Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, Hurricane Ian hero, stopped a bill that would protect puppy mill sales but here is what you really need to know about him.
Barbara "BJ" Andrews, Editor-In-Chief, SAAB Update April 2024
Subscribers filled our inbox with questions about the Florida “puppy mill bill” with dog owners wanting to know “does this bill help or hurt puppy mills?”
The Sun Sentinel newspaper said “Under SB 620, pet stores like Petland could sue a city that tried to ban puppy mill dog sales.” and opined that “DeSantis' veto pen should derail legislation that puts the profits of special interests ahead of the welfare of animals.”
So what about this guy? Elected in 2019 as the 46th governor of Florida, there is high speculation that Ron DeSantis will run for president, so www.TheDogPress.com did some background research. His achievements are compelling.
DeSantis flunked on owning a dog but in June he signed a bill that sets up care for the Retired Police Dogs program. He and his wife Jill Casey DeSantis (former news and TV show host) both have heavy travel schedules so that may preclude house pets but if you care about dogs and the environment, he’s your guy.
I was born and raised in St. Petersburg, so DeSantis caught my attention as I watched as him “do” for Floridians, rich and poor, without regard to race or politics. You saw what Hurricane Ian did to “trailer parks” but what you probably don’t know is this…
In Florida, lavishly landscaped and carefully maintained “mobile” home parks are popular with wealthy retirees who prefer them to condos. They like grass under their feet, sunshine on their shoulders, “down to earth” entertaining and proximity to their neighbors.
So does the DeSantis family. The Governor wants $2.5 billion for Everglades restoration and protecting Florida’s coastlines against off-shore drilling.
If you don’t know about the Everglades, see link below! It is a naturally preserved tropical 4,000 square mile swamp, an ecosystem unto itself, where otherwise threatened species are naturally preserved. There’s nothing else like it in North America and significantly, the Everglades is home to many species that would otherwise be extinct.
DeSantis has successfully fought off fracking and off-shore drilling. You know what it does to ocean mammals (whales and porpoise) as well as fish and other sea life.
On the health front, Florida was the first state in the nation to begin vaccinating residents of long-term care facilities. As a “retirement” state Florida attracts a huge population of senior citizens. Governor DeSantis recognized their vulnerability, both physical and financial, so he protectively prioritized them.
Native Floridians love Ronald Dion DeSantis. Born in Jacksonville on September 14, 1978, he grew up in the then-small beach-town of Dunedin.
As a young adult, he worked his way through Yale University where he captained the varsity baseball team and graduated with honors. DeSantis then attended Harvard Law School and earned a commission in the U.S. Navy as a JAG officer.
He supported operations at the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba and deployed to Iraq as an adviser to a U.S. Navy SEAL commander in support of the SEAL mission in Fallujah.
When he came home to Florida, he again served the people, representing Florida's 6th district in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2013 to 2018 and in 2019 Ron DeSantis became the 46th governor of Florida.
Education is paramount to our nation’s future so his interest and “investments in Florida’s Education System” caught my attention. From pay raises for teachers to school choice, DeSantis has excelled. When the pandemic hit, he had 32,000 laptops sent to school districts to help Florida’s students transition to distance learning.
We predict you will be hearing a lot more about Florida Governor DeSantis but we wanted to give you a more personal slant. The question on many minds is “Will he run for president?” Imagine a kid-loving, senior citizen protector who cares about our health, our country, the foods we eat! TheDogPress.com EST 2002 © Oct. 2022 rev2404 https://www.thedogpress.com/editorials/governor-protects-animals-b22A1003.asp SSI
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