We don’t know the origin of April Fools but I have true and unusual news about police dogs, nasty candles, and corona virus in Russia that’s no joke!
April 3, 2021 | TheDogPress.com Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member
There’s a thousand bits of when, where, and why April Fools Day originated but none of them agree so I would rather give you some funny-foolish things that are the reason for April Fools Day...
First I want to tell you about something smart! A police department in South Australia announced a new K-9 unit “made up entirely of little dachshunds.” The little Doxies specialize in small, low, or hard-to-get-to spaces. Dachshund owners will love it and so did we!
There were however, some awkward announcements. Vying for 1st prize is “Today the world's first and only coronavirus vaccine for Animals was registered in Russia.” Did the TV announcer misread the script on April Fools Day 2021??!
We decided they meant to say “COVID-19” vaccine for animals but we must have been wrong… Adding to the ignorance, Newsmax TV announced “a new corona vaccine for animals.” Is that different than the canine coronavirus vaccine we've given our dogs since the early 1970s?
What isn’t funny is the rate at which animals are becoming extinct. When you look back from an evolutionary perspective, this is what you see.
Back to April fools. Jennifer Shah, star of Real Housewives, pled not guilty to offering a fraudulent tax preparation scheme in order “to steal victims' money.” According to Manhattan U.S. Attorney Audrey Strauss, Shah and her assistant, Stuart Smith “face time in prison for their alleged crimes.” Fraud is not funny.
The My Sh-t Don’t Stink candle doesn’t smell like dog poop. It might be good for a polite laugh but then it needs to be disposed of… permanently!
Lastly, cat owners think dog lovers are a bit “off” having a dog in the house. We can grant them the fact that a Saint Bernard dog is a bit of a lapful but there’s so much more to love!
So before you laugh this off, hold your dog close, be he big or little, and next Fourth Of July celebrate the fact that you live in the country everyone wants to come to! TheDogPress.com EST 2002 © 2104 https://www.thedogpress.com/editorials/interesting-April-Fools-Day-2021-b21A041.asp SSI
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