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Canine instinct to chase a wild critter was stronger than this dog owner’s common sense who let her off leash to ‘go potty in the woods’ 28 miles from home. Staff

Sept 11, 2024



The little dog heard or smelled something and barking, ran off into the forest. The owners searched for her, gave up and drove on home. But they ran an ad in the local newspaper offering a $1,500 reward for her safe return.


Days went by. Then a ranch worker spotted the dog when checking his trail cameras.


She appeared to be chewing on a small animal carcass. He pinpointed her location but when he approached, the little dog fled like the wind. The story would usually end here but the rancher checked the newspaper and veterinary offices and managed to contact the dog’s owner.


He suggested they set up a trap to bait her with. Fingers crossed, the owners agreed.


They were dejected and discouraged when days passed without a trace of their dog. The owners even hired someone with a scent tracking dog but to no avail. We may think the police and sheriffs are just there to catch criminals but Ryan Lawler, a local deputy from the Sheriff's Department, volunteered his time and expertise with a drone in attempts to spot her from the air.



When the drone revealed only a grizzly bear and a few other large animals it was surmised that the small dog had run into trouble and would never be found. But the owners and the rancher who had first spotted her refused to give up.


Hoping, trusting and believing in prayers, they persisted and finally, the little dog was again spotted on a trail camera and quickly found. She was in pretty good shape and because she is a dog…delighted to see her owners again.


This is a story within a story. Although dogs are very much "domesticated” in this day and time, they have not lost the basic instincts that make them one of the most successful animals on planet earth.


So, consider this a reminder and pass the story along to all your friends. You are hereby granted permission to republish this article on Facebook or whatever social media you prefer. Hug your dog and thank God, good luck, and thanks to a persistent ranger!! EST 2002 © Sep 2024



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