November 2010 - The AKC Appeals Committee (Dr. Newman, Mr. Arnold, Ms. Scully) denied Mary Wild’s appeal. Mary Wild’s suspension was imposed because she violated the AKC’s Cruelty Convictions Policy and was tried and convicted in a Missouri court of eight counts of animal abuse (knowingly failing to provide adequate care). As a result, the Committee determined that Mary Wild’s conduct was prejudicial to the sport of purebred dogs, her suspension was properly imposed and again concluded that her sentence was appropriate.
Mary Wild suspended for life, effective August 9, 2010 and fined $3,000.So the news that the entire dog fancy has waited over a year to hear has been delivered but questions remain: A) Why did AKC not immediately suspend her on the basis of incontrovertible evidence (the dead dogs) in order to protect other dogs and owners? The board could have done so without affecting her right of appeal. B) Why did AKC still refuse to suspend her the minute she was found guilty in a Missouri court? C) Why did AKC maintain so much secrecy on this one case? D) Is it because AKC has a new Cruelty CONVICTIONS policy? D) What is the significance of August 9th? Not when she killed the dogs, not when she was found guilty...
The Mary Wild case is a public blemish on the sport. Scroll to end of page for chronological coverage links. Did AKC have a legitimate reason for delaying
suspension of dog handler Mary Wild for as long as possible and refusing
comment in the year-long interim?
July 1, 2010 Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member
What could possibly be so secretive? In this political climate, we are acutely aware that our elected officials have wreaked havoc on America by outright lies, backroom deals, and refusal to acknowledge issues. But why the AKC secrecy on the Mary Wild case? was the publication first to make the AKC Minutes available to everyone. That was in 1999 and it didn't sit well with the American Kennel Club. When began to reveal the screaming inconsistencies in SUSPENDED the Board retreated further into its ivory tower of secretiveness. AKC Board Executive meetings are of necessity private but when outcome affects the everyday life of breeders and exhibitors, they should not remain secret as in the case of PRIME and Petland.
In contrast to Mary Wild, AKC promptly suspended one judge for life on nothing more than a rule infraction that affected no one and harmed no dog. In Mary Wild's case, the prosecutor had a van full of dead dogs in addition to witness statements as to cause of death and abusive neglect. TheDogPress interviewed the prosecutor and it is significant that he filed 8 individual counts which could have (and many believe should have) resulted in 8 years in prison.
Upon being advised that AKC had given Mary Wild a lifetime suspension, on Wednesday July 21, The Dog Press attempted to confirm with Jack Norton, Director Of Compliance and Margaret Poindexter, AKC General Counsel. Both refused the calls and both further refused to respond to the follow-up letter below.
The dog fancy is left to draw its own conclusions as to why the AKC board allowed Mary Wild to continue handling while her attorney postponed her trial for nearly a year. The Animal Rightists interpreted it as blatant disregard for the safety of dogs and have had a field day over AKC's failure to take appropriate action.
The consensus is and has been that a highly intelligent and capable American Kennel Club board of directors exhibited very bad judgment in handling the Mary Wild case, the results of which have harmed AKC breeders. This was the AKC's golden opportunity to seize invaluable good press and project a positive image for show and hobby breeders. We again invite the board to reassure over 1.2 million readers and the mainstream media.
August 4, 2010
Dear Mr. Norton and Ms. Poindexter,
I’ve left phone messages for you both but no one has called us back. I know you are both busy, but our readers have been following the Mary Wild story and the rumor has been out since last week that she received a lifetime suspension. If true, it reinforces our faith that the AKC will do the right thing. In other words, it is good news for all but Mary’s family and friends.
Tina Yuhl explained that AKC does not confirm rumors, etc. I know that. She was very professional in saying that we would have to wait until it is published in the Gazette. I am the first to understand that the Gazette has a poor subscription rate and this is thought to be one way to sustain interest. On the other hand, I believe that as a ruling body, the AKC has a duty to keep its customers/constituents informed about such matters when a decision has been made by the board.
Everyone understands that being arrested is not proof of guilt. When an officer of the law fires his weapon, that does not mean he was in the wrong however, he is put on referral, with or without pay, until such time as Internal Affairs has reviewed and decided on the case. I could give you many other examples such as a school teacher accused of molesting a child but you are intelligent people; you know the fancy isn’t stupid and everyone has questioned why Mary Wild was allowed to continue handling for a year. We would always rather get a direct quote or explanation of policy than to leave readers wondering and gossiping. Failing that, our writers are free to speculate.
If Mary Wild was suspended, it is anything but a closely held business decision, and since it will (eventually) be published in the Gazette and in Dog News, can you spare a bit of news for The Dog Press? We have covered this unfortunate story for over 9,000 subscribers and would like to conclude converge in a timely manner.
Thank you in advance for your timely response,
Barbara "BJ" Andrews Editor-in-Chief, Daily News For The Showing Fancy
As of yet there has been no comment. Mary Wild was convicted July 1st. AKC has since had one board meeting and is due for another this week. Was there ever a question on what to do? How is AKC's handling of this high profile case protecting dogs in the best interest of the dogs? Get more information and dig for gold below. EST 2002 © 1008 SSI
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