Will AKC remain aligned with puppy mills or can its many financial interests other than registrations allow it to support hobby and show breeders?
May 2017 Update on October 2011 Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief
Let’s be clear here. I’ve supported AKC since registering my first litter in 1964. I wish it could be mutual because it’s tough, supporting AKC… like being in love with a man who robs banks, you just keep hoping he’ll change his ways.
Take AKC’s love affair with puppy mills. I was a certified Patti-Parrott for years, doing Patti’s bidding in my Canine Chronicle columns because NAIA seemed like a great ally with which to fight the puppy mills and those pesky animal rights terrorists, learn about ii Animal Rights Origin & History. It should have helped that Patti was also on the AKC Board, but even with $50,000 in contributions from AKC, NAIA had little to no success "fighting anti-breeder legislation" and the same holds true in 2017.
Some AKC sycophants will say otherwise but they won’t be among the millions of people who sold, gave away, spayed, or moved in order to keep their dogs!
One National Animal Interest Alliance appeal letter said “We must make people aware or in a few years, we will no longer own any kind of pet.” Scare tactics? More like a diversion from the truth because long after there’s nothing left to spay and neuter, the public will have sick dogs for vets to treat, rejects for shelters to shelter and TV pets for HSUS to “protect.” If you think not, take a minute and answer these questions:
When show breeders have been legislated out of existence where will people get pets? What will happen when hobby breeders can no longer afford vet bills? Who alone will profit from the answers to the first and second question?
The first answer is just too easy. People will get puppies from those Weapons Of Mass Production. Puppy mills are USDA licensed, totally unaffected by the laws that will put hobby and show breeders out of business. The public doesn’t care. Be honest, show breeders buy and sell to each other. We used to sell to the public but now AKC has convinced us we “can’t meet the demand."
The second answer is nearly as obvious. Pet owners now have pet insurance to pay vet bills that went through the roof when AKC made its multi-million dollar pet insurance deal. Millions of pet owners buy AKC pet insurance at the same time they buy their AKC registered puppy from the pet shop!
But YOU, show or hobby breeder, have multiple dogs and can't get AKC's pet insurance. How can that have happened? You, the hobby breeder who once-upon-a-time kept AKC in business, you have whelping and puppy care expense, along with genetic tests, vet checks and optimum care. YOU can’t purchase pet insurance so you can't compete with puppy mills and distributors like Hunte Corp. who have their own veterinarians. So it will be the show and hobby breeders who can't afford veterinary services. Pretty slick eh?
Who re-educated us to think of puppy mills as “high volume breeders”? Answer: AKC through its High Volume Breeders Committee{4} and through one of its many PR outlets - the NAIA. Both subtly pointed out that AKC has always registered puppy mill puppies but that AKC is now helping puppy mills to do better and educating them about the over-breeding, abuse, and production of diseased and defective puppies.
Stop laughing! That’s what they say. Brainwashing was the assignment of the AKC HVB committee headed by Patti Strand. When I interviewed Patti, I only had parrot eyes. Now I have hawk eyes.
Who postulated the lie that millions of show and hobby breeders couldn’t meet the public demand for healthy purebred puppies? Gee, was that AKC? We met demand quite handily until the Federal government set up G.I. loans to help veterans get back on their feet by going into puppy farming. Oh, you didn’t know that? Did you know that the USDA loaned Hunte $900,000 and Missouri backed another $4.4 million in loans? And that AKC & Hunte worked together for years. You may want to put the coffee pot on because if you’re into intrigue and you care about purebreds, you’re gonna care about this.
Okay, so who stands to gain with that “can’t meet the demand” ploy? According to AKC, we troublesome show breeders are only about 10% of its income. Maybe that is why AKC spent so much developing PRIME? Oh, you didn’t know about the elaborate inventory tracking software for puppy mills and pet shops? TheDogPress broke the super-secret PRIME story too.
Any reasonable person can see WE will be gone, along with our carefully bred, genetically cleared, lovingly raised dogs. Market competition for the puppy mills will simply fade away.
AKC PAC & Presidential SalariesAKC is quick to point out that HSUS and PETA are lobbying against us. Do they even mention the AKC PAC created ten years ago, in 2007? How’s that AKC Political Action Committee been working out for you?
We know AKC has to sustain its “presidential salaries”. We accept that it wants the puppy mills back. But we had every right to expect AKC to be our ally against the Animal Rights movement. Here it is 2017 and are we demanding that AKC do as much for us as it does for the puppy mills? They get toll-free phone numbers and free registration services, we just need AKC to help market the well-bred purebred.
With AKC support, show and hobby breeders would be registering more puppies than the puppy mills. You know, like we used to. Before the legislative double-cross. Stop. Think. When your parent or breed club elects your next AKC Delegate, will you make this an issue?
If we fail to force AKC to stand with us and for us, hobby breeders will become "gone" and few will miss us. Maybe you don’t care because you’ll still be able to buy a puppy mill/pet shop puppy and show it at whatever kennel clubs survive and have it judged by whatever judges are left.
As we gear up for the 2017 mid-term elections, we must also demand that our AKC Delegates support US, the hobby breeder. Is the AKC PAC sending out notices on good candidate choices? Well who does AKC support? You don't know??!! Are you a club member? You have to be a member of a Member Club in order to have input to AKC. Then you can find out what and who AKC supports. Put people on the AKC Board who care more about quality dogs and hobby breeders than about power and money. Hold them accountable. It is up to YOU to decide who and what AKC really supports.
Gather your courage, share this with friends. Use the handy email link below. Bring it up at your next meeting. What is your club doing to promote your breed and purebred dogs? There's a reason puppy people aren’t calling you. It is NOT the economy. They are buying from pet shops or “adopting” dogs from shelters, paying more in adoption fees than you get for a well bred, healthy, lovingly raised pet puppy. In fact, some shelters buy purebreds to sell to the public!
We must support our sport and demand that the American Kennel Club give hobby breeders the same "privileges" it extends to the puppy mills. AKA "commercial breeders".
Go ahead, dig for gold in Related Articles (you must be an Insider to access some of these articles). {1} AKC Buys PAWS, photos, details of Sen. Santorum’s visit with the AKC Board. {2} AKC Opposes Puppy Protection Act The ultimate betrayal exposed in detail! {3} CA Crisis on AB1634 and AKC goes “neutral” at critical point. {4} The High Volume Breeder Committee 2-part Strand Interview, Insiders only. AKC Judge Kodner Supports Puppy Mills and alliance with Hunte Corp., funded by our tax dollars! AKC’S super-secret PRIME puppy inventory software just for pet shops and puppy mills. Board Of Directors Salaries, when AKC fees are going up, up, up, prepare to be shocked! TheDogPress.com EST 2002 © 1704r4 https://www.thedogpress.com/editorials/What-Does-AKC-Support-bj-1110.asp
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