Columns: No Limits, No Kidding!
My daughter asked me why Americans are
deployed to countries that consider dogs unclean and hate everything about us
and our religious beliefs.
July 2, 2019 |
Col. Sam Harper, Dogsport Reconnaissance
I didn’t have an answer to
that. Turned it off with “I dunno, I just followed orders.”
went to the kitchen, left me thinking about ISIS, the Islamic State in
Iraq and Syria. This is a militant jihadist group that operates under
the cover of religion in countries where beliefs are mixed but ancient. ISIS
formed in 1999 and my guess is they don’t miss a chance to down one of our
dog handlers. This guy was awarded the Bronze Star fighting ISIS.
“Fighting For Freedom” is
what we were told. The irony is that in free countries, protesters can
protest for or against anything from civil rights to traffic lights. The way
I see it, they are an example of the subversive forces that have eroded our
Constitutional Rights, starting with the names they chose. Animal Rights? I
see it as just another political movement to weaken our resolve to protect
Human Rights.
I said as much as she set
a fresh cuppa java in front of me. She not only agreed with that, she said “Dogs
are the canaries of Constitutional freedoms in America.” I smiled,
thinking that college fund was money well spent. I told her the freedom we
fought to preserve is “subverted” under the mantle of political correctness.
She nodded, then mumbled “Maybe that’s why they don’t
teach American History today.” What??? “I
remember a class called “Americanism vs Communism”. She raised a
skeptical eyebrow, said “When was that?”
I had to look it up. It took a minute but you can find the link below,
Florida School Bulletin on Americanism vs. Communism 1961 {Ref #1}
blew her away. She leaned closer to read it, sighed and observed “They
are at it again only now it is religion based and the Muslims want to own
the world.” I nodded and then she reminded me about Bernie Sanders
(she had watched part of the democratic debate) and said “Socialism
sounds a lot like communism…” I gave her a hug but my heart was
She said a lot of dog
owners have to lie about how many dogs they have because of something called
Limit Laws. Taking the ball out of my court she said “My
friend Samuel said it isn’t a new thing. He says it is an old law but now we
have so many Muslims, we could be guilty of offending our neighbors with our
‘unclean’ dogs.” We looked up some numbers and Pew Research reported
3.45 million Muslims here in in 2017. I said nothing but found it worrisome
that there didn’t seem to be anything current.
She poked her tablet a couple of times and said “Yes,
here it is, we found there were 100 mosques in the U.S. in 1970 but the most
recent figure we could find was for 2010 and that number was 1,209.”
I said there must be more recent figures on Mosques, this is 2019. Her
fingers flew over that gadget. She said “It must be
censored! Look here, the closest I get is this, U.S. states with the most
mosques were New York with 257, California with 246, and Texas with 166”.
Pointing with her perfectly polished nail, she read me a 2014 caption that
said since 2014 “a building boom for mosques has been
going on.” That led to immigration info but after she dug a little
deeper, I was blown away!
According to U.S. Census Data, the United States legally admits over 100,000
Muslim immigrants each year, representing the "fastest
growing block of immigration into the United States." We also admit "another
70,000 Arabic-speaking refugees" and no one knows how many are here
of Muslim faith are coming to America in unprecedented numbers. Let me point
out that under their religious or cultural beliefs, dogs are still "unclean"
{Ref #2} and to have them in the house is unthinkable. This goes
against American tradition but apparently a lot of us think that is
perfectly okay. I see it as culturally worrisome.
America was founded as a "melting pot" but when it comes to dogs, Muslims do
not share our beliefs, customs, or politics-so why the hell would they come
here??? They consider us infidels, a seriously demeaning term for those who
don’t share their religious beliefs. Military (and astute political
observers) believe that embedding Muslims across our country is a threat to
our national security.
No matter how much the Islamists would have us dog lovers believe they also
love dogs, the truth slips out. Dr. Ayoub M. Banderker, a Veterinary
Surgeon, says this about Dogs In Islam "…the
Islamic legal tradition has developed several injunctions that warn Muslims
against contact with dogs…”
We put the first man in space but "Houston, we have a problem" when it comes
to religious tradition. We strive to be so politically correct that we even
have difficulty defining the words Islamic or Muslim. I finally settled on
this one, "The followers of the religion ISLAM are
called “MUSLIMS.” We've seen enough on TV to shudder at the beliefs
of Islamic terrorists so I can't help wondering if there's a plug loose in
people who would welcome that bunch.
That is about where this
article should end but she wants to do some more research, see part two
in displays below.
Reference Information
Florida School Bulletin ~
wiki/Animals_in_Islam (The dhi’b) EST 2002 © 1907