World's First Digital Dog News





Exploring the intrigue inherent in the dog fancy with hard facts, dog news, informed opinion and the latest ringside rumors.


Dogs And Donkeys



Donkeys were domesticated 5,000+ years ago but canine history is unknown.


Animals Suffer In Heat Wave!



In the summer, never leave your dog locked inside your home...


China Gave Us More Than Dogs


We love Chinese dog breeds and cuisine but not COVID-19 from the Wuhan lab!


We love Chinese breeds and food but not COVID-19 from the Wuhan lab!


Do Skinwalker Dogs Exist?



Are there dogs that refuse to leave their owners when danger is imminent?


Is HAARP Playing Again?



Prepare your family and animals against weather assaults by enemy nations.


Problems Correcting Your Dog?



Male dogs are dominant, they love US so much they accept a lower position.


Dog Show Attire?



What to wear is important, let’s talk dog show outfits. What are your ideas?


A Bit About Bees


A BIT ABOUT BEES: Bee keepers know that we are threatened by a diminishing food supply...


Bee keepers know that we are threatened by a diminishing food supply...


COVID Cover-up



May Day! Has your dog been infected with the virus that causes COVID-19?


Pig Production Horror



In 2023 we will import over $10,000,000,000 worth of pork from China...


Fewer Friends, Farms and Food


If meat becomes scarce, are you prepared to feed your dog and family?


New Dog DNA History



New advances in canine DNA sequencing but the origin of the dog remains a mystery.


Governor Protects Animals


Gov. DeSantis stopped a puppy mill bill but here's what you need to know..


Insurance Fraud Killing Show Animals


Do purebreds have weak immune systems? Poison for profit is deadly!


Animal Protection Too Woke To Work



Is this about protecting animals or controlling people?


Interesting April Fools Day


We don’t know the origin of April Fools but here's unusual news that’s no joke!


Canine Genetics And Human Heritage



Proud of your dog’s breed-related characteristics, what about YOURS?


First Dogs, First People In America


Archaeologists assumed that dogs came with early humans who migrated, but…


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Potential Treatment For COVID


Potentially effective COVID treatment that isn't being disclosed by NCBI.


Brave Dog And Justice Dead



Dog owner was attacked in broad daylight while walking his dog but it gets worse!


Awakening With My Dogs


My old dog nudges my hand. I smile, knowing she will be ready today.


Canine Species Bonding Analysis


Humans and dogs don't mate for life, but we rank highest in interspecies bonding!


Vaccine Passport Mandatory In 2021?


Will COVID vaccination card be required before being allowed in without a mask?


Twisted Tale of COVID-19


TWISTED TALE OF COVID-19! 60 Minutes reported coronavirus originated in China, Not news, NetPlaces Network broke the story March 2020.


It's network "news" in June 2021 but TheDogPress broke the story March 2020.


Honey For Sore Throats


Raw honey fights bacteria, viruses including kennel cough and COVID-19.


Morality vs. Behavior

Recognizing animal cruelty as a precursor of physical violence is urgent in today’s tumultuous society.


Animals Immune To Political Plague


ANIMALS IMMUNE TO POLITICAL PLAGUE? Are animals immune to human viruses? Is COVID-19 a plague or a political coup d'?tat?


Are animals immune to human viruses? Is COVID-19 a plague or a political coup d'?tat?


Corona Virus Update

COVID-19 is a real-life horror movie which is sure to keep medical theorists busy!


Animal Rights Example Or Disgrace?


ANIMAL RIGHTS EXAMPLE OR DISGRACE? Animal trafficking, murder-for-hire, animal cruelty or animal rights? Your COMMENTS invited!


Animal trafficking, murder-for-hire, animal cruelty or animal rights? Your COMMENTS invited!


Breed Genetics Or Education

Schools don't teach history today, they create it and many college professors are Chinese so a genetics discussion by dog breeders could be awkward.


Biological Weapons

Plum Island moves to defend against 2018 bio-weapons.


FAMILY OF WOLVES IN POLITCS: Wolves have no place in politics other than to set an example of proper pack behavior and respect.Family Of Wolves

Wolves have no place in politics other than to set an example of proper pack behavior and respect.


Human Breed Standards

TheDogPress had both critical and appreciative responses on coverage of Muslims serving in the U.S. Congress.


The Medusa Factor

A plea for warriors to lop off the snakes.


Insure Preservation

Your winning bloodline is diminished by those who would stop cropping or docking even though the Breed Standard describes it.


The AKC Corporation

Accountability is non-existent for invested "stockholders".


What Is Freedom?

...enough party line and sour grapes to start a whinery!


Power Of The Pen

Dogs can't write checks to attorneys...


What Is A Breeder?

1989 - 2021 A gentle reminder to keep good breeders focused.


Dietary Supplements?

If you use them, settle in for a short read.


FDA's Fancy Fraud

Look at Adverse Reactions and the REAL drug war.


Time Warped Dog Shows

When handlers showed for breeders who stuck to the standard.


AKC Inspection Debacle!

Excruciating animal cruelty case and AKC Inspection.


2-Shows Per Day Background

Reducing expenses more opportunities to win.


Animal Shelter Fraud

Financial charts reveal donation scams!


Health Defects in Purebreds

4-part series guaranteed to ruin your day.


The Dark Side: McCartney

Dog handler John McCartney's criminal molestation.


John McCartney Arrested

Retired AKC Field Rep jailed on multiple counts.



Who will inspect YOU? The door is open, can/will AKC protect breeders?


Can you afford to compete with shelter marketing and these adoption inducements?Shelter Marketing

puts hobby breeders out of business using your tax $$$.


Aphis, AKC and Your Rights

The regulation achieved by $millions in political payoffs.


APHIS; Who is Sarah Conant?

Avowed Animal Rights advocate, former HSUS attorney...



The more we're bombarded with facts the less we see the truth.


Suicide, Murder, Dogs Seized

NC breeder so tortured after Sheriff's and A/C actions.


AKC Peddling Privacy

Selling the value of purebred dogs.


HAARP Plays Global Death

Blamed for incalculable animal and human deaths.


AR Activists Attack Animals

Animal "Rights" now using terrorist tactics to raise money!


AR Terrorists Unmasked

We warned that PETA, HSUS, were political terrorists but now...


Shelter Games

See the business end of such entities.


Vibrations In The Dog Fancy

Animals communicate on a different frequency.


AKC News & Comments

AKC vs. HSUS Income, secret puppy mill deals, candidates, etc.


Show dog breeders handcuffed by animal rights, local zoning and dog limit regulations.Extinct Show Dog Breeders

HSUS' campaign for shelter dogs castrates breeders.


Medical Microchip

In 2012 we predicted livestock GPS would become people-chips...


United Dog Breeders Assoc

Get your TUBA on and join the parade!


Virulent Distemper Hoax

Rush your dogs to the vet for a new distemper vaccine...


Circus Elephants Fight Back!

PETA, HSUS, SPCA sued the Circus. Circus countersues!


AKC Milestone Election 2012

With a shaky future in the sport, what's the new Board doing?



HAARP or Black Ops behind GLOBAL animal deaths...


Bloodless Animal Mutilations

Secrete government study?


AKC & Hunte Meeting

(9/11) World's Biggest Registry & Puppy Mill.


New Groups - New Breeds

TheDogPress Editor praises AKC for a job well done.



Senator Moran tells it straight on this VIDEO!


New Judge Approval Process

Delegates “sole power” over rules governing dog shows...


Backbone Gone?

Breeders are the backbone of all dog clubs but...


AKC Board Elections

Have pundits pounding on Delegates & Bylaws.


2011 AKC Election

... AKC cannot survive in its present form.


AKC 2005 Elections

Mission Statement jeopardized and ignored.


Mary Wild Not Suspended

But AKC promptly suspends this judge for LIFE!


Hurricane Harvey

Rescue groups took animals to Houston shelters but many people simply abandoned their animals and fled.


HVBC (Puppy Mills)

From the High Volume Breeders Committee.


Show Breeder vs Commercial

Increases the odds and connects the dots.


McDaniels - Martin Cases

AKC's sickening failure to suspend.



The ultimate AKC treachery.


Points, Measure, Judge

Handler Salas charged and more musings.


Dog ownership information brought to you by

The NetPlaces Network

Plum Island Lyme Disease

Don't worry about Lyme vaccine...


Mankind Devolving

as demonstrated in this gruesome dog-rape.


PAWS Exemption

AKC wants to be the USDA Inspection service...


Santorum's Wrong Horse

AKC, HSUS thought they had a winner but...


Letters To Editor

DoodleDog nibbled on some great info from readers reporting on tooth-cleaning problem, sexual abuse, killer-drugs in this dog food, tax payer funded biological weapons, and …


Click To Send A Letter


Biologics & Biosimilars

What's the difference and cost for a veterinary prescription?


Is Greyhound Racing Cruel?

Fate of racing greyhounds destroys YOUR rights in 40 states.


Has AKC Lost Its Mission?

Now titles mutts, sell stuff and does doggy day care?


Rights And Movements

Political movements affect your animals, your wallet, your health care and personal property but when they take your grandmother...


Support The Sport??

Breeders are the backbone of dog clubs but...


The 2-Show Day

Long cluster shows are impossible for owner handlers who work!


Circus Killed By A/Rs

How we will miss them, the circus acts that have thrilled us for over 145 years.


Dog Breeders Told By AKC;

We need puppy mills to fight legislation and fill demand.


AKC's Record On Judging Fees

Where judge's assoc. don't stand...


AKC Judges Can Solicit

Debate continues.


Maligned By The Minion

Libelous comments escape the Delegates list.


Attacked Over Animal Rights

Editor defends AKC, cites position.


$8 Million Lawsuit Against AKC

AND the Toy Fox Terrier Club presidents...


What Does AKC Support?

It supported Santorum's PAWS, will it support Perry's HB1451


HSUS CEO Pacelle Gone

Don't miss the real story behind the sexual abuse charges, the nonprofit (?) Humane Society of the United States missing $100 million!


Terrorists Lose Appeal

Federal Court redefines them as terrorists.


AKC Isn't The Calvary

Animal Rights Legislation isn’t a movie.


Cass Sunstein

AR Advocate, Regulatory Czar has power to implement...


AKC Governance

The First 100 Days define the dog fancy’s future.


April Fool Co-Owners!

AKC registrations do not honor Co-own or ...


HSUS 2009 Offensive

Home invaded, searched, dogs & bank records seized.


New Age Dog Shows

Still a hobby for the average family or breeder?



AR forces and campaign contributions.


Dog Deformities & AR

Things are moving fast in England and it is coming here.


Mixed Breeds In AKC's Future?

New "Register Anything" service & Petlandl...


AKC Economics & Wall Street

Our 70$ million dollar dog registry.


HSUS vs. AKC Comparison

Facts, $figures and more revealed!


Don't complain about falsely registered AKC litters unless you have a bullet proof vest.AKC Registration Fraud

AKC has "no comment."


AKC Registers UN-registered Dogs

Unfathomable plan for pet shops.


Dog Owner Freedom

Where breeders are today as compared to 2004/2005.


AKC Designer Dogs

Mixed Breeds speculates on registration of mongrels.


CA Anti-Pet Bill Pulled

How cat people successfully worked a different angle.


Dog Owners War Games

Seen chronologically, it all makes sense.


Devolving Purebred Dogs

Why breed standards "change".


Your Future In Dogs

We dare to address a painful truth...


Sold Out By AKC

Sold out to Petland pet shops; Seat belts on, you're taken for a ride.


Boulton Fireworks

How clever PR turns into a dud on a short fuse.


Dog Legislation Gone Wild

Anti-American, anti-animal, plain and simple.


Show jumping comparible to Agility and Barn HuntJudges Judging Nature

Poodles and Horses hair pieces and other commonalities.


Stop A Tank

Judges see the gun turret swing 180 degrees, will they fire back?


NAIS - Tying The Knot

AKC, USDA, Digital Angel, PAWS, Santorum, etc.


Judge Approval: Gaeta

A second exclusive interview with Mr. Peter Gaeta.


Judge Approval Criteria

Favors handlers over breeders? Director Of Judging...


Santorum's Paws & Laws

PETA, HSUS take in $millions; sniff out the money trail. EST 2002 © 2010 S2210


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