Anti-America, anti-religion, anti-pets, anti-guns, a decade of subversive politics and political correctness has diminished us but animal owners are hopeful again.
July 2018 Update Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief
Over 30 state legislators are coming up for election on November 6, 2018 and you've learned you have tremendous power at the voting booth.
Democrat, Republican, or Independent, we need to flex our biceps because animal rights zealots have challenged everything Americans believe in, beginning with our freedom to own animals as protected by our Constitutional Rights.
Make no mistake. Anti-animal is Anti-America. It may go by some other name such as "animal rights" but it is powered by the subversive laws that began to erode your Civil and Constitutional Rights two decades ago. You were too busy to notice that your kids were taught to disrespect your family values by PETA-supplied teaching materials. There were other signals but you had a litter to plan, dog shows coming up, and your job and family to worry about. That pretty well filled your plate and you pushed "bad news" to the back burner. Even as your awareness grew along with invasive legislation, you left it to others to defend your liberty.
Think about the inherent rights you gave up. It will be a long list. Let's take just one example. Smoking. Our ancestors smoked for a centuries. They did not die of lung cancer - that is a 20th century disease. Before pre-rolled cigarettes were invented in NC in 1865, tobacco was clean, a religious and ceremonial tool used around the world. Today it is filled with noxious chemicals and addictive substances.
Here's an interesting fact for pot smokers or those who remember when Coke contained cocaine {1}. Over 300,000 deaths per year from prescription drugs {2 } far exceeds those who die from "illegal" (non-taxed, non-regulated, non-doctor dispensed) drugs. But who's reporting that?
While you're mulling over the loss of your Constitutional Right to bear arms to protect your family from an oppressive government that can't protect you, think about how personally insulting legislative regulations have become.
My new car insists on locking me in and the windows won't roll all the way down! I don't have kids and when I did have small children, I never lost one out the window! I can't open a pill bottle with these old hands but I've never known anyone who's kid got sick from eating aspirin!
This is not "dangerous dog legislation" we're talking about. It is your Cocker, your Newfie, or your toy Poodle. The dog license is just one of the yearly bribes you, the responsible dog owner, pay to your county because they say they need a dog-catcher... Here's a sobering thought. Why not fine the offender instead of gouging the innocent? It isn't a license fee, it is legalized extortion.
You get the point. You can no longer have an intact dog behind the expensive fencing you installed because you are a responsible owner. You live in a penthouse with a toy dog that uses pee pee pads? Doesn't matter, animal-rights-backed-legislators will know you have a dog they can tax and regulate. Microchips and veterinary records are a dead giveaway.... So pay the surgical fee or pay off the racketeers, i.e. politicians.
You might wonder how a once obscure group calling itself "People For The Ethical Treatment Of Animals" known as PETA took control of a big part of your life. Ask yourself, where did PETA get millions of start up funding in 1980 with which to send out those solicitations? What about ALF and ELF? Good questions but what matters is that you recognize the threat and rise up to defeat it.
Looks like the Tea Party is over.
Think about how far we've come - and where we're at today.
Freedom from illegal search and seizure? Sure. Tell it to dog owners when Animal Control demands entry!
We protected our homes from "red-skinned savages" and now we have to open the door to anyone with an "inspector" badge.
We stood up to the King Of England. Now we bow down to a dog warden.
We bravely wrote a ii Declaration of Independence, ii Bill Of Rights, and a ii Constitution. Now we are afraid to invoke those Rights.
Brave men died so we could remain Americans but then who remembers the battle of ii The Alamo? Today we are way too civilized. We "talk out" our problems. We "come together" and by committee, we hand over our rights. Where once we elected Leaders to represent us, we now send political lackeys out to collect bribes and perks and we're so used to it, we shrug off the latest scandal on nightly news. Or do we?
A decade ago a NY Assemblywoman introduced legislation forbidding you to crop or dock your dog. If I were to do my own tails (it would take one minute per pup, no stressful trip to the vet for mom, and the pups would be back to sleep before they could be put back on the nipple) I'd probably be fined a grand per pup instead of the $500 per violation that publicity-seeking twit wanted! In 2017 the top Miniature Schnauzer breeder was destroyed by animal rights because she cropped ears... and for decades she had taught veterinarians how to do it right. That is what we get when we roll over for political whackos!
We are Americans! We come from fighting stock and we have seen the enemy. Black, white, red, and yellow; we are mad Americans and we ain't gonna take it any more! Democrat, Republican, Independent, it does not matter. We are going to fight for the few rights we have left. One of those is the inherent right to breed quality canines instead of being forced to buy defective dogs from pet shops and puppy mills.
Our forefathers brought their dreams and their pets to America. Sixty-five percent of U.S. households own one or more pets. Animal owners could/should hold the legislative power and we must use it to defeat every politician who tries to take away our God-given right to own dogs and other companion animals!
There's a new kid on the block. President Trump isn't a dog owner but he sounds ready to protect our freedom to be American! State and Federal legislators will be up for election in November 2018. Make your vote count!
Reference Information: {1} When Coke Contained Cocaine {2} Adverse DogMeds Reactions EST 2002 © 15816617011810 SSI
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