Donkeys were domesticated over 5,000 years ago in East Africa where they shared work and grazing rights with elephants but canine history is unknown.
December 30, 2024
We know that dogs instinctively protect us and the presence of elephants assured the little equine protection from predators and if claims of donkey intelligence are accurate, the donkey probably planned it that way!
To clarify terminology; donkey, ass, or jackass refers to the male, whereas a jenny is a female donkey.
Donkeys are not as intelligent as elephants, as fast as horses nor as protective as dogs but they tame easily and seem to have an affinity for humans. In fact, the little donkey literally “moved” mankind into the modern world.
In mountainous terrain or primitive jungles, dogs and donkeys are still undisputed as the ultimate multi-tasker animal. I hear you thinking “horses” and of course, you are right but drop the reins and unless taught to be “ground-tied” the horse will graze itself gone whereas the donkey or dog will patiently wait.
That is just one reason dogs and donkeys are still in service to humans around the globe. New York sidewalk or Egyptian sand dunes, dogs lead the list of animals serving people, followed by the donkey, horse and camel. Sadly, most other animal helpers have been outdated by automobiles, tractors and therapists.
Speaking of animal therapists… therapy dogs have proved their uncanny abilities in mental and emotional support, followed by horses, cats, bunnies and birds, especially parrots which talk back to us!
So, although no one knows where dogs came from, they hold the title of “first animal to be domesticated” at a time before time was recorded. Archeological studies indicate that dogs were serving humans more than 15,000 years ago, ahead of the donkey by 10,000 years. And while we credit the elephant and horse for transporting us best, the dog gets credit for doing so the most willingly. Wagon or sled, dogs move us. And significantly, although the highest marks on animal intelligence are accorded to elephants and monkeys, only dogs choose to serve humans. Can you imagine forcing an elephant to work?!! Or expecting a monkey to perform without treats?
WHY dogs and donkeys willingly subject themselves to life as ‘beasts of burden’ despite being cruelly treated by humans remains a mystery.
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