Proven collusion between AKC, USDA and the world's largest puppy mill, black market blue slips, AKC’s Petland contract, your tax dollars loaned to Hunt Corp. and…
In 1991, Andrew Hunte incorporated his mass production dog breeding business in order to provide dog brokers and pet shops ... "with the happiest, healthiest purebred and designer hybrid puppies available."
At the same time we are told that ii USDA Is Stretched Too Thin to be able to inspect Puppy Mills!!! This may or may not reflect a cozy relationship between Hunte Corporation and the USDA.
2001 The Secret Hunte/AKC Meeting {Ref #1 *Insider} reveals a lot more than a scheduled Missouri meeting between Hunte Corp, The World’s Largest Puppy Mill and AKC, The World’s Largest Dog Registry.
2002, ii AKC Announces the High Volume Breeder (HVB) Committee. The HVB committee's job appears to have been nothing more than to justify the puppy mill registrations. AKC has always depended on that income and the elite committee did a good job in preparing “responsible” breeders for the already-in-the-works Petland Contract. The High Volume Breeders Committee produced glowing reports on the “wonderful facilities” and “modern methods” employed by "commercial breeders."
The AKC Committee, chaired by AKC Board Member Patti Strand, went diligently about their assigned task which was as we see it, to wash the dirt off puppy mills, polish up the concept and convince the dog fancy that it really needed “high volume” breeders because WE could not meet the public demand for high quality puppies. see ii The Good Breeder Myth.
High Volume Breeder Committee members enthused about the Hunte operations in the dog magazines, at kennel clubs and dog shows across the country. "Lets Support The Puppy Mills"{Ref #2} describes All Breed Judge Denny Kodner’s praise for Hunte’s facilities and practices.
AKC Board member Patti Strand, creator of National Animal Interest Alliance (NAIA), lost many supporters as chairperson of the High Volume Breeder Committee, i.e. HVBC. Not to worry, NAIA has so far received at least $50,000 in contributions from AKC. By coincidence...things went quiet on the Hunte Corporation investigation and the concern about puppy mills died down for a few years.
2006 AKC Board Minutes reveal AKC sold us out to Petland Pet Shops Pet{Ref #3} which resulted in short-lived Delegate outrage. (AKC delegates know their place.) Perhaps we should mention that AKC’s Contract with the Petland Pet Shop {Ref #4} chain of stores vastly profited the Hunte Corp which by then was contracted to supply the majority of Petland produce.
Andrew Hunte and his puppy-producing retail distribution network continued to grow and prosper. Even so, loss of show breeders and the desertion of other puppy mills who formed their own registry brought a precipitous drop in registrations. AKC registrations went from over 1,500,000 in 1992 to less than half that (only 870,192) by 2006. Contrary to AKC claims, “the economy” was booming in 2006.
But there was a quick recovery when the American Kennel Club launched a marketing campaign and it is believed, retaliation about gossipers. TheDogPress was in no way affected but serious show campaigners shut up about Andrew Hunte and AKC’s treacherous alliance with the puppy mills. The subject became taboo.
Dog publications feared retaliation and breeders feared AKC’s Investigations and Inspections. Everyone except shrugged their shoulders about Petland and Hunte and went silent.
The former operator of DoBoTri Kennels registered dogs with AKC before he went to work for Hunte Corp. What was interesting was that we could find no record that AKC ever suspended Hughes for those multiple cruelty convictions.
Also in 2008 we revealed that AKC Registers Unregistered Dogs {Ref #6} in a clever move to regain the puppy mills market - and all those paperless pets?
And in 2009 the fancy didn’t bat an eye about the ii multiple lawsuits filed against Petland, Inc, Hunte Kennel Systems, and Hunte Delivery Systems, Inc. The dog magazines stayed mum about the lawsuits but Projects and other sources tracked Hunte and Petland.
There was also AKC Registry Redacted{Ref #7}10 questions sent to AKC re new registration rules and procedures. Of course AKC didn't did not respond but readers certainly did!
There is little doubt that Hunte's massive trucking distribution to the Petland pet shop chain contributed to the AKC's 2009 development of the pet shop puppy inventory software program called PRIME.
By 2010, it had all come together. The long love affair between the world’s largest puppy producing facility and the world’s largest registry was exposed when broke the Insider story on AKC Puppy Mill PRIME Software and PRIME For Inventory And Registration Software. Your increase in registration fees paid for that.
As a columnist for the Canine Chronicle, I covered The Hershey Case, revealing that AKC had known about the “black market in blue slips” for decades. AKC is aware of but apparently powerless to prevent registration fraud, as is reported in "Intentional FTC Consumer Fraud" (no longer available) released by which was also shut down...
We owe it all to Hunte Corp, the world's largest puppy mill marketer. Perhaps we should also give some crumbs of credit to the American Kennel Club, the world's largest dog registry. And let's not forget Petland Pet Shops which became an international marketer of "AKC Registered" puppies.
Reference and Related Information: {1} Hunte/AKC Meeting (Insiders Only) {2} Puppy Mill Support {3} AKC Sold Out to Petland
{4} AKC's Petland Contract {5} Hunte-AKC Alliance {6} AKC Registers Unregistered Dogs
{7} AKC Registry Redacted plus a concise summary of Petland & AKC History Copyright ? 11011561810
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