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Stolen Van, Show Dogs Rescued But…


Professional animal transport service minces no words on Woofstock-bound handler, photos and the people who saved the dogs from agonizing death - your COMMENTS invited!


June 11, 2018

Janice Kiseskey-Anderson Anderson's Pet Express

Ebontide Newfoundlands - Bakersfield, CA


I am sure your readers have seen the stories about "Professional Handler" Tony Carter from Washington State, on the way to Woofstock with 15 show dogs… stopping in Redding, CA and leaving 15 show dogs in his van unattended while he and his assistants went to get food at In 'N Out Burger!


The van was stolen but fortunately recovered… animals relatively unscathed (before temperatures climbed the next day). However, this brings up a myriad of questions and concerns that I believe must be addressed.


I am glad for the owners of these dogs. The outcome could have been far worse. I have so many issues with this situation that I do not even know where to begin. First of all, this "professional handler" showed incredibly poor judgement in regards to the animals in his dogs whose owners expect nothing but the utmost of care for their dogs while away from home.


To leave a vehicle running, with animals in it and no supervision is beyond stupid. It is a total violation of rules and regulations for the transport of animals.


Secondly, in looking at photos inside the van and the manner in which the animals were being transported is beyond belief. No rear AC, no insulation, crates too small for the dogs in them, animals doubled up... I truly believe that the AKC and authorities need to address this issue head on, and, at the very least level sanctions against this handler. Others have suffered the consequences of their actions for far less.


Understand that this is what I do. I transport animals … for 35+ years, having logged over 16,000 miles in the last 2 months! I have all the necessary certifications for animal transport, the knowledge and experience to back it up. Dare I say, a majority of handlers that transport their clients’ pets do not. This is a wake-up call to everyone.


If you are going to take on the responsibility of caring for and transporting peoples’ animals, whether for hire or not, you damn well better know the law, be in compliance, have the knowledge and ability to provide the services you are being hired for and the proper equipment to do so.


So, please do not make this dumb-ass out to be a victim… the only victims here are the animals and their owners. Our "Community of Dog" is broad and full of fabulous folk. Because of such people, calls were made and strings were pulled to affect an immediate and broad search for this van full of show dogs. Had it not been for the action of so many, the outcome would have been devastating.


Editor’s note: photo credit to Redding, CA police and other sources. One of our staff asked “why are the crates not secured in case Carter had to slam on brakes, or worse?” That prompted discussion so we’ve added COMMENT code and would like your feedback. But first read Tony Carter and Amie McLaughlin’s explanation as received from one of our readers. EST 2002 © 1806


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