You build a winning bloodline only to see it diminished by those who would stop ear cropping or tail docking even though the Breed Standard requires or describes it.
March 12, 2019 Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member
How ironic that some animal lovers actually think they are protecting animals by campaigning against the centuries of tradition that have insured the very existence of purebred dogs. Can they not see that Animal Rights activists have turned many horse breeds into only vague memories or the pride of wealthy breed preservationists? Budweiser brewery honors and preserves the magnificent Clydesdales but other draft breeds that founded our country and pulled our artillery wagons are nearly extinct.
Saint Bernard dogs no longer rescue people. Mastiffs, Great Danes and other "giant" breeds survive because (we increasingly need home protection) and because breeders are motivated to show them off. Thankfully, there are still wonderful owners devoted to the giant breeds. Like draft horses, giant breeds can be replaced by technology or machines, but does that mean they should disappear? Automobiles replaced the horse and tractors do the work once done by mules but thankfully, equine breeders preserved them.
Imported European dogs will not be cropped or docked because breeders in those countries
I have close dog-friends in Europe. They were our staunch allies through two world wars but today those fearless upstanding people are crushed by political pressure masquerading as “animal” rights??!!? Inconceivable but true.
There is nothing in the AKC charter or bylaws nor has any legal precedent been set decreeing that a long-tailed or drop-eared dog MUST be eligible to be shown and potentially awarded in contradiction to the AKC Breed Standard. To the contrary, those "natural" dogs would and should be disqualified or be ineligible for awards under a breed standard that specifies docked tails or cropped ears.
Political activists hiding behind the noble sounding “animal rights” moniker proclaim cropping and docking is cruel. Showing their ignorance, they ignore the health benefits, especially in hunting and field breeds.
There Are 62 AKC Docked Breeds And Over 20 Breeds With Cropped Ears
All of that is true whether mutts or purebred so think about what some "dog fanciers" are bowing down to. We buy a car because the style and size suits our needs. We buy a Lamborghini that will never see a race course because we love the look and the statement it makes. That is our “right” as free Americans.
Breed Standards define the particular, predictable qualities that enabled dogs to protect our livestock, to put food on the table, to keep robbers at bay, and most of all, to listen to us, and to give tangible love and support without regard to our social status or even to our ability to care for them.
Purebreds Are Predictable. That is exactly why Breed Standards exist and why we must preserve them and our right to crop, dock, or chose the car that suits our fancy... EST 2002 © March 2019 SSI
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