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Does promoting ‘Mixed Breed’ programs reflect a decreased demand for purebred dogs? Does AKC make up for declining registration income with AKC Reunite?
October 28, 2019 Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief, SAAB
Then, as though it were news, in April 2019 AKC again announced “Canine Partners program is our enrollment program for mixed breeds and other dogs not eligible for AKC Purebred Registration.” staff could not ignore the insulting irony as once again the internet blast was released for April Fools!
The Dog Fancy grimaced but said nothing even though the $35 money-maker defied the AKC Mission Statement {Ref #2}. AKC President/CEO Dennis Sprung proudly proclaimed Canine Partners as a program “to share our passion for dogs and our sport.” Putting honey on the bitter pill, the corporate leader said it would broaden AKC’s legislative influence by representing more dog owners.
Well, okay, we aren’t snobbish. Mongrels, mutts, street dogs, stray dogs, all packaged up in a nicer sounding name would be okay…
But astute observers wondered how dogs with no owners or people with no dogs could possibly affect legislation?
And given the overwhelming success of anti-dog legislation since 2010, much of it backed by the Humane Society Of The United States (aka HSUS) everyone would agree that no legislative program has been favorable to dog owners.
So click the AKC Reunite link (below) and hold your purebred dog close because indeed, the theft rate on purebred dogs is significantly higher as proven when our staff surveyed police and sheriff’s departments. Determining the breed as compared to what AKC calls an “All American Dog” was not possible but responses clearly indicated small dogs are easier to steal.
A large purebred dog might be tempting to a thief, but “pedigreed” small dogs are especially vulnerable. They are then sold over the internet or through pet shops. Unwittingly or intentionally, America’s premier registry for purebred dogs has highlighted a problem that applies to all dogs.
Our staff suggests you not only sign up for AKC Reunite but that you post a sign stating:
My Dog Is Microchipped and can be TRACKED
{Ref #1} AKC’s New Program for Mixed Breeds ~ {Ref #2} AKC Mission Statement EST 2002 © Oct 2019 SSI
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