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67-year old dog owner John Hickey was walking his 14 year old dog Alice when he was attacked in broad daylight and his little dog killed but it gets worse!


October 6, 2021

Barbara "BJ" Andrews, SAAB Member



It was cool and windy in Seattle so Hickey was wearing a light coat as he walked his little dog. They were blocks away from a “homeless camp” but a disheveled stranger stepped in front of Hickey and demanded his coat.


The elderly dog owner said “No, go away” and turned around to go back towards his home. The bum grabbed Hickey from behind and attempted to pull the overcoat off. Hickey struggled and managed to use his pepper spray.


He hurried away but his aim must have been bad because the bum caught up and “kicked his little dog so hard she flew into the air.


The attacker ran away as Hickey kneeled down to cradle his beloved dog. Little Alice was his constant companion and although not legally classified as an assistance dog, she was his emotional support. Hickey collapsed on the sidewalk when he realized his little dog was dead…



Neighbors called the police who quickly found and arrested the robber. was told the dog killer was “familiar to police.” He was booked for assault and animal cruelty but “almost immediately released from jail.


The Seattle police department is down to the lowest-ever staff since 1980. All across America, police protection is at the lowest mark since our first police force was established in 1751 Philadelphia.


As 2021 draws to a close, America, the planet’s richest nation in GDP (Gross Domestic Product), has underfunded police unable to protect you from those who would rob, rape, or kill you. The crime rate is so bad that you have over-worked judges and over-capacity jail systems which are forced to turn criminals lose to prey on the next person!



We build luxury skyscrapers but we can’t build jails!


Consequently, assaults and the subsequent “let go” of criminals is skyrocketing from coast to coast. The result is that police are taking early retirement and taxpaying Americans are going into debt trying to burglar-proof their home. And yes, demand for trained “guard dogs” is the highest since the Los Angeles riots in 1992.


More to the point, respect for law enforcement is at the lowest point since police protection was first established.


Many subscribers say they are “trapped” in what used to be peaceful neighborhoods. We’ve had reports from owners on both coasts who say they are afraid to “walk the dog” after dark.


From Maryland to California, stiffer state “gun laws” have made it difficult to buy a handgun to protect the family. One retired military officer said “I had to give up every shred of privacy to buy a pistol.” Two Insider Subscribers, one in Maine, the other in Arizona, reported having to pay “double the price” for a handgun. © Oct 2021



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