World's First Digital Dog News



Funny Dogs Section


New Dogs & Old Birds...


The serious looks dogs give, a mischievous boy, New Dogbird Breeds and what happens to us when we become old birds...


Courtesy of the Internet...

Dude!!! What happened to your nose?!?

Yes, I know where your socks are and I believe you know where the treats are!


Courtesy of Hal Gantt:  A boy was carrying around a bottle of unknown liquid and the Arch Bishop happened to see the mischievous little boy and asked him what was in the bottle. The little boy replied "It's the most powerful liquid on the planet." The Arch Bishop replied "Holy Water is the most powerful liquid on the planet, I once rubbed it on a pregnant woman's stomach and she passed the most beautiful baby."  The little boy said, "That ain't nothin', I put a dab of this turpentine on a dog's butt hole and he passed a Harley!"


Courtesy of International Dog Show Judge, Fred Lanting:

Part of the new test you must pass to become a dog show judge, "Name the breed".

Hint: They are in the Birddog subdivision of the newly-combined Sporting and Hound Groups. (answers below)

Courtesy of Geezer Planet...

Do they deliver email on Sunday?

Bad memory - How bad? - How bad what?


Submit your Funny Effect, if used, you win a $50 certificate good on any NetPlaces Network site and be in the $200 CASH runoff in November.  Just in time for Christmas!


Answer to "Name The Breeds which were Recognized April 1st"

The red birddog is the Basque Zorro Escarlata, (translates into English as "fox=red Basque=bird") from the region of the Spanish and French Pyrenees Mountains. Known for its sharp, "yapping" notes sung after dark. Generally hides from birdwatchers in the daylight.


The brown birddog is the Miniature Dachsvogel, a little-known Germanic breed whose name comes from Dachs ("badger", probably because of the typical color-&-markings), and Vogel, which translates to "bird" in English. Developed and bred for its skill in scenting/finding groundnuts, morels, lost buttons, etc. EST 2002 © 20S06



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