Sheriff’s deputies and Humane Society seized 28 dogs, including valuable Great Danes, from NC breeders Joseph and Cynthia Williams.
August 15, 2013 Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief
Is it coincidence that the horrific suicide/murder occurred just days before the one year anniversary date marking seizure of the family’s dogs, including their son’s personal pet? The agony of a father who would always hear his son’s anguished pleas to save his dog must have been unbearable. Failed as family protector, unable to save his property or business and no longer able to support his family, he must have suffered incomprehensible anguish.
As Attorney Sheila Kessler observes, torture is torture regardless of species. Joe Williams suffered human cruelty we can only imagine.
Early in this developing case Williams’ attorney Will Farris said "The financial, emotional and physical stress of the court battles that continue today has been overwhelming for every member in the family. The overwhelming negative pressures and harassments by several animal rights groups contributed to this tragic event.”
The animal cruelty charges were dropped (proven baseless) but that didn’t stop the taunts and gossip that followed them no matter how often they moved. It didn’t stop the financial ruin and lawsuits the family suffered. The children were traumatized by the sheriff’s raid, young Bobby was in counseling as a result.
Attorney Will Farris said 53 year old Joe and his wife Cindy stated in affidavits that they had always allowed deputies to come to into their home and inspect their dog kennel and that they "followed every recommendation” given to them. In fact, they made over $15,000 in improvements to their home and kennel which also sheltered rescued dogs.
Breeders Cyndi and Joe Williams were each charged with one count of misdemeanor cruelty to animals but as the purebred Great Danes were seized, a humane society veterinarian examined the dogs on site and nine more counts of animal cruelty were added to the charge. The local sheriff stated that some of the dogs had “sores and cuts” and one had a tumor. Let this record show that Great Danes commonly have elbow and rear leg calluses due to their size and weight.
North Carolina director of The Humane Society Of The U.S., Kim Alboum said "The emotional damage that these dogs have endured is heartbreaking. We are confident that in the right hands, their medical conditions will begin to heal as well as their broken spirits.”
In an ironic observation, Sheriff Woodard said that Williams would have to reimburse the Humane Society for all veterinary expenses.
The Great Dane Rescue Alliance filed suit against Williams, asking the judge to terminate the couple’s ownership. The rescue group accused Williams of running a puppy mill whereupon Williams’ attorney sued them for slander and won settlement but that does not stop the efforts of such groups to stop all breeding.
The Humane Society of The U.S. (HSUS) offers rewards of up to $5,000 to those who provide information leading to animal cruelty convictions. covered the TX Bounty Hunter Bill in 2012 {1}.
Sheila Kessler, an Animal Litigation Attorney of Animal Legal Resources, LLC. says it best. “Our heartfelt condolences go out to Cindy Williams. Her husband, Joseph, tormented by events after an illegal raid and seizure of their Great Danes from their breeding kennel, took his life and the life of his young son in an apparent murder/suicide. While there is no excuse for taking the life of a child, according to his attorney, this murder/suicide is directly related to the despair Mr. Williams was suffering after a very public and vicious campaign of humiliation, terror and financial ruin against him and his family.
“Individuals and groups fail to recognize the human toll and suffering caused by an almost fervent adherence to an ideology that often lacks supportive factual evidence. The public attacks, emotional and financial abuse this family suffered at the hands the animal rights converts who appear to have a collective form of a messiah complex, is unquestionably human abuse.
“Who gets to decide that it is completely acceptable to abuse one species over another? When will we stop to think about how this almost religious effort to stop animals suffering actually may do the opposite? When does it become right to engage in a public campaign to emotionally abuse another human being? When did two wrongs ever make a right?
“I have represented a number of very good, honorable people who love and adequately care for their dogs, but because they have more than one or two and don’t necessarily treat them like human children, they are ostracized and publically humiliated and abused. Even after courts determine there is no evidence of abuse or neglect of the animals, their names and photographs are posted on websites where they are called public enemies and animal abusers when often the animals in question are healthy and well cared for.
“Public bullying is not only the purview of immature adolescents, but also is done by groups of individuals who feel they are above common decency and the law they not only have the right but obligation to bully others based on false allegations and rumors and confidential informants who remain in the shadows. The constant pressure of the victims of this public outcry and abuse is always difficult on those who suffer from it and in the case of the Williams, fatal.
“Mr. Williams contacted us last year shortly after these raids. He described how devastated his son was after the police took his pet dog and how worried he was about his wife Cindy. God Speed Joseph and Bobby. And our deepest and sincere condolences to you Cindy."
See below for more information about the profitable trend of animal shelters and humane groups confiscating {2} purebred animal and selling them.
{1} Bounty Hunter Reward & Legal Home Invasion {2} Rescue Raids, The Confiscation Racket 130816081712
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