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The American Kennel Club

Ed: Subject bolded for speed readers 

New York - July 8, 2002 An integral part of the American Kennel Club’s mission since its creation in 1884 has been to protect and assure the continuation of the sport of purebred dogs. Over the years, that charge has encompassed many different initiatives. Today, it means working closely with clubs and lawmakers to ensure that canine legislation protects our dogs but does not restrict our activities.   

Recently our Canine Legislation department, along with the essential participation of local clubs and dog owners, has been having great success:

  • A misguided Congressional attempt to go after “puppy mills,” the Puppy Protection Act (proposed as an amendment to the Animal Welfare Act) went far beyond its professed purpose and would have placed undue burden on thousands of responsible hobby breeders.  With the tireless contributions of dog clubs and fanciers, we were able to convince members of Congress that this was not the best approach.  Now, AKC is taking the lead on this issue by working closely with the USDA to improve enforcement of the current AWA.  We’re discussing options that will get to the heart of the matter—going after those animal dealers who should be licensed and inspected under the current AWA but who fail to follow the law and continue to operate illegally.  The horror stories reported in television exposés are clear violations of existing AWA regulations and must not be allowed to continue.

  • While no national animal welfare organization believes that breed-specific policies work, insurance companies are using the recent San Francisco dog-mauling case as an excuse to label certain breeds inherently dangerous.  The list of “bad” breeds varies from one company—or one agent—to the next.  The result is that thousands of responsible dog owners throughout the country are suddenly finding themselves without homeowners’ insurance because their policy won’t be renewed unless they give up their dogs.  The fancy has expressed their outrage at this problem and the AKC has communicated our concerns directly to insurance companies.  We have also been in contact with the Information Institute of America and the National Association of State Insurance Commissioners to gather more information on the issue.  The AKC will work with elected officials to address this unfair practice.

  • In Delaware, the AKC and local fanciers were instrumental in helping to defeat a breed-specific dangerous dog bill introduced by the Speaker of the House.  The bill would have automatically labeled several breeds of dog "dangerous,” forcing their owners to comply with strict identification, insurance, and confinement requirements.  No hearings were scheduled and the Speaker hoped to bring his bill before the House for a vote within a week.  Dog clubs in Delaware and the AKC quickly sprung into action, expressing the fallacies of this type of legislation to lawmakers.  The legislators listened, and within a few short days the dangerous dog bill was scaled back to remove all breed references.

Great things happen when we work together, and these are just some current examples of the collaboration between the AKC and the fancy. As we continue to be actively involved, both lawmakers and the public will come to see the AKC as the premier resource for information on dog issues and a powerful force behind the improvement of canine legislation for the benefit of all dog owners. Together we can make a difference.

Ron Menaker, Chairman Of The Board

For further information about AKC and the sport of purebred dogs, visit AKC Online at or contact the Communications Department at 212-696-8343.  



July 2002 
Advantage Flea Control to Sponsor the AKC Breeder of the Year Trophy Debuting at 2002 AKC/Eukanuba American Dog Classic


The American Kennel Club announced today that it would begin awarding an outstanding purebred dog breeder each year with a special trophy.  Advantage Flea Control is the presenting sponsor of the trophy for the American Kennel Club’s Breeder of the Year Award, which will be awarded at the 2002 AKC/Eukanuba American Dog Classic in December.


Since its founding in 1884, AKC has been the organization of choice for people who are devoted to purebred dogs. The love of dogs and the commitment to preserve, protect and improve a chosen breed represent the very essence of AKC and the basis for the sport of purebred dogs. The American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year Award will be bestowed on individuals who best exemplify these time-honored ideals.


“This special honor confirms that 118 years after AKC’s founding, dedicated breeders are still the backbone of our sport,” said Ron Menaker, Chairman of Board, American Kennel Club. “The breeders that we will recognize are the people who have dedicated their lives to improving the health, temperament and longevity of purebred dogs and without whom the AKC’s mission could not continue.”


“Dedicated breeders exemplify the bond between humans and their dogs,” John Payne, Sr. Vice President Bayer Animal Health, commented.  “Advantage salutes these conscientious breeders and is delighted to sponsor The American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year trophy.”   (Ed: how much cash is Bayer kicking into AKC's treasury?  Last year's support from Eukanuba s and TV rights income was reported as "very profitable" for the non-profit AKC)


Nominees will be selected from those breeders with dogs entered at this year’s AKC/Eukanuba American Dog Classic, an annual event that showcases the top 25 dogs in each breed from across the country. Only breeders who have made a significant contribution to the world of purebred dogs through their dedication to a specific breed for more than 20 years will be considered. (Ed: in our opinion, this is a discriminatory and inefficient selection procedure for what could be a valid award.  It does however, pump up the entries and adds a bit of flair and "who will win" viewer-retention value for the media.  But is it fair for those who are unable to travel?  Elderly or distant breeders who are qualified a hundred times over?  We applaud the thought.  It is 50 years overdue and we are compelled to question whether it  is just another perfectly timed smokescreen designed to placate those who would criticize the new commercial, puppy-mill friendly AKC?  We hope AKC will re-think this "must be entered to win" criteria because it  reinforces the image of an inequitable and exclusionary AKC.  At a time when AKC is making giant efforts and has appropriated millions to improve its tarnished image, we feel this is an unwise stipulation.)


The criteria will be reviewed and the award determined by a committee comprised of AKC staff and Board Members. In coming years, the previous year’s winner will sit on the committee to determine future nominees. The final honoree will be chosen from among seven nominees, one for each group of purebred dogs: Sporting, Hound, Working, Terrier, Toy, Non-sporting and Herding. The nominees will be revealed in November, with the award recipient announced during the AKC/Eukanuba American Dog Classic.


To celebrate this important tribute, an awards ceremony will be held at the AKC/Eukanuba American Dog Classic and a trophy sponsored by Bayer will be presented. In addition, a work of art will be commissioned to commemorate a dog who is representative of the winner’s breeding program and a perpetual trophy inscribed with the recipients will be placed on permanent display

For more information on The American Kennel Club Breeder of the Year Award, please contact Ron Rella at 212-696-8303.


Bayer Corporation’s Animal Health business group, the maker of AdvantageÒ (imidacloprid) Topical Solution, is a worldwide leader in parasite control and prescription pharmaceuticals for dogs, cats, horses, cattle and poultry.  U.S. operations for the Animal Health business group are headquartered in Shawnee Mission, Kansas.


Highlights from the July 2002 Board Meeting


The Board adopted a policy making it mandatory for all clubs using an AKC licensed Superintendent and those Superintendents to display banners and signs provided by AKC to those Superintendents at their shows.  The banners and signs containing the AKC logo must be placed in prominent and highly visible areas. (Ed: Great for public relations.  Every company or product needs to pay attention to branding.  Also indicative that AKC has finally realized it has competition.  Small associations like States, CKC, NCA, and the older and more comprehensive UKC have rightfully never been perceived as competitors but the Pet Registry and other puppy mill registries are making their marketing might felt.)


Effective August 1, 2002 AKC will not issue an indefinite listing privilege to a dog owned by a resident of Canada unless the dog has first been granted a Performance Event Number by the Canadian Kennel Club.  As the Canadian Kennel Club now has a Canine Good Neighbor test, AKC will no longer approve Canine Good Citizen tests or testers in Canada.


The Board adopted a statement of intent that: “It is the intent and goal of the Board of Directors to evaluate the cost of the various services and products provided to AKC’s constituents and customs and to determine the feasibility, advisability and fairness of assessing reasonable costs to the ultimate users.”   (Ed: Already under debate in the fancy.  Show and long-time AKC supporters argue that is what AKC was about since day-one.  The exhibition and comparison of breeding stock.  Period.  The winners and the dominant sires and dams were recorded and thus the stud book was born.  The rest of AKC's development would not be or have been possible were it not for the enthusiasm and competitiveness of  good stock men and women.  Now that AKC has grown into more than a 50-million dollar a year business, not counting other side-income and donations to its growing list of charities, why should the segment that made it great be forced to toss yet more cash into the already overflowing coffers?  The other side argues, weakly, in this editor's opinion, that AKC should no longer be expected to subsidize dog show expenses.  If anyone would care to expand and supplement that rationale, we welcome your input and will gladly publish it.  Send your comments to


The Ceskomoravská Kynbologickáunie (Czeck Republic) and Slovenska Kynologicá Jednotá (Slovak Republic) were added to the list of foreign registries with pedigrees acceptable for AKC registration.


The Board approved amendments to the Smooth Fox Terrier Standard, as published in the AKC Gazette, with the changes effective August 28, 2002.


The following Delegates were approved: Mr. Wayne L. Boyd to represent the Bayou Kennel Club, Inc.; Ms. Jan Marie Brungard to represent the American Black and Tan Coonhound Club; Ms. Carol A. Dean to represent the Oakland Kennel Club; Mr. William H. Green to represent the Rio Grande Kennel Club, Inc.; Ms. Beth Griffin to represent the First Company Governor’s Foot Guard Athletic Association; Mrs. Kriss Griffin to represent the Silky Terrier Club of America, Inc.; Ms. Alice A. Grubbs to represent Furniture City Kennel Club, Inc.; Ms. Kim Occhiuti to represent the Australian Terrier Club of America, Inc.; Ms. Torie Steele to represent the Western Fox Terrier Breeders Association.


Eleven individuals from Alabama, Arkansas, California, Kentucky, Missouri, Ohio, and Virginia were suspended for failure to comply with rules and regulations for record keeping and identification. Eighteen individuals from Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, Ohio, and Pennsylvania were suspended for refusal to make dogs and/or records available. Three individuals from Mississippi, New Hampshire, and Pennsylvania were suspended for cruelty violations. Three individuals from Connecticut, Nebraska, and Missouri were suspended for miscellaneous violations. (Ed: There will be much more on the subject of suspensions in an upcoming report.  Including one local woman arrested and charged with abuse following a tip by AKC inspectors.  Problem is, local people say there was no abuse and while she kept over a hundred dogs, they were of excellent quality.  The interesting thing is the fact that they were all adopted out within a matter of 3 days.  Healthy, happy, fat, wagging, eyes sparkling.  No doubt the elderly lady was not up to par in record-keeping but we are trying to ascertain what prompted the abuse charge.  Compared to numerous cases reported by the fancy wherein there has been abuse, registration falsifications, forgeries, and criminal conduct, people are confused about what would trigger suspension.  We are too and are trying to get AKC to provide information.  We will report facts as they develop, including any irregularities in the above cited arrest of the 64 year old widow lady.  A local deputy said only that the big water containers had "slime and dirt" in them.  Those were wading pools placed in the huge chain-link turnout paddocks.  Kennel clubs who so thoughtfully provide these cooling stations for show dogs, beware.)


New York, NY - The American Kennel Club and The Iams Company announced today that their premier annual invitational has been renamed The AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship.   Formerly The AKC/Eukanuba American Dog Classic, the show’s name is now more reflective of what the event represents to the dog fancy.


 “We, along with The Iams Company, chose to rename the invitational to more accurately describe what this distinctive event is all about,” said Ron Menaker, Chairman, The American Kennel Club.  The AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship is exactly what the name says it is by invitation only, it is national in scope, and the top winning dogs of the year are given the opportunity to compete head-to-head until only one is ultimately crowned the National Invitational Champion.” 

 The AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship affords a unique opportunity to showcase the sport of purebred dogs and their breeders to the public.  The top 25 dogs in every breed and variety, along with every Best in Show winner at every AKC all breed show held during the 10-month qualification period are invited to compete.


 "We are excited to make this announcement with the American Kennel Club.  The new name truly reflects the prestigious and distinctive spirit of our event," added Maggie Heile, Group Manager, Influencer Marketing, The Iams Company.  "The AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship is fast becoming the hallmark of all dog shows - a true celebration of the highest quality purebred dogs in the country."   (Ed: a grand event, glamorous, glorious, moving up to the level of some cat shows and horse shows.  Last year did receive some criticism but it was the first and we believe as such, it was an extraordinary success.  Are cash prizes harmful?  What is your opinion?  Let us know,


The top show dogs in the country will compete at The AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship for Best in Show and the highest cash prizes ever offered in the dog sport world, as well as a unique Bred-By competition.  Last year’s event awarded more than $225,000 in cash prizes, making it the biggest prize money dog show in the world.  The AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship will again be taped for broadcast by cable television’s Animal Planet network.


Along with the new name, a new event logo was also unveiled today.  The redesigned logo will be a consistent element, appearing on all visual materials and in all broadcasts concerning The AKC/Eukanuba National Invitational Championship.




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