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Estrogen inhibitors, MSG and excitotoxins in both human and pet foods can cause aberrant, addictive, hyperactive, even violent behavior or rage syndrome.


Nov. 8, 2022 updatep>

Nel Liquorman, Nutrition Editor


Doctor Joe and other medical and veterinary authorities In 2014 I reported that certain dog food ingredients could cause unprovoked aggression, excessive barking and canine behavioral problems similar to what medical doctors term Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) in people.


Alzheimer's disease may be environmental, a result of toxic food or water.A dog-breeder-friend said her dogs became hyperactive while gaining weight at the same time so we knew it was the new petfoods. I did in-depth research which resulted in some very disturbing answers. Behavioral problems (in both pets and people) particularly aggression and hyperactivity, may be caused by excitotoxins in the food.


In 2022 behavioral abnormalities have escalated in both humans and animals, from mob violence and cognitive dysfunction to uncontrollable family pets.


The science of excitotoxicity will amaze you.  Many pet foods contain additives which act as estrogen-blockers and cause frustrating problems for cat and dog breeders. See Instant Information on ii dog food containing bromine.



Estrogen Inhibitor Oils: Many pet foods are touted as rich in omega 3 oils from wild salmon and other oily fish, cruciferous plant substances such as flax seed oil and rapeseed oil (renamed Canola).  Oil from hemp, a cruciferous plant which is 80% fatty acid, is also being sold as a supplement for dogs and cats.  Such substances are natural estrogen inhibitors, can lower fertility, conception plus they interfere with thyroid hormone production and some prescription drugs.


Vitamin D in pet food is just more oil from fish and Vitamin D3 is specifically from Cod Oil which contains especially high levels of vitamin A.  The significance?  High levels of “A” are known to cause ii Hypervitaminosis A with side effects ranging from skin problems to birth defects.


Cruciferous vegetables, extremely healthy for humans, have been used in hundreds of cancer studies.  Since 2004, cancer doctors have been telling patients to add such vegetables to their diets because they are beneficial to overall health and are believed to aid in combating the disease.  But controlled studies, such as at the University of Illinois at Urbana, found that extracts of cruciferous vegetables act as anti-estrogen agonists.  These findings were published in 2000 by the American Chemical Society.  Other university studies are available and indications are that over 300 studies with similar results took place.


Mercury: High concentrations of methyl mercury, an organic form of mercury, have been found in omega 3 from fish oils rendered from large, long-lived ocean fish.  Mercury is a neurotoxin.  Symptoms include vision impairment, lack of coordination and numbness which can lead to seizures and death.  High levels of mercury are common in wild salmon.


PCBs & Fish Oil: In 2009 there were lawsuits due to polychlorinated biphenyl compounds (once used in the electrical industry) found in nearly a dozen different fish oil supplements.  Over thirty years ago, the EPA banned PCBs from the USA but this chemical (which causes cancer and reproductive toxicity) is still found in fish from which the oil is extracted.


The Mayo Clinic web site had the following to say about fish oils:  “There is evidence from multiple studies supporting intake of recommended amounts of DHA and EPA in the form of dietary fish or fish oil supplements… however, high doses may have harmful effects, such as an increased risk of bleeding.”


It should be noted that fish oil, cruciferous plants and excitotoxins such as MSG are added to many pet foods AND human food.


According to researchers, omega 6 found in vegetable oils, including corn and safflower, increase estrogen activity and are also thought to be pro-inflammatory.  Canola oil (an estrogen inhibitor) may also be pro-inflammatory.


ii Soybeans have moved into the top ten allergen list in the human population.  It is hard to find soybean listed on human food labels as, like MSG, it masquerades under many aliases and even harder to pinpoint it in cat or dog food list of ingredients.  We can expect ii Soy Allergy Symptoms to manifest in our pets.  In addition, for well over 20 years, soybean in pet food has been linked to bloat (gastic torsion) in dogs.  This is not simple gas; torsion is a crisis situation that requires immediate emergency veterinary care.


Soy protein isolate (ISP) is a source of textured vegetable protein (TVP).  That sounds good but soy actually hinders protein digestion and causes red blood cells to stick together interfering with oxygen intake.


In addition to direct allergic reactions, it has been widely reported that an alkaline solution is used to remove fibers from the soybeans. Fibers are acid washed in aluminum tanks believed to leach aluminum. Aluminum toxicity has a wide range of symptoms including colic, gastro-intestinal problems, nervousness, anemia, headache, speech problems, memory loss, softening of bones, weak/aching muscles, liver and kidney function decline; the list grows yearly.


Marigold extract is considered a folk remedy for skin conditions which must be why some pet food makers include it even though the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO) does not consider marigold a nutritional need for cats and dogs.


Marigold extract (calendula) contains lutein.  In the human population, lutein supplements can cause a tightening effect on the uterus and are not recommended while breast-feeding.  Animal studies indicate that marigold/lutein is toxic to sperm and may adversely affect fertilized eggs.  Symptoms of too much lutein include indigestion, chest pain, heartburn, dizziness, blurred vision, eye irritation, skin discoloration, and difficulty swallowing and there may be evidence of renal and liver overload.  Marigold’s best use is probably as a natural pesticide ingredient!



Dog trainers, therapists and behaviorists are multiplying almost as fast as canine behavioral problems.  Even carefully bred, perfectly raised puppies or kittens can turn into uncontrollable, destructive pets that often wind up at the local shelter. Some veterinarians blame it on genetics.  Obviously that does not explain the crossbreds and mutts that are affected.


Was it a mad scientist that created food ingredients that cause berserk behavior?Excitotoxins: Sounds like a mad scientist made up that name but ii Excitotoxicity isn’t new.


Knowing of often misdiagnosed side effects in human foods, I wondered if excitotoxins in pet foods cause uncharacteristic out-of-control behavior in dogs and cats?


According to Dr. Russell Blalock (well known neurosurgeon, author, lecturer, and nutritionist), hidden MSG and other specious ingredients are excitotoxins, which quite literally excite cells to death.  Brain studies were in the human population but effects on pets would be more significant due to an animal’s lack of inhibition.


MSG – monosodium glutamate: Most people now recognize the risk of MSG in human foods, particularly in “prepared” foods.  Many products proudly proclaim “no MSG” on the packaging but in many cases MSG is hidden in what the label refers to as "natural flavor".  What you may not realize is that monosodium glutamate (MSG) is believed to be mildly addictive to more than the taste buds.  Dogs and cats “taste” food through their olfactory senses but they ingest MSG just as we do and can therefore be equally affected.


MSG causes hyperactivity and behavioral aberrations in the human population and while studies have yet to be done, we can extrapolate those problems to our formerly mild mannered pets.


Once referred to as “hidden MSG” (due to that additive’s pseudonyms) the following ingredients were identified as being excitotoxins: gelatin, calcium caseinate, textured protein, sodium caseinate, yeast nutrient, autolyzed yeast, hydrolyzed protein, carrageenan, maltodextrin, malt extract, natural food flavoring, broth, soy sauce extract, whey protein concentrate, pectin, and anything protein fortified, enzyme modified, or seasoned.


These additives are in everything from soup to ice cream, and increasingly found in dog and cat foods.  Since the industry keeps coming up with new names, our best advice is:  if you don’t know what an ingredient is, research to make sure that it is not hidden MSG.


You may not reduce the risk of cat or dog food additives by using human foods.  For example, feeding your pet raw or cooked chicken you buy for your family may not be a good idea.  Check the wrapper again.  If the chicken contains “broth” it probably contains excitotoxins. The

 Associated Press reported that 30% of U.S. chickens are injected with additives that represent up to 15% of the meat’s weight.  This process is called “plumping” and it is used to make former “factory farm” laying hens” more marketable.


One particular brand uses broth containing “2% or less sea salt, carrageenan, xantham gum, vinegar, and natural flavor.”  Carrageenan and natural flavor are the culprits.  Natural flavor can be anything from MSG to rosemary (a neurotoxin) to soy (affects estrogen production). These additives, like many others contained in pet and human food are hidden MSG, now known as excitotoxins.


NEL ON RECALLED, RECYCLED, COUNTERFEIT DOG FOODWhen several pets have the same personality or health changes occurring at the same time, it is not coincidental.  Unless you have moved, installed new carpet, treated the lawn, etc. it is almost certain to be a result of something that should not be in their food.  For now, we can only say read the label.


It is time for the FDA to insist on plain English identification of all food additives whether for human consumption or in pet foods. This estrogen-inhibiting information will be read by a quarter-million pet owners this month.  It is going to become harder to market pet food contaminated by unneeded, unwanted, and potentially dangerous ingredients!


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