The real story behind the sexual abuse charges, the nonprofit (?) Humane Society of the United States' missing $100 million, plus Michael Vick’s HSUS video.
February 12, 2018
Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief, SAAB
The Humane Society of the United States
must surely be among the most profitable nonprofits in the country but was it
designed that way?
HSUS was founded by journalist Fred
Myers, Helen Jones, Larry Andrews, and Marcia Glaser in 1954. Myers was the
leader the former American Humane Association (AHA) so some might say the Humane
Society of the United States was always a one-man, money-making machine. But
since Wayne Pacelle became President and CEO in 2004, there have been
titillating hints of bad conduct.
Then, in early February 2018 the New York
Times announced “Humane Society C.E.O. Resigns Amid Sexual Harassment
Allegations” and Politico magazine reported “Female employees allege culture of
sexual harassment at humane society.” Humane Watch had previously announced the
departure of “Humane Society of the United States Vice President Paul Shapiro”
who had also been implicated in sexual misconduct.
Nathan Winograd's “Indictment of Wayne Pacelle” lists actions such as
the Humane Society of the United States: “condemning the deaths of the victims of
Michael Vick and then championing Michael Vick himself, from opposing No Kill in
San Francisco … and working to defeat progressive animal protection legislation
in Texas, to … calling for the death of cats, to his numerous fundraising
scandals, time and again Pacelle has proven he is not fit to be head of the
largest animal protection organization in the nation. Indeed, he is not fit to
have any role in this movement…”
Incredibly, HSUS hired animal
cruelty perp Michael Vick to make a 30 second fund raising TV spot on Animal
Cruelty sponsored by “The Humane Society of the United States.” See
the commercial in Video Theater, link provided below.
Washington Post{1} reported the HSUS Board voted to “keep chief executive Wayne Pacelle in his job after an internal investigation identified three complaints
of sexual harassment against him.” To their credit, seven
HSUS board
members resigned in protest against that decision! Everyone is acutely aware of
the 2018 sexual abuse charges erupting in the news almost weekly. The Humane
Society's big money donors such as the Greenbaum Foundation, which gave
$100,000 to the HSUS last year, are justifiably nervous. Predictions are that
HSUS and other animal protection groups will be missing millions in
donations this year.
Sexual misconduct charges against the
leader of the Humane Society of the United States are an international
embarrassment. Contrary to its name, the organization does NOT represent the
U.S. or the morality of U.S. citizens. The multiple charges enumerated in the
press are of great moral concern to Americans.
The Harvey Weinstein sexual abuse scandal
opened a floodgate but that was Hollywood... This is about a
self-proclaimed animal lover. The Animal Rights whackos are feasting on the
Our newspaper contacts are
watching to see how the remaining two dozen Humane Society Board Of Directors
react to a potential loss of over a hundred million dollars? ($126,573,499
income in 2016 per Charity Navigator{2})
Seriously? At least some small part of
those donations actually helped animals but who can abide the horrible
treatment of starving, freezing, visibly shivering dogs made to suffer in the making of
yet more ASPCA and HSUS commercials to raise more money?
One thing is for sure - if the
Humane Society of the United States is really about “saving the animals” Wayne Pacelle richly fulfilled it by
resigning from HSUS!
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