Tina Chermak: @Linda, They made you stand up and notice. My guess is there is something to this. She said the bitch was purchased as foundation stock.
I believed it is more predominant in more than one Parent Club, whether you're a member or not. The American Maltese Association won't accept new members if they are good breeders and are winning in the ring. They don't back up their members. They bring people up on charges that are circumstantial and not on facts. Give steep fines and AKC backs them up, so there isn't anywhere else to go for help.
Linda: It is inappropriate for you to have published this article since you obviously did zero investigation. The MBTCA Board acted conscientiously in addressing the issues of all of the parties involved, but you obviously did not. We acted in accordance with our bylaws. This club has been in existence for over fifty years and the MBTCA does its best to operate in an honorable manner. It would be a service to the dog community if you pulled this erroneous article until you have the full facts. Thank you.
Brandy Escamilla: WOW!!!!! You have done a poor job of reporting here!!!! You have taken info from ONE side and assumed this is all the truth and all the facts. As a member of the MBTCA I happen to personally know you have been given misinformation. Why, did you not first contact the MBTCA board to verify facts, or ask to speak to the person on the other side??? Instead your poor reporting is a smear attack on the parent club, as well as the breeder! Charges were brought by both sides, (at different times) and the MBTCA Board worked to resolve these issues within the club's bylaws.
The original charges were, IN FACT, brought against the club member you are writing in support of!! HERE ARE THE MINUTES, sent to our members!
"Dear MBTCA Members,
November 1, 2017 MBTCA Special Meeting Minutes
Called to order 5:05 pm Pacific
In attendance: Linda Lethin, Linda Duncan, Vanessa Giamo, Beverly Krautler, Kathy Brosnan, Kimarie Wolf, Meghan Barnes, Giselle Simonds, Terry Martin.
Kathy Brosnan moved we go into Executive session. Terry Martin seconded. Motion passed.
Vanessa Giamo moved to come out of Executive Session. Beverly Krautler seconded. Motion passed.
The Miniature Bull Terrier Club of America Board of Directors received a complaint against Laurel Dalire, by member Kathleen Coffman. Per the MBTCA Bylaws, the Board reviewed the charges and determined to entertain jurisdiction. We received evidence from all parties, held a hearing where the evidence was discussed, and both parties and witnesses were able to provide testimony. The MBTCA Board of Directors found Laurel Dalire in violation of the MBTCA Code of Ethics. The board issued a formal reprimand.
Terry Martin moved to adjourn. 6:33 pm Pacific.
Best regards, Kimarie Wolf MBTCA Recording Secretary"
Now, I personally know that these 2 individuals knowingly bred a bitch with a failed heart test completed by a cardiologist. The seller of the bitch, which is a co-owner specifically gave instructions for the bitch NOT to be bred, as was her right per their contract and duty as a responsible breeder. You have NOW WITHOUT DOING YOUR DUE DILIGENCE, maligned a responsible breeder, and the Club!!!!!! If you have any integrity AT ALL, and desire to keep our respect, you will put out an apology and perform PROPER investigation!!!!!!!
Larry: I have a feeling that there is more to this whole thing than this person is saying. Two sides to every story! Does not say the kid cannot show the dog just says the dog did not pass cardiac and the person is mad because they cannot breed the dog I guess? Person who wants a dog for breeding has a responsibility to do research on their own too and ask questions from a lot of people before buying, right? I do not know what any of this has to do with a parent club anyway or the AKC either. Sounds like an issue between the breeder and this person to me. What is the parent club and AKC supposed to do?
Douglas Hyman: I have dealt with these issues for clients and would be pleased to write an article with documentation with client approval.
Carol Beans: Just read the article on the Mastiff Club problems. Since their comment section on the article is closed, I have a strong suggestion regarding the cost of the problems with the inability of club members to deal with illegal and improper behavior charges against the Board. AKC can cure this in every me her club. AKC can make it mandatory that every member club automatically must have an independent audit EVERY YEAR. While I believe certain perks should be reserved for parent club members, the club's main purpose should be in promoting, serving, and protecting the breed as a whole.
Tina Chermak: @Daisy Jones, Most parent clubs do not allow nonmembers access to the clubs directory and members are instructed not to share it.
Daisy Jones: What if your parent club even refuses to put out a directory so you know who does or does not belong? Such a parent club does exist. What is their purpose? They seem to not only not serve the members but do not serve the breed either. Why are they a parent club. AKC does a very poor job of setting standards for parent clubs.
Cynthia Knox: @Jeff, Well said! I'm sorry that this person has had issues with this puppy and even more concerned for the child involved. However at the end of the day it is a contractual agreement and should be settled as such.
Jeff: If you have a problem with a contract or purchase, you file a lawsuit. Clubs are not courts. The job would be overwhelming and consume every minute of a clubs time refereeing such disputes The clubs would likely be drawn into claims themselves. Clubs have bylaws and most limit there authority to their members who agree to be bound by rules when they join. Further AKC has the same issues. A dog purchase is a contractual arrangement between buyer and seller. That's how it should be handled. If you join a club then you have other avenues in dealing with other members Both parties then can be bound by the same rules regarding health.
Benigne Dohms: As a former member and officer of my parent club, I can say that for too many years the breeders did not follow ethical practices, resulting in a number of health problems. And with widespread overuse of several popular sires, the fallout is still happening. When it became clear to me that health was not important to the majority of those in charge, I walked away and assisted with the formation of a new club for the breed, a club that put health and education as a mission and goal. As to AKC, there were, and still are, some in the parent club with direct connections to one individual high up in AKC, an individual whose responsibility it is to work with clubs, making any attempt to report issues a futile attempt, as has been experienced and documented by quite a few former members. Regarding the question of whether or not non-members should be able to file complaints or charges against the parent club as a whole or against a breeder listed by the parent club, ABSOLUTELY they should have that right! Not all owners of a purebred dog join a parent club, for numerous reasons, but those owners should have some recourse against clubs "endorsing" breeders who do not follow good practices in their breeding programs and knowingly, deliberately produce puppies with known, serious, potentially fatal health issues in lines of the sire and dam.
Deb Harris: This is why I began going to ukc shows where the people are not so uptight. I joined a local dog show club but they did not seem to want my marketing expertise so I quit going to meetings. I heard the club folded when all the member dropped out and the gaining board could not go it alone. I did not feel sorry for that club.
Teresa: Not terribly surprised. AKC has little interest in making breed clubs do the right things. If not them, then who?
Lesley Albin: I am trying to figure out what you would expect a breed club to do to a non-member, even if they allowed a non-member to make a complaint. What could they do to them? Regardless of the infraction, if they aren't a member, why do they care what the parent club thinks, says, or does to them? Maybe I am just naive. I feel for you, but there isn't much the club can do that the AKC would back up.
Bev Ferris: Our purpose as a parent club should be to support our members to improve our breed. There are several ways to do it, but often the personalities and politics of the dog world make it VERY difficult. It's a volunteer army and only some members are willing to step up and and spend their time in service to the club.
Sandra G: I
just got to read this and I can say that my breed club would never act this way.
I hope AKC does something about this because when clubs fail their members it is
a reflection on the sport. Just my opinion I do not mean to offend any one.