016) Florence T. Robinson said: Grape toxicity is very real for me. I placed rescue 4 month old
Malamute puppy with a family. The next day the family went grocery shopping and when they returned the teenaged son sat eating grapes
and giving grapes to the puppy. Within hours she had horrendous vomiting and diarrhea. She was rushed to the vet in acute kidney
failure. She was in critical condition for about a week and then slowly started improving. She survived. Perhaps some dogs are more
sensitive to the toxin than others, or perhaps the toxic agent is found only on some grapes, such as a specific pesticide.
(July 27, 2016) kathryn Smith said: My old standby is 'the poison is in the dose' -- I've used grapes
and raisins for YEARS as 'treats'; I've never had a dog that consumed more than maybe <20 in a day or less; i can understand that
if a 5# dog ate a 3# bunch of grapes it might well have an issue (aside from gastrointestinal disturbance); and i can understand why a
dog with a genetic propensity to kidney issues - such as Dalmatians may have more sensitivity to whatever it is in grapes. i use garlic
in all my liver bait; as well as in many of their meals - frankly more for scent appeal than any nutritional value ( or damage! ) and have never had any
problems. -- re-read first sentence!
(July 27, 2016) Ginger Corley said: I always wondered about this since before I heard this, my #1 ranked
male Chinook ate a whole dish of green grapes one night when I got up to answer the front door and forgot to pick the bowl up from the
coffee table. I just wrote it off to his incurable sweet tooth and was amazed at how carefully he had picked them off the stem. Then
later I hear how poisonous they are supposed to be. Huh? My dogs also pick blackberries and raspberries.
(July 27, 2016) Terry said: My aussie's eat those big dark blue concord grapes every year seeds
and all they grow wild along the creek in the back yard as they fall to the ground or in the water there food. They been doing the same
here for 20 years now. I given raisins by the handfuls with unsalted peanuts to them time and time again for years. They pick black
cherries off the trees and eat hundreds of fermenting black berries out of the bush. Ever see a bunch of aussies walk sideways up a hill
fall down get up and try again LOL yep every year when the berries start to ferment I can even smell them ya know they can. They throw
a party back there and they have a blast then they sleep it off it's grate fun for them. Stains the grass for a few days, but so what.
First I heard of grapes poisoning dogs, but then I don't read anything ASPCA writes anyway because I know what there all about,
and I might add I never trust any private animal Inc. My vet wouldn't dare to tell me a lie she's knows I do my research.
(July 27, 2016) Kittie Deemer said: I've used grapes, both red and green (mostly green) as treats.
Frozen or fresh, my dogs like them. I've never had my dogs make a meal of them, but for a while, I used them daily as training treats
with no ill effects.
(July 27, 2016) Gwyn Poor said: In the 70's and 80's I used to make my own bait - recipe from a Samoyed breeder. Some of the ingredients other than, yum, liver,
were garlic and dehydrated onions. The dogs went wild for it! One show, sitting next to Sheltie ring, every time the dogs would pass
by me, heads would whip around. Finally, one exhibitor looked over at me and asked "WHAT do you have?". I have her a liver-brownie.
Maybe not smart since she was a competitor, but my heart went out to that Sheltie's pleading eyes. Now, since the "they's' have told us
garlic and onions are toxic, I guess they are. After all, the "they's" say so. I asked one of my vets about this. Well, she explained, if
you stuff a lot of garlic capsules down a kitten's throat...
(July 27, 2016) Heidi said: re;Dianne Ivey, My dogs will eat Mulberries off of the ground so much so that ...
well let's just say that something looks like Mulberry pie. Point is, no ill effects from those either, and they were eating what I
would assume was a lethal amount ;)
(July 27, 2016) Dianne Ivey said: Our dogs eat grapes right off the vine as we have about 8 vines of
different varieties in our yard. They eat as many as they like when the g apes are ripe and have never been sick from eating grapes. We
have a number of Norwich terriers and adults to puppies have always enjoyed them. I've never believed them harmful, but it's hard to
convince the public once the. Veterinarian tells them it's poisonous.
(July 27, 2016) Madlyn Glazer said: Our Mini Poodles, (first a Silver, an then an apricot) loved grapes.
My Dad would bite a large green grape in half, eat half and give the other half to our Poodle sans pit. They would eat maybe 3-5 halves
of large grapes with no ill effects. Sometimes we shared raisins as well. I know of many dogs years ago who snacked on grapes with
absolutely no ill effects. But now, we are all afraid to feed grapes and if a dog accidentally ingests even a few, it seems that it will
cost you a least a few hundred if not a lot more at the Vet to treat/prevent a reaction. I feel that the Vets are doing what s
necessary IF GRAPES WERE REALLY THAT TOXIC. But where are the studies showing toxicity? Maybe they have been done but I have not
seen any results and I am usually good in researching.
(July 27, 2016) Sara Rowlands said: My old GSD died aged 13.5 years back in 2008. In his earlier years,
I always used grapes as training aids! He was never ill. I had also used them on previous dogs, but when the news became public
knowledge, I obviously stopped using them, and have never used them as treats for my present dog, a Bull Terrier.
(July 27, 2016) Mary Verbeck Pomeroy said: Many years ago my husband had a basset who not only ate grapes off the vine but
would drink wine and beer if it was left unattended! Didn't hurt that basset AT ALL.
(July 27, 2016) Heidi said: My parrots love grapes but for whatever reason they feel the need to
feed the lowly denizens who must walk on the ground. My dogs eat grapes, mostly black but also red, they don't like the green as much
-- and they will definitely also eat raisins. I was floored when a few years back this started to be a poisonous habit for our pets.
None have died thus far, nor gotten sick.
On the other hand, I know of a border collie that has been sick for
a long time. He also herds. Come to find out, he snacks on the sheep poop. Which is loaded with Ivermectin. Which is toxic to Collies.
I'd say that would be of much greater concern in my world.