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Columns: No Limits, No Kidding!


The Pillory of Dog Show And Breed Clubs


How did clubs let down breeders? COMMENT below, is it fun matches, loss of control of the breed standard, judge’s and breeder’s education…?


October 2, 2017

Joseph Byer, Jr., Rights Research Editor


Let's explore how the National dog clubs and Parent breed clubs are failing hobby breeders. First is the reduction in stand-alone fun matches, a significant factor in clubs abandoning breeders. At one time, AKC-sanctioned matches were held everywhere, EVERY WEEKEND!


The relaxed atmosphere at these “fun match” events was very helpful in learning proper ring procedure and general etiquette rules for competing. The sponsoring club members brought pot luck dishes and asked only a donation.


√ Professional handlers came to polish their skills and to socialize like everyone else.

√ Puppies were exposed to a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.

√ It was training for new owners and for judges to see a wide variety of breeds.


Sportsmanship blossomed everywhere and camaraderie was abundant. Training for Conformation, Obedience and other sanctioned events was integral in promoting the sport, and it encouraged dogs and owners to the formal shows in droves.


Today matches are on the show grounds. They are after the real show has concluded, that’s right, after the entire show is done and the public has gone home.  Wouldn’t it be beneficial for the public to see the exhibitors having fun? Instead, fun matches start around 5-6pm and only attract the die-hard fancy that is delirious from fatigue. What’s the point and why did clubs stop having stand-alone match events that are not treated like the after-thought that it has become?


It seems that money and laziness have both played a part. It takes money to purchase all the equipment in order to hold a stand-alone match. Storage space is needed along with a method of transporting the equipment and a cadre of club members to do the work putting it together. However, at day’s end after a sanctioned show event, the superintendent’s equipment is completely up and ready to use; how convenient.


Next you have the breed standards that were created by the breed clubs and are the property of the individual breed clubs… BUT… these parent breed clubs are subservient to the AKC regulations as AKC holds ALL approval control over any changes to that standard.


Originally national Parent (Breed) Clubs were responsible for education of their breed to both the fancy and judges and dog shows played an integral role. Parent breed clubs today have been seduced by the AKC’s gradual takeover of this educational function and shamefully, many clubs are relieved to have that burden lifted.


And finally, as to judges, AKC, Parent Breed clubs, and Kennel Clubs have all failed to create a formal network to keep tabs on under-performing judges.  They have failed to stop hiring such judges, failed to hold them accountable and failed to realize that despite the judge’s claim to being an independent contractor, they are still dancing on the AKC’s ballroom floor.


So… with the surrender of Judges Education and Breeder Education, giving up a final say on the Breed Standards, and the extinction of Fun Matches, local and Parent Clubs have failed to maintain stewardship over the breed and thus, have failed the breeders who make it all possible.


What is your Kennel Club and or Breed Club doing to educate judges? Does your local dog show club provide time, room, and people to educate judges and to encourage owners to participate?  Got something to bark about?


Your feedback is important to the sport and will share with the American Kennel Club. Your job is to send this to your local kennel club and your parent breed club.


Signed input carries more weight but you can also contribute anonymously.


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Click if you missed part I, Pillory of Purebred Dog Breeders - The Registries

In part II we explore The Pillory of Activist Veterinary Organizations that are turning the working veterinarian against breeders. EST 2002 © 1709 


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