Dogs And Donkeys
Donkeys were domesticated 5,000+ years ago but canine history is unknown.
Animals Suffer In Heat Wave!
In the summer, never leave your dog locked inside your home...
China Gave Us More Than Dogs
We love Chinese breeds and food but not COVID-19 from the Wuhan lab!
Do Skinwalker Dogs Exist?
Are there dogs that refuse to leave their owners when danger is imminent?
Is HAARP Playing Again?
Prepare your family and animals against weather assaults by enemy nations.
Problems Correcting Your Dog?
Male dogs are dominant, they love US so much they accept a lower position.
Dog Show Attire?
What to wear is important, let’s talk dog show outfits. What are your ideas?
A Bit About Bees
Bee keepers know that we are threatened by a diminishing food supply...
COVID Cover-up
May Day! Has your dog been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19?
Pig Production Horror
In 2023 we will import over $10,000,000,000 worth of pork from China...
Fewer Friends, Farms and Food
If meat becomes scarce, are you prepared to feed your dog and family?
New Dog DNA History
New advances in canine DNA sequencing but the origin of the dog remains a mystery.
Governor Protects Animals
Gov. DeSantis stopped a puppy mill bill but here's what you need to know..
Insurance Fraud Killing Show Animals
Do purebreds have weak immune systems? Poison for profit is deadly!
Animal Protection Too Woke To Work
Is this about protecting animals or controlling people?
Interesting April Fools Day
We don’t know the origin of April Fools but here's unusual news that’s no joke!
Canine Genetics And Human Heritage
Proud of your dog’s breed-related characteristics, what about YOURS?
First Dogs, First People In America
Archaeologists assumed that dogs came with early humans who migrated, but…
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Potential Treatment For COVID
Potentially effective COVID treatment that isn't being disclosed by NCBI.
Brave Dog And Justice Dead
Dog owner was attacked in broad daylight while walking his dog but it gets worse!
Awakening With My Dogs
My old dog nudges my hand. I smile, knowing she will be ready today.
Canine Species Bonding Analysis
Humans and dogs don't mate for life, but we rank highest in interspecies bonding!
Vaccine Passport Mandatory In 2021?
Will COVID vaccination card be required before being allowed in without a mask?
Twisted Tale of COVID-19
It's network "news" in June 2021 but TheDogPress broke the story March 2020.
Honey For Sore Throats
Raw honey fights bacteria, viruses including kennel cough and COVID-19.
Morality vs. BehaviorRecognizing animal cruelty as a precursor of physical violence is urgent in today’s tumultuous society.
Animals Immune To Political Plague
Are animals immune to human viruses? Is COVID-19 a plague or a political coup d'?tat?
Corona Virus UpdateCOVID-19 is a real-life horror movie which is sure to keep medical theorists busy!
Animal Rights Example Or Disgrace?
Animal trafficking, murder-for-hire, animal cruelty or animal rights? Your COMMENTS invited!
Breed Genetics Or EducationSchools don't teach history today, they create it and many college professors are Chinese so a genetics discussion by dog breeders could be awkward.
Biological WeaponsPlum Island moves to defend against 2018 bio-weapons.
Family Of WolvesWolves have no place in politics other than to set an example of proper pack behavior and respect.
Human Breed StandardsTheDogPress had both critical and appreciative responses on coverage of Muslims serving in the U.S. Congress.
The Medusa FactorA plea for warriors to lop off the snakes.
Insure PreservationYour winning bloodline is diminished by those who would stop cropping or docking even though the Breed Standard describes it. EST 2002 © 2010 S2210
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