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Counterfeit pet foods threaten U.S. economy and may be bankrolling radical Islamic terrorist cells.  Is your name brand dog food safe to feed and safe for democracy?


2018 Update from February 2010 | TheDogPress

Nel Liquorman, Nutrition Editor / Investigative Reporter


In 2010 I told you that counterfeit and recalled pet foods are revealed as a tremendous growth industry in Pet Food Conspiracy ref 1. Fueled by internet marketing, condemned, relabeled and discount dog food (both dry and canned as shown in the photo) is a frightening health and economic problem.


Of equal concern is the knowledge that such pet food profits can also fund international terrorists.  The Department of Justice handed out indictments “for conspiring to support Hezbollah and related crimes... trafficking in counterfeit goods, and making false statements to government officials.(1)


David Kris, Assistant Attorney General for National Security, said "The allegations contained in this complaint demonstrate how terrorist organizations rely on a variety of underlying criminal activities to fund and arm themselves."


Pet food sales topped $18 billion in 2009 and are projected to exceed $21 billion in the next few years.  How much is generated by counterfeit, discount dog and cat food is not known but terrorist groups recognize a goldmine when they see one.


The FDA recently ordered U.S. Marshals to seize 1500 cases of human and pet food due to filthy storage conditions.  FDA controls sales of cosmetics, health/beauty aids, and over-the-counter drugs. The USDA oversees animal and agricultural products, including pet foods, but does not appear to have been a part of the Mid-States Closeouts raid.


The Wisconsin based Mid-States Closeouts underwent drastic changes immediately after the seizure.  Availability in all product categories changed to “0",  with the exception of a large quantity of laptop computers referred to as Dell “EXAPLE”.   Within three days the website was completely sanitized, few pages would open, each with a notice that the site was down for maintenance (2) and has since become inaccessible and the warehouse closed.


Mid-States Closeouts Inc’s eBay store (3) appear to be the same products as are usually made in China and sold to discount stores.  Like many internet sellers, the online "store" also lists goods with recognizable USA brand names.  Whether overstock or fake, the concern is that the Chinese Communist Party or radical Muslim groups may benefit from mass sales of such items, including counterfeit or recalled pet foods.  ii both Arabic and Chinese names are frequently noted.


Connecticut Senator Joseph Lieberman had this to say about Islamic terrorists.  “I was surprised and struck by the numbers; they were larger than I expected.”  Sen. Lieberman is chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security.  He told NPR “The reality is it only took one man, Nidal Hasan, to kill 13 people at Fort Hood and injure a lot more.”


In 2017 we can be sure Government agencies have investigated on-going threats in our marketplace.  It is their duty to protect U.S. citizens.


FBI Director Comey must be aware of the threat to our food supply.


USDA, FDA, and other appropriate agencies must share cautionary information with the media because other than The Dog Press subscribers, Americans are unaware of the risk when they grab a bargain and it turns out to be condemned or counterfeit pet food that may bankroll terrorists.


Beyond health risks, discounted dog foods and other goods have ramifications that include economic conspiracies.  While none of us are aware of delicate international trade agreements, you can copy the link and send Discount Pet Foods Fund Terrorists to every good American, including your elected representatives.  See Pet Food Conspiracy



Discounted dog foods and counterfeit labels may actually support terrorist groups and/or a foreign conspiracy intent on toppling a major segment of our economy.  DOJ release on terrorist conspiracy indictments reveals Islamic terrorists were here in 2009.  How many are here in 2018?


Dog owners need to know the risks to their pets and to our national security.


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