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What every breeder (and parent) should know about BGH milk, dairy products, and beef: health problems the media won’t reveal.


June 21, 2011

Nel Liquorman, Health & Nutrition Editor


Reproductive problems, compromised immune systems, low-grade infections, poor response to proven antibiotics, just some of the health problems attributed to consumption of hormone-laden milk, dairy products, and pet food containing this category of DDD (Dead, Diseased, Dying) beef.


Here is the shocking story the news media has withheld from you.  The health problems will enlighten you, the extent of the cover-up will frighten you, and learning that the Animal Rights groups won't address it will infuriate you!



  • Genetically engineered copy of a cow’s natural growth hormone injected into dairy cows to increase milk production

  • Injected into cattle intended for slaughter to accelerate growth

  • Causes Mastitis, a potentially fatal mammary gland infection in dairy cows, resulting in pus and antibiotic pass-through in milk

  • Believed to be responsible for over 40% reduction in fertility, lameness, open sores and fatalities from internal bleeding

  • Passed to humans through milk and beef products

  • Passed to dogs and cats in pet foods containing beef

  • Believed to pose endocrine cancer risk and other health problems to humans who ingest the hormone-laden milk and beef products

Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (trade name Posilac) was FDA approved in 1994.  The U.S. is the only country that allows use of this hormone!  Even more shocking is that not only did the FDA not require labeling on consumer products, FDA refused to allow BGH-free labeling![1]  Do not miss the instant information on the ii Bovine Growth Hormone/Posilac label.  Read and then call on HSUS, PETA, ASPCA, etc. to stop the relentless, deadly animal cruelty!  Or… read why the press doesn’t run this story and form your own opinion about why the animal rights people fail to address this ongoing, daily cruelty to animals.


In 1987, Monsanto submitted a new animal drug application for Posilac, a synthetic growth hormone to increase milk production in dairy cows.  If BGH, aka recombinant bovine somatotropin (rBST) and recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH) sounds futuristic and frightening, it is.  Nonetheless, Monsanto supplemented the application with studies and reports documenting the safety and effectiveness of the drug. After reviewing those materials for 6 years, the FDA approved the use of the synthetic bovine growth hormone in 1993 and in January 1994, a Congressional task force concluded that the FDA’s position regarding labeling was adequately supported on the basis that there was no difference in treated and untreated cow's milk.  They ruled therefore that there should be no labeling to indicate a difference.


The integrity of scientists and university members was believed compromised by pressures from Monsanto; therefore the truth was withheld from consumers and mainstream media did not report on BGH.


“Whistleblower” scientists and journalists’ investigations on health problems caused by BGH were suppressed.  Even the Fox News Network eliminated both the story and the journalists after 83 rewrites covering the truth about BGH!{2} Unquestionably, “BGH Milk” is among the USA’s most egregious cover-ups involving consumers, the drug industry, and food producers.


Sick and dying cows went to slaughter houses where their remains went straight into pet foods.  Thus the DDD term “Dead, Diseased, or Dying” because FDA allows “meat unfit for human consumption” to be used for pet food.  Due to the massive cover-up, no pet health problems were diagnosed or directly traced to BGH.  Until now.


Ironically, many herdsmen claim the recombinant rBHG, trade name Posilac, never lived up to Monsanto’s claim that it would stimulate milk production and in some cases production diminished.  Worst of all, losing cows (many with pedigrees longer than your Best In Show winner) was financially and emotionally devastating to generational family dairy farmers.


Monsanto’s rBGH was rejected by Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, and the European Union (consisting of 27 countries), but Eli Lilly has begun a campaign to market their newly purchased recombinant bovine growth hormone.


Monsanto had the deep pockets needed to influence the networks and skew the data from university studies but after 5 years of controversy, Monsanto sold Posilac to a key member of the drug empire.{3}   The buyer, Elanco Animal Health, a division of the Eli Lilly Company, seems just as willing to put profit before health.


Reproductive and Health Problems under another name?

It is not likely that Eli Lilly would have bought Monsanto’s “big loser” unless they had a rock solid plan for rehabilitating its reputation.  Since they are a drug company they may reformulate and rename posilac and we can not expect to get any news about this from mainstream media, as we learned in the Fox News case.


How to avoid the bovine growth hormone, alias rBGH?

In 1994 Monsanto and the FDA maintained that there was no difference in milk from treated and untreated cows, but in 2010 a court challenge proved otherwise.  In International Dairy Foods Association v Boggs, it was decided that BGH-free milk is indeed different than milk that comes from cows treated with the Bovine Growth Hormone.   This paves the way for milk from untreated cows to be labeled bovine growth hormone-free.


Although it took a lawsuit to force the FDA to allow simple but vital consumer information labeling, according to Organic Consumers.Org, over half of the USA’s largest dairies have completely or partially discontinued use of rBGH.  Dean Foods, Starbucks, and Chipotle Mexican Grill have gone completely rBGH-free, as have a few other retailers such as Walmart and Kroger store brand milkSam’s Club has pledged to carry only milk from suppliers of un-treated cows.


Your best protection at the grocery store is the knowledge that Organic dairy is BGH-free and trusting those retailers that pledged to carry hormone-free dairy.  Thank them next time you shop there, or send email.  Wise consumption of dairy products may mean an all-out boycott of products from treated cows but we must keep up the pressure.


The prepared food industry often incorporates dairy ingredients into their products so we must also pressure them to pledge that they will use only bovine growth hormone-free dairy ingredients.  Let food producers know you will not purchase dairy products, packaged foods containing dairy ingredients, or pet foods unless they bear a BGH-free statement on the label.


We are surveying Pet Food Companies and will provide that information but in the meantime you should email or call pet food manufacturers and demand assurance that the food does not contain bovine growth hormone in any form.  Tell their marketing department that we want to see a BGH-free statement on pet food labels.  Remember, it was finally decided by a court of law that “bovine growth hormone-free” is allowed to be stated on the label but it is not currently a requirement.


Take action to protect your dogs and cats from this hormone and don’t forget that it could be in your own diet.


We believe the following information to be accurate but we do not guarantee validity.  We advise readers do their own research to establish label authenticity.  We do however consider any warning better than NO LABEL WARNING.


NEL ON RECALLED, RECYCLED, COUNTERFEIT DOG FOODFurthermore, we would urge every “animal rights” and animal welfare group to vigorously protest what appears to be extreme, unrelenting cruelty to helpless animals.  Read this, then ask the USDA and the FDA why milk from treated cows is allowed to be sold without a warning label???


Someone from UC Davis posted, on an agriculture discussion list, the ii BGH/Posilac label that Monsanto is required to include as an insert with each sale of its version of BST (brand-name: Posilac).


{1}  Columbia Science & Technology Law Review

{2}  Youtube video Reporters Covering Monsanto's BGH Cancer Milk

{3}  Monsanto’s 2008 PR re Posilac Sale To Eli Lilly


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