June 2008 Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member
An issue many thought was permanently swept off the table by Delegate opposition nearly two years ago may be back, served with a new “feel good” concept – allowing “mixed breeds” to compete in AKC companion events. More on that in a moment.
AKC’s Rationale To Partner With (Petland) Petshops, was covered first by TheDogPress which broke the story immediately following the September 2006 meeting. We included a letter from the AVP of Registration and Customer Service, one which we concede was well founded and brilliantly presented.
Even so, AKC Delegate outrage was heard loud and clear. If you missed the important background that may have led to the present proposal to register mongrels and designer dogs, go to the Petland Deal for complete coverage including comments from judges, delegates, and exhibitors.
Perhaps it just took time for AKC to come up with a back-door plan, made feasible by concern over falling registrations which are said (by AKC) to have seriously impacted income and financial reserves. This is known as fiscal responsibility and looking ahead. Had the AKC applied that to its AKC Canine Health Foundation, today’s financials would be much higher – but the AKC/CHF is another story - one AKC wishes TheDogPress had not made public.
Right now we wonder if the AKC concept of partnering with pet shops is dead? If AKC clubs allow mixed breed dogs to compete in “companion events” as presented at the June 2008 Delegates’ Meeting, wouldn’t it also be logical to readdress boosting registrations?
The Delegates presented a Resolution that the AKC Board “take no final action” without Delegate approval. The Delegates seem adamantly opposed to a change in the AKC Bylaws that would open the door to registration of mongrels and “Designer Dogs.”
That is exactly what will happen, at least in the minds and advertising of the more than 532,000 Designer Dogs online listings. The public will be led through that crack in the door, believing mongrels and designer dogs are of the same value as purebreds.
So we are asking every member and approved AKC club: What do your members think about AKC’s proposal to allow mongrels and designer dogs to compete in companion events?
Does your club (ask) or (require) or (expect) your Delegate to vote according to the majority opinion of its membership?
A full ballot report and your comments will follow in next week’s edition of HEADlines. We trust all clubs will respond promptly. TheDogPress.com EST 2002 © 0806 https://www.thedogpress.com/editorials/0806-Mixed-Future-In-AKC-Dogs.asp
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