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The Glitz and Glamour Of Dog Shows


Orlando Cluster 2008


Purina®, Central Florida KC, Space Coast KC of Palm Bay and Brevard KC at Central Florida Fairgrounds, Orlando, FL (Group show results below.)


December 12th - 14th

Pam Porter, SE Region Reporter/Photographer


Orlando became the county seat In 1856, first incorporated on July 31 ,1875 with an area of 4 square miles and then as a city in 1885.  Today Orlando is an area of over 100 square miles, still located entirely within Orange County.  Recent growth is partly attributable to nearby Disney World so plan an extra day to visit there during the winter shows.  Too hot to leave dogs in a vehicle during the summer.  New to Orlando's many tourist attractions is Aquatica, an up close animal experience with high speed thrills and wide sandy beaches.  The first water park to open in Orlando in 12 years, it features 36 water slides, six rivers and lagoons.


Orlando Cluster Group Results


Brevard Kennel Club

Sunday's Best in Show

Judge Mr. Frank McCartha

CH Nautilus Purple Passion, Golden Retriever


Sporting Judge: Dr. Ronald I Spritzer

CH Nautilus Purple Passion, Golden Retriever

Owners: Julie Mackinnon and Kathy Sneider VMD

Handler: Jane Alston Myers


Hound - Judge: Mr. Pete Dawkins

CH Bo Betts Quigley Down Under, Whippet

Owners: Wendy Winans and Carol A Harris


Working - Judge: Mr. Ronald J Lambert

CH Soquel's Run For The Roses, Doberman

Owner: Linda Bellin


Terrier - Judge: Glenda Dawkins

CH Edison's TNT Aftershock, Parson Russell Terrier

Owner: Kellie Dahlberg


Toy - Judge: Glenda Dawkins

CH Norkus' Risky Business, Pug

Owners: Michelle Molnar and Jamie A Danburg

Handler: Linda G Rowell


Non-Sporting - Judge: Mr. David McIntyre

CH Emerald Red Baron, Bulldog

Owners: Janet Edwards, Heidi Cole, N Isakson, R Ealy

Handler: Frank Jewett


Herding - Judge: Mr. Frank McCartha

CH Skyecove's Out and About, Australian Shepherd

Owners: Lindsey Grinels & Julianne Wiseman

Brevard Kennel Club

Saturday's Best in Show

Judge Mr. David McIntyre

CH Standish's Total Knock Out, Border Terrier


Sporting Judge: Mr. Joe Tacker

CH Sankris That's my Boy, Pointer

Owners: Sandra Bures and Kristine Kirkland


Hound - Judge: Mr. Joe Tacker

CH Sylvan Vitrina Finian's Rainbow SC, Borzois

Owners: Christopher and Pam Neale


Working - Judge: Dr. Donald I Spritzer

CH Tamaron's Leonidas, Boxer

Owners: Vanja Milic and Joy Iannaconi


Terrier - Judge: Mr. David McIntyre

CH Standish's Total Knock Out, Border Terrier

Owners: Rob Cobussen, Gina Helmbrecht, & Diane Chapman


Toy - Judge: Gloria L Geringer

CH Norkus' Risky Business, Pug

Owners: Michelle Molnar and Jamie A Danburg

Handler: Linda G Rowell


Non-Sporting - Judge: Mr. Joe Tacker

CH Ramkee's Chip off the Ole Bear, Keeshonden

Owner: Ann Terry


Herding - Judge: Mr. Pete Dawkins

CH Rollingview Beat of my Hear, Old English Sheepdog

Owners: Sally Berretta & Barbara Marchand

Space Coast KC of Palm Bay

Friday's Best in Show

Judge Gloria L Geringer

CH Yorrow Venerie Vignette, Norfolk Terrier


Sporting Judge: Mr. David McIntyre

CH Sankris That's My Boy, Pointer

Owners: Sandra Bures and Kristine Kirkland


Hound - Judge: Mr. David McIntyre

CH Rokeena Carte Blanche, PBGV

Owners: J & Y & C Herrera and R & R Wallis

Handler: Greg Myers


Working - Judge: Mr. Frank L McCartha

CH Tamaron's Leonidas, Boxer

Owners: Vanja Milic and Joy Iannaconi


Terrier - Judge: Mr. Thomas V Natalini

CH Yorrow Venerie Vignette, Norfolk Terrier

Owners: Ann & Bobby Thomas, Pam Beale


Toy - Judge: Mr. David McIntyre

CH Norkus' Risky Business, Pug

Owners: Michelle Molnar and Jamie A Danburg

Handler: Linda G Rowell


Non-Sporting - Judge: Mr. Pete Dawkins

CH Tara Huff Edrey Starbuck, Lhasa Apsos

Owners: Peggy Huffman and Edwin Valle


Herding - Judge: Mr. Joe Tacker

CH Ch. Sunburst One Cool Dude, Shetland Sheepdog

Owners: April Reed and Lorrie Dunford

But this weekend Orlando was full of dogs, bringing in a lot of revenue as the Space Coast Kennel Club, Central Florida KC and Brevard KC held their last shows for 2008. Entries were down a little. People were talking about the lack of people in the Central Florida Fairgrounds. The Clubs did an outstanding job of providing for the exhibitors but since it was windy and cold (for Florida), only a few tourist found their way to the show site.


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SANTA GREETS DOG SHOW FOLKS IN ORLANDO FLORIDASanta was there just in case you wanted to have your four legged best friends photo taken.   The cluster provides this booth every year.  Some years it is pretty warm for dear Santa, but not this year.


SHOW VET DR. AUSTINDr. Billy Austin has been the on site Veterinarian for the last five years . Retired after 37 years treating his Miami patients, Dr Austin was available to answer the many dog related questions and concerns.


ONOFRIO SUPERS TURNER & GILLEYOnofrio Dog Shows employees drove 1300 miles to be at this cluster. Jack and Dorothy Onofrio began their little business over 40 years ago in Oklahoma City, OK. It is a family run business to this day, but has expanded to over 120 shows a year. Reggie Turner (L) lives in Oklahoma City and has worked for Onofrio over 10 years. He was an all breed handler, but Onofrio Inc has a policy that no employee may own , handle or enter a dog show. Crew member, Todd Gilley (R) has been with Onofrio for 2 yrs and loves to be "on the road again".


DOG SHOW TROPHIESThe trophy table caught my eye on Sat. and then I noticed some dog related notebooks on a table, near the trophy table.  I was interested in buying one and disappointed they were not for sale.


They were hand made by Kathy Gilchrest who is so talented and does many crafts. Kathy is also the corresponding secretary and trophy chairman for Central Florida Kennel Club, moving to Orlando from Utica, NY in 1968. She was also taking orders to make personalized notebooks. I'm thinking of how I want my notebook made!


WILKERSON DOG SHOW PHOTOGRAPHERSWinner Pix Photography, owned by Tammy Wilkerson with assistant Rick Ortega has been taking dog show photos for several years and lives in North Carolina. Rick lives in Jacksonville, FL and will be assisting at the Brooksville Circuit. He took up dog show photography 25 years ago and travels to over 60 shows a year. How many times have you returned your photo because it was not a good photo of your dog.? FYI, communicate with your photographer as to what you want featured because they want to take the best photo of your dog to show what you want seen.


Judge Frank L. McCartha from SC judged all three days but we heard Mrs. McCarthy is ill. We hope she regains her health in speedy fashion as they are a devoted couple and share interest in both the dogs and in their very successful Miniature Horse farm. He was kind and humorous, putting exhibitors at ease. Exclusive interview here...


DOG SHOW JUDGES WORK HARD!And Joe Tacker flew in from California, judged three days and then judged 5 different groups. How do they do it? Well, they must love what they are doing.


TOM GRINELS LEAD RING STEWARDWith their traditional red jackets, the Southeastern Stewards Association were in charge of keeping the flow of the judging going for three days. Lead Steward for the cluster was Tom Grinels, from Palm City, FL. The SESA has about 75 members and is one of two Steward Clubs in Florida. If you have ever thought that it seemed like many stewards are seniors, you are correct. Their expenses to travel to the shows, staying in hotels and food is all paid by the individual so don't quit your day job to be a ring steward. Tom decided to be a ring steward because his 16 yr old daughter loves to show their Australian Sheperds so they go to the shows anyway. He is never assigned a ring Lindsey will be in. The Herding Group was in the ring as we chatted, that is until Lindsey won the group! Then Tom was speechless!


JUSTIN SMITHY, DOG SHOW HANDLER, WHIPPET BREEDERBuying his first Whippet from long time Whippet breeder, Calvin Perry, with whom he still has a dog partnership, Justin Smithy began showing at age 19. He now owns a boarding, grooming and doggie day care in Sugar Valley, GA. Justin was an assistant to now AKC rep Mary Dukes and assisted Carol Harris of Bo Bett Italian greyhounds and Whippets, as well as being a professional handler. Justin enjoys interaction with the dogs and the many people he has met over the last six years.


JUNIOR HANDLER, BASENJI OWNER CALI SHATTUCKBest Jr Handler Sunday was 16 yr old, Basenji owner Cali Shattuck.  Cali began showing at 13 in the breed ring as well as Junior. She loves the dog shows, and plans to attend The University of Florida and get a degree in Architecture. Cali is presently #2 Florida Junior Handler, and hopes to qualify for Westminster in 2010. Cali will be in Brooksville, assisting, Golden Retriever owner Amy Booth, and specialing her Basenji, Nile.


Wishing all readers and family good health and much happiness - Pam Porter EST 2002 © 081220S10



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