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Parent Breed Clubs Survey


AKC recognized national breed clubs as the foundation meant to promote the breed and serve the membership. Does your “Parent Club” actually do that?



Your comments are invited in the survey below.  Please enter your first and last name and email (for our internal reference and validation that you are a person, not a machine).  Note: Email addresses are never divulged or shared by any ii NetPlaces Network site. To move within the form, tab or click into each box.


First    Last    Email


Is your national breed club doing a good job promoting the breed?

 Yes       No


Is your "parent" breed club growing or shrinking?

 Growing       Shrinking       Not Sure


Is the membership actually involved and interested in the club?

Tell us in 25 words or less.


Is the sport of dogs expanding or decreasing and if so, why?

Tell us in 50 words or less.


The best responses may be selected for publication, if used, your name will be provided for authentication. EST 2002 © 1907



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