YOU were the "Who’s Who" at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show and here's what some of our top subscribers had to say about the thrill of Madison Square Garden!
Even though a lot has changed at Westminster like being able to show class dogs now and the addition of The Piers show rings, it hasn't diminished the glitz, glamour, and the thrill of walking into the finals, the "big ring" on Madison Avenue!
How Long Have You Exhibited or Judged? 82% of you have been in dogs for over 20 years and 18% over 10 years. Only 1% who answered have been in dogs under 10 years.
Which Breed(s) Are You Most Associated With? Out of the 77 Breeds listed, the most popular breed listed was the Chow Chow, followed by the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Doberman Pinscher, German Shepherd Dog and the Giant Schnauzer.
Our next survey question was What part you play in the Dog Fancy? 94% of you are Owner-Handlers, 9% Judges and 6% Pro-Handlers
Are You Exhibiting At 2019 Westminster? 19% were exhibiting at Westminster while 81% said they were not going.
How many class dogs or champions will you exhibit? It was 50% Champion Dogs and 49% Class Dogs.
This report is the result of this Two-Part feature (Click for "Westminster KC 2019 Pre-Show Who's Who Survey".
NetPlaces Network thanks everyone who did the Who's Who Survey, especially the following who provided extra detail. Names are listed according to signer's stated preference: Ric Silver, MW Becky, Carlos Travieso, L.Morris, Karen J Clausing, Karen Tracy, Patricia Staub, Wendi Napieraj, Pat Martin, Lynne, Robert, Paul DeMarco, Wendy Ball, Irwin Linker, JayDee's Proud K911, Patricia Baker, Neva K, Dorothy Newkirk, Sally, Deborah Barrett, Alta, Bruin Newfoundlands, C Rogers, Giant Schnauzer, Jolyn Rebecca Snider, Betty, Caroline Hair, Constance Nelson, Marsha, Nancy Winton, Irish Wolfhound, M. Parker, Megan Thompson, Carol, Candy Roper, Michael Lamp, M Rosa, A.Z., Peggy Urton, Edy Dykstra-Blum, Meg Peifer, Lisa Nonog, Jim Sfler, Robert Geddes, AnnMarie Saunier, Vickie Haywood, Mary P, Gail Ferguson, Chris, Donna M, Ellen M Hilgers, Linda, CJ, Teri Kavakos, Darleen Wheelington, Dianimal, George L Boyce, J Varner, Stacy Miller, Dixie Howell-Hirsch, Sonya Baird, Kay McLeland, Tracey, S Sukupolvi, Jo Anne Mittelman, Kay, Janene Borini, Janine Starink, Paula Cooke, Nancy E Christensen, Penny King, Tam, Timothy Brubaker, Pam, Laura Gilchrist, N.K.
Be sure to send the "results" to friends and/or share on facebook. You can always reference Westminster KC 2019 Preview for past information. Stay tuned for next year's Westminster Dog Show pre-event information. Copyright ? 1904
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